Anyone have a mix of stands sizes?


Well-Known Member
Okay so I did something totally weird. I work with individual clients at my job. I had an Asian client the other day and when she left I noticed she left a long strand of hair behind. All I could think was "Jackpot!!" So of course I had to inspected it. I am not too famalir with strand density but it appeared to be normal. It was not fine but not overly coarse.

Anyway, I searched my hair for a shed hair and held the 2 up to one another and to my shock my strand was actually thicker. I thought "this must be some weird deformed strand." So I went in search of all the shed hairs I could find and I actually had a mix. Some strands were finer and shorter (I assume they came from my nape or hair line)which was the minority. The rest were about the same as hers or thicker.

I always knew you could have different textured but not different strand sizes. Anyone else notice this?
I noticed this. I used to think it was leftover weave :look:, but then I remind myself that I haven't worn weave or extensions in over a year.

I have fine hair, but sometimes I touch my head and feel a coarse strand. It's coming from my scalp so I know it's mine... I've always figured that my protein treatments are helping my hair "thicken" up, but this different strand size is a more plausible theory.
YES! Before I paid my hair any attention I had hairs I assumed were lint as they were so fine. Yes I have a mix too.
I have definitely noticed this!

I started really inspecting my shed hairs a few months ago and I noticed that the majority of my strands are medium to slightly thin. I occasionally find some that are noticeably thicker, and more often I find some that are really, really fine! I mean I have found some that are so fine that you almost can't see them!

I am thinking that these thin, wispy strands are coming from the back of my hair where the hair has a silkier feel to it. This area is also easier to detangle, but on the downside, it was also the area that was most prone to breakage when I was relaxed. Now I believe it's because the hair was more fragile and sensitive to the harsh chemicals. :yep:
I have a mix of fine, medium & thick strands. Most are medium though. I wished they were more thick.
I haven't noticed it, but I will definitely look out for the different strands from now on...
:lachen:at the fact that you actually took her strand to compare it!
Actually, in my case, I haven't noticed a difference. All of my hair seems to be fine. :perplexed
I have a mix of medium and fine strands too! I even found one or two really thick sturdy ones. I thought I just had fine hair, but I might have more medium strands than fine. I really wish there were pics somewhere of what fine, medium and thick strands look like!
Yup!!! I have really really fine strands in the back, courser strands in the crown, and medium strands in the front... or at least this is the pattern that I THINK I've found...
YES! I thought I was the only one or that I was lying to myself. Most of my hair is thick but I'll find fine strands when I shead.
Im a 4a, but Ive noticed a few areas along my nape that are more like 3a'ish b these strands appear thinner/finer than the rest of my hair :shrug:
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I don't have any fine strands of hair at all. If I do they are hiding really well. Most of mine are medium and maybe a few thick sprinkled around.
:lachen:at the fact that you actually took her strand to compare it!
Actually, in my case, I haven't noticed a difference. All of my hair seems to be fine. :perplexed

I know right! My SO says I have an addiction. I wonder where he would get that idea. :spinning: