Anyone go to Hair shows, Seminars, or Product discussion thangies?


New Member
How did you find out about them, What major city was it in, and how were they?

( Im talking about:
-the ones where people are models and you see all diferent types of styles
-the ones where they show new techniques & products
-the ones where i guess they show you new products and discuss hair health with it or whatever.......and then give products away(:yep:)
My cousin just started a hair magazine/book so I just went to my first hairshow this past weekend(I'm an exec for the magazine). It was held by Bronner Brothers in Atlanta. It's open to the public and is held every six months. If anyone is in the Atlanta area in six months they should go! My cousin got two FHI flatirons, and a blowdryer (also by FHI) for guess......$99!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got black soap, shea butter, and some ORS products. Also made plans for next time.

They sell things for rediculously cheap prices and all of the brands we mention on here are there: ORS/Elucence/Elasta QP/Nairobi, you name it and they are there! Anyways, back to the topic:

There was a ton of people there, it lasts three days. Yep, they took models from people who were there. The first day there was a line of people waiting, they get their hair done for free. Everything from natural to texlaxed to relaxed. I don't know what else to say. Any questions?
My cousin just started a hair magazine/book so I just went to my first hairshow this past weekend(I'm an exec for the magazine). It was held by Bronner Brothers in Atlanta. It's open to the public and is held every six months. If anyone is in the Atlanta area in six months they should go! My cousin got two FHI flatirons, and a blowdryer (also by FHI) for guess......$99!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got black soap, shea butter, and some ORS products. Also made plans for next time.

They sell things for rediculously cheap prices and all of the brands we mention on here are there: ORS/Elucence/Elasta QP/Nairobi, you name it and they are there! Anyways, back to the topic:

There was a ton of people there, it lasts three days. Yep, they took models from people who were there. The first day there was a line of people waiting, they get their hair done for free. Everything from natural to texlaxed to relaxed. I don't know what else to say. Any questions?


Congrats to you and your cousin!!!! Once its established ( or if it is already) be sure to let us know ( or pm me) so we can read it/support it!
Nothing better than a black owned buissness

So the next one is in Febuary?

That sounds soooo fun!

Where there alot of people with long hair there?

Is there a limit of people ( once it gets to crowded you have to leave, or there are no more seats?) or is it a walk around type thing where they dont care how crowded it gets ( inside or outside)

Okay, im done. Thanks for answerign:yep:

Congrats to you and your cousin!!!! Once its established ( or if it is already) be sure to let us know ( or pm me) so we can read it/support it!
Nothing better than a black owned buissness

So the next one is in Febuary?

That sounds soooo fun!

Where there alot of people with long hair there?

Is there a limit of people ( once it gets to crowded you have to leave, or there are no more seats?) or is it a walk around type thing where they dont care how crowded it gets ( inside or outside)

Okay, im done. Thanks for answerign:yep:

I'll let you guys know. The next one is in February, I'll post exact date when I know so anyone in the area can capitalize. There were people there with all kinds of hair: short, long, weaved up, braided. People were getting two-strand twists, sew-in's, etc. put in as models. As far as people go, they never spoke of a limit and it was seriously crowded at one point. However, they do not allow children. I found the third day to be the least crowded and the best day for deals, not so much for being hair models. HTH!
I would love to go to a hairshow or conference. How do you get in the loop for these types of things?

So would I. I will be coming from london for maybe a long weekend so I have to time it right and I spose it has to be new york/chicago side. want products, samples and what might work for my hair...not too intersted in the fashion/style bit

anything in the diary for 2012?

I'm already very a london girl out ladies!!:grin:
I would love to go to one too, see all the different styles, and meet the stylist.