Anyone grow hair without hiding it?

do you have to hide hair to grow it?

  • yes, absolutely

    Votes: 37 18.6%
  • no,it's not mandatory if you exercise proper haircair & regimens

    Votes: 65 32.7%
  • sometimes, the hair doesn't have to be hidden all the time

    Votes: 62 31.2%
  • no, not neccessary at all.

    Votes: 35 17.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
I've been wondering about this. Since joining LHCF I've noticed most topics of hair growth include "hiding" the hair/protective styles. Is it possible to grow hair long(er) without having to hide it all the time? Doesn't hiding the hair defeat the purpose of having hair?

My hair is short based on LHCF standards and I want to grow it out longer but I don't neccessarily want to wear braids, weaves, wigs or buns all the time. Is it possible to grow my hair without having to do all of that? Especially if I am cowashing/dc'ing often and refraining from using direct heat??

I really want to know because if i HAVE to hide my hair to get growth, I will- but I would really like to be able to wear my hair out sometimes.

Thanks for your input, I appreciate it.
I know there are some who can grow with rollersets and wearing it out. When my hair was shorter I wore really curly roller sets. My hair didn't touch my shoulders. Now that it's getting longer, I wear buns. I have really fine hair and it's really delicate.
Yeah. I wanna know this, too! I know it's a sacrifice to hide or resort to protective styling. But I don't look good with my hair pulled up. I'd rather it be hanging down. On the other hand, I worked so hard to get to BSL and I still have goals.
Sylver2 is one to mention her hair is waist length and she wears it out every day. I don't hide my hair anymore because of her inspiration. However, I will still wear braids sometimes though.
It's definitely possible to retain length while wearing your hair out if your hair is healthy. I think everything should be done in moderation so I don't always wear my hair out nor do I always wear it in a protective style.

I think your hair texture/characteristics also play a part as well. Some people have hair that is so delicate that they can't wear it out/down at all without breakage. Other people's hair can withstand a tornado with no problems. Just be sure your hair can take wearing it out.
I'm sure the pros will weigh in on this, but here are my initial thoughts:

First, some of this may depend on hair type. Finer hair may need more protection, coarser hair may need less. The amount of "weathering" that hair naturally experiences may also play a role in it, how much your hair gets naturally dried out by the elements. The ends, being the oldest hair on your head, have had more exposure to the elements than the rest of your strands, making them more susceptible to weathering.

For me, being natural with some serious shrinkage means I might not need to PS as much as I try to, since my hair shrinks to EL anyway. However, leaving my hair out means I have to engage in more manipulation, which I'm also trying to avoid. I think, for most of us here, PS means that we can achieve our goals faster, because not manipulating our strands hopefully means we can retain more of our length, thus reaching our goals sooner.

That said, I do agree that I wouldn't want to take all the trouble of doing that just to hide my hair! Many here say that they actually prefer the PS at some point, that it's easier to work with. I like to play with my hair, so when I reach my goal I'll probably let my hair out more in the summer and keep it up in the winter. Right now I PS around 80% of the time. I also know some women here have had setbacks from wanting to have their hair out too much, and have had to trim the hair again, which would be SO frustrating.

Sorry for the long rambling post, but those are my first thoughts. Now, I'll just sit back and let the experts tell the tale!
i do. i never had to do ps styles to see progress in my hair. besides, i'm a simple hair girl and i just feel too lazy to really try a ps. i want to try kinky twists but who knows..
I'm growing my hair out successfully without constant protective styling. I decided to enjoy my hair, life's too short and I have other things to worry about. My hair care is on point though, and my hair is also very healthy. It's a fine 4a texture, and relaxed, but common sense has saved me. I wear my hair down most of the time and do up do's when I feel like it. I mostly like to flat iron (which I try to limit to no more than 1-2x a week after a DC), and other times I just do braidouts now that I know how to make them come out fabulous (thanks to the advice of ladies here).

My only culprit in growing my hair has been trimming and my obsession with thick hair. Now that I've stopped that, I'm retaining even more length.
I'm sure the pros will weigh in on this, but here are my initial thoughts:

First, some of this may depend on hair type. Finer hair may need more protection, coarser hair may need less. The amount of "weathering" that hair naturally experiences may also play a role in it, how much your hair gets naturally dried out by the elements. The ends, being the oldest hair on your head, have had more exposure to the elements than the rest of your strands, making them more susceptible to weathering.

For me, being natural with some serious shrinkage means I might not need to PS as much as I try to, since my hair shrinks to EL anyway. However, leaving my hair out means I have to engage in more manipulation, which I'm also trying to avoid. I think, for most of us here, PS means that we can achieve our goals faster, because not manipulating our strands hopefully means we can retain more of our length, thus reaching our goals sooner.

That said, I do agree that I wouldn't want to take all the trouble of doing that just to hide my hair! Many here say that they actually prefer the PS at some point, that it's easier to work with. I like to play with my hair, so when I reach my goal I'll probably let my hair out more in the summer and keep it up in the winter. Right now I PS around 80% of the time. I also know some women here have had setbacks from wanting to have their hair out too much, and have had to trim the hair again, which would be SO frustrating.

Sorry for the long rambling post, but those are my first thoughts. Now, I'll just sit back and let the experts tell the tale!

I totally agree with this. I have very fine hair, though it's getting thicker and fuller. It's much harder with fine hair because I had many setbacks wearing buns all the time. I found that buns could break and weaken my hair just as much as heat or wearing it down. My goal was to figure out what was the best approach for my hair. I learned that I needed to change it up often. Therefore I wear it in buns twice a week; I may wear an sweep-up twice a week; and I may wear it down and out twice a week. I'm learning that I need to switch it up and not wear one style consistently. Even if I wear it down two or three times a week, I change the style because wearing it one way all the time did more damage than not.

I also learned that I had to find a happy medium when it comes to stretching. I stretched for 6 months and my hair turned out worse than was worth it. I'm learning that I cannot stretch longer than 4 or 5 months at a time. Well, at least not until my hair gets thicker and healthier. Healthier hair may be able to withstand heat and wearing it out often. My hair is healthy and fuller, but it hasn't gotten to where I want it yet.

Keeping things simple is working well, too!
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It's definitely possible to retain length while wearing your hair out if your hair is healthy. I think everything should be done in moderation so I don't always wear my hair out nor do I always wear it in a protective style.

I think your hair texture/characteristics also play a part as well. Some people have hair that is so delicate that they can't wear it out/down at all without breakage. Other people's hair can withstand a tornado with no problems. Just be sure your hair can take wearing it out.

ITA. So, when you say texture you mean a thicker/courser hair texture would probably retain length w/out ps'ing vs a thinner hair texture? That makes sense.

I'm sure the pros will weigh in on this, but here are my initial thoughts:

First, some of this may depend on hair type. Finer hair may need more protection, coarser hair may need less. The amount of "weathering" that hair naturally experiences may also play a role in it, how much your hair gets naturally dried out by the elements. The ends, being the oldest hair on your head, have had more exposure to the elements than the rest of your strands, making them more susceptible to weathering.

For me, being natural with some serious shrinkage means I might not need to PS as much as I try to, since my hair shrinks to EL anyway. However, leaving my hair out means I have to engage in more manipulation, which I'm also trying to avoid. I think, for most of us here, PS means that we can achieve our goals faster, because not manipulating our strands hopefully means we can retain more of our length, thus reaching our goals sooner.

That said, I do agree that I wouldn't want to take all the trouble of doing that just to hide my hair! Many here say that they actually prefer the PS at some point, that it's easier to work with. I like to play with my hair, so when I reach my goal I'll probably let my hair out more in the summer and keep it up in the winter. Right now I PS around 80% of the time. I also know some women here have had setbacks from wanting to have their hair out too much, and have had to trim the hair again, which would be SO frustrating.

