Anyone have a dryer like this one at home?

Thanks, I am trying to figure out if I can use this one at home. The ones like these in the salon seem to work really well!
Two of my friends have that kind of dryer and they always complain about their electric bill, but besides that they say it works well.
Nice & Wavy, do you know what brand you have? Also, is your on wheels or just standing alone. I want to buy it as is but I am wondering if I can use it this way at home.
I have this dryer and it works very well. I haven't notice a change in my electric bill at all. In fact, I live in an older home and my tabletop dryer would sometimes blow the the fuse, this has not happen at all with this dryer.

I didn't get the wheels because of limited space. So I place it on a box for height and when I'm finished I take the hood off and store the hood and dryer in the original box that I hide in a corner.

The brand I have is Venus. Hope this helps.
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I have an older model type like this that I bought from a girl that was closing her salon down and I love it. It is soo convenient.
Ok, thanks a bunch ladies. I ordered it with the wheels from Sallys. I was having buyer's remorse but reading your responses made me feel better.