Anyone have a Sedu and here that crinkling sound when they flat iron


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I purchased a Sedu no too long ago and every time I flat iron my hair I hear a crinkling or a crackling sound. It doesn't sound like it is sizzling, but I haven't heard this sound with any other flat iron I have used. I am hoping it is because of the smooth plates straightening out my hair but I don't know. I am hoping (praying) :look: one of you ladies has experienced the same thing with your Sedu and can give me some insight.

There's not supposed to be any crinkling sounds; I think that means either your hair wasn't combed out enough; Do you use the comb chase method? or you may have split ends
Thanks for responding!

Well I do blow dry it out before I flat iron, and even after I flat iron it once, and run through it again it still makes that sound. I just got a trim so I dont think split ends should be a problem. Also to note that even if I turn it down to its lowest setting about 280 degrees, it still makes that sound which is why I dont think its burning.
Thanks Ladies,

I purchased it from Ulta and I called them and they said I can exchange it. So hopefully the next one wont have this issue or I'll find out that its just my hair :|. Thank you all for responding so quickly!!!
Thanks Ladies,

I purchased it from Ulta and I called them and they said I can exchange it. So hopefully the next one wont have this issue or I'll find out that its just my hair :|. Thank you all for responding so quickly!!!

I would say run a piece of tissue or cotton fabric that u don't care about thru it. If it still makes that sound, then it is something going on with the floating ceramic plates mechinism and should be returned.