Sorry for the long rambling post, but those are my first thoughts. Now, I'll just sit back and let the experts tell the tale!

I don't think you were rambling at all & what you said makes a lot of sense and I may PS for work and let me hair out to play on the weekends, because like you - I like wearing my hair out. With all the effort I've put into maintaining it and making it healthy, it's nice to let it show. But, on the other hand, I don't want to sacrifice the health of my hair and I want to retain length. so, I guess it would be better to be safe than sorry. I think my hair can handle it, but it's not worth the risk at this point.
I'm growing my hair out successfully without constant protective styling. I decided to enjoy my hair, life's too short and I have other things to worry about. My hair care is on point though, and my hair is also very healthy. It's a fine 4a texture, and relaxed, but common sense has saved me. I wear my hair down most of the time and do up do's when I feel like it. I mostly like to flat iron (which I try to limit to no more than 1-2x a week after a DC), and other times I just do braidouts now that I know how to make them come out fabulous (thanks to the advice of ladies here).

My only culprit in growing my hair has been trimming and my obsession with thick hair. Now that I've stopped that, I'm retaining even more length.

and, you have beautiful hair!!! I especially love the bolded. And as for the words in purple, that makes so much sense- you do what you have to do to have healthy hair without neccessarily obsesssing about it, a happy medium.
ITA. So, when you say texture you mean a thicker/courser hair texture would probably retain length w/out ps'ing vs a thinner hair texture? That makes sense.

Yeah I think people with thicker individual strands of hair may find it easier to wear their hair out without lots of breakage while others with thinner individual strands may have more issues. I also think that if your hair gets dried out easily then wearing your hair out/down may be an issue as well.

But, IMO, even if you have super fine or dry hair as long as it's healthy wearing it down shouldn't be a problem. Healthy hair shouldn't be so fragile that wearing it down will cause a huge setback.
I wear my hair down every day and grew out a whole head full of damaged hair out. I didn't have any set backs from doing so.
I agree with you OP. I'm a new natural (3 months) and I transitioned wearing my hair out. I flatironed about once every 2 weeks also. I mostly did rollersets to get some curl in my hair. The two textures thing was tough so I did the bc after 7 months. I have about 4 inches right now and there are a few straighter parts but I just cut those off. I don't llike weave and I will never wear it so that was my only option. At first I THOUGHT HIDING MY HAIR WAS THE ONLY WAY BUT IT ISNT!
I don't think you HAVE to, i've never wear a protective style (most of the time i had ponytail or down) and i was WL NL, BSL when i was relaxed (now is short and natural) ... what you have to do is to keep your hair healthy (you will know what your hair loves).

I perosonally sewed my hair once, and it was weak and star falling out, so i personally don't like it.
I never hide my hair unless it's a humid, rainy day. I love to show my hair I feel it's my asset lol! and it still grows the same, even when I stretch I wear my hair out.

I just keep doing what i've been doing for years wash, condition and deep condition when I remember, i'm actually getting better with the deep conditioning copying you ladies on here :), and trims when I need it.
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I believe it is very possible to grow hair without hiding it under wigs, weaves, in extensions, etc.

I haven't hidden my hair once since I started my hair journey 2 years ago... I do protective styles though but not really buns, I pin up my hair, so there's hardly any tension on my hairline or on the area wherre the hair is pinned up. I'm not sure if you can class braidouts and twistouts as PS too.... I do them often. I deep condition 2ce a week, moisturise twice a day, cowash 3-4 times a week... I think it's the combination of all these that has helped my hair grow and I'm able to retain length.
As someone stated earlier variety works for me as well. I wear my hair down most of the time in some kind of way:straight, curled, braidout, bantu knot, etc.
My hair doesn't seem to mind. It still grows.
Oh, I do however where more updo's and buns during the 3rd to 4th month post relaxer due more to it's easier to manage than attempting to blow dry and flatiron hair with excessive newgrowth.
But I may begin to wear more buns as my hair gets longer since I have been seeing a lot of cute ideas. :)
I can grow my hair just fine to a certain length with no protective styling at all. I guess that length is around apl. The longer it gets, the more prone it is to tangling, and tangling is the main cause of my breakage.
I hide my hair with a bun when my ends are out of control :perplexed, then I would bun and baggy every night until my next wash. Majority of the time, I wear my hair out. :yep:

Need I mention, I now sleep in a baggy every night and wear my hair out during the day. My ends love it...!!! :lick:
I don't think it defeats the purpose of having hair. I believe it is just one means to reach your hair goal(s). At which point, one can wear their hair out. With that said, I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone here who keeps their hair hidden 24/7 365 days a year.

Although I try to protective style most of the year, there are times where I do enjoy my hair without braids etc. The thing is for me though that after my hair moved out of TWA stage, any time it has been loose manipulation increases and that leads to less retention for me (although I'm now looking into ways to stop this happening). I suspect that when I can fit my hair into a bun (can't do that now at APL), I will stop using braids/twists with extensions added to hide my hair. Right now, I'd rather hide it so that it reaches goal in the quickest time possible.
I've never hidden my hair. In fact I never heard of protective styling until I found hair forums a couple years ago. My hair length falls from Shoulder Length to Tailbone Length. Depending on how aggraavated or bored of it I am at the time.

ETA: Doesn't matter if it's natural or relaxed.
I've never hidden my hair. In fact I never heard of protective styling until I found hair forums a couple years ago. My hair length falls from Shoulder Length to Tailbone Length. Depending on how aggraavated or bored of it I am at the time.

ETA: Doesn't matter if it's natural or relaxed.

Oh just keep braggin' (LOL)
I have a friend with natural waist length hair, whom I have witnessed using a strand of her hair to floss her teeth.:ohsnap:

Now someoe like that obviously does not NEED to wear protective styles for her hair to grow.:lachen:

It just depends on a lot of factors...
Oh just keep braggin' (LOL)

LOL....honestly I am just too lazy for protective styling. Plus, I am overly critical. I think my buns look like crap and I can't do an updo to save my life! I tried twist and the first two times they came out great. All of the other times....HAM!:lachen::lachen:
I'm sure the pros will weigh in on this, but here are my initial thoughts:

First, some of this may depend on hair type. Finer hair may need more protection, coarser hair may need less. The amount of "weathering" that hair naturally experiences may also play a role in it, how much your hair gets naturally dried out by the elements. The ends, being the oldest hair on your head, have had more exposure to the elements than the rest of your strands, making them more susceptible to weathering.

For me, being natural with some serious shrinkage means I might not need to PS as much as I try to, since my hair shrinks to EL anyway. However, leaving my hair out means I have to engage in more manipulation, which I'm also trying to avoid. I think, for most of us here, PS means that we can achieve our goals faster, because not manipulating our strands hopefully means we can retain more of our length, thus reaching our goals sooner.

That said, I do agree that I wouldn't want to take all the trouble of doing that just to hide my hair! Many here say that they actually prefer the PS at some point, that it's easier to work with. I like to play with my hair, so when I reach my goal I'll probably let my hair out more in the summer and keep it up in the winter. Right now I PS around 80% of the time. I also know some women here have had setbacks from wanting to have their hair out too much, and have had to trim the hair again, which would be SO frustrating.

Sorry for the long rambling post, but those are my first thoughts. Now, I'll just sit back and let the experts tell the tale!

I couldn't agree with the bolded more. I believe that the hair can be grown without hiding it, but that may lead to setbacks along the way for some of us fine-haired ladies. My fine hair is prone to tangling and breakage, no matter how much I keep it stretched or keep up with my protein-moisture balance. Daily manipulation would only make things worse.
Sure hair will grow with or without protective styling but as had been said before the ends are older and more susceptible to breakage so some ladies find that they retain better when their hair is hidden away. I personally do protective styles like braids and twists to help me when I'm stretching.