Anyone get to the magical land of no breakage???

I have been there. It is truly an amazingly magical place.
I am clicking my red heels hoping to get back there one day...


Yea, my tips to get there are frequent cowashes, deep condition 2x each week, and serious protective styles. Last but not least, protein moisture balance.
Follow that brick road and maybe we both will make it there one day soon...

:look: ;)
Doing Henna treatments every 3 months along with a good balance of moisture and protein for me has relatively eliminated breakage for me as a texlaxer.
If you're natural you can nix the protein most likely (it may make your breakage worse)...henna and moisture & little to no heat were key for me in kicking the breakage demon to the curb :)
I get a few strands, mostly on my demarcation line, and the relaxed part of my hair which I put through a lot abuse before my hair journey. I assume it will be a lot less when I'm completely natural. I agree with other posters that keeping breakage at a minimum is the key - the less breakage, the more length retention. What helps me is protective styling, moisture balance, low manipulation, and little to no heat. Black tea rinses help a lot too, and I'm strongly considering henna...
Hope to get to this magical land one day. My hair sheds a lot and is prone to tangles so breakage to some degree is inevitable. I just have to minimize it.
I am not at No Breakage, but I do live in a lovely area nearby called Hardly Any Breakage. :grin:

My relaxed hair broke all the time. I remember if I brushed my head against the wall in the shower, there would be broken hair stuck to the wall. Every time I styled my relaxed hair I'd have to brush my shoulders to remove the little broken pieces..and I thought this was normal.

After I went natural, I rarely find broken hairs, and I do look for them. I regularly examine the shed hair for bulbs, but I can go days without finding a single broken hair.
I am not at No Breakage, but I do live in a lovely area nearby called Hardly Any Breakage. :grin:

My relaxed hair broke all the time. I remember if I brushed my head against the wall in the shower, there would be broken hair stuck to the wall. Every time I styled my relaxed hair I'd have to brush my shoulders to remove the little broken pieces..and I thought this was normal.

After I went natural, I rarely find broken hairs, and I do look for them. I regularly examine the shed hair for bulbs, but I can go days without finding a single broken hair.
I've been looking for houses on that street. I think I might have found one too. :grin: For me it's the house on the corner of Protein Ave. and Frequent cowashing lane right off the Protective Styling 101 Hwy.
I've been looking for houses on that street. I think I might have found one too. :grin: For me it's the house on the corner of Protein Ave. and Frequent cowashing lane right off the Protective Styling 101 Hwy.

You are right! Protective Styling 101 HWY is a main thoroughfare. All my favorite destinations can be reached much faster and easier if I take that route :grin:
geejay said:
I am not at No Breakage, but I do live in a lovely area nearby called Hardly Any Breakage. :grin:

My relaxed hair broke all the time. I remember if I brushed my head against the wall in the shower, there would be broken hair stuck to the wall. Every time I styled my relaxed hair I'd have to brush my shoulders to remove the little broken pieces..and I thought this was normal.

After I went natural, I rarely find broken hairs, and I do look for them. I regularly examine the shed hair for bulbs, but I can go days without finding a single broken hair.[/QUOTEi feel like I wrote this :yep:
I was there for a while...till I started messing with the Denman Brush :pyro:... Then I caught some breakage caused by my headband not too long ago. Stopped using both, and haven't seen any problems since!
I was in that magical land when I was doing henna treatments on the regular. My hair was so strong and unbreakable.

Then I started hopping on bandwagons and doing what other people did that worked for THEIR hair. :nono:

Keywords: Stick with what works for YOU

Now I'm back to henna and doing what I know gives my hair results.
I didn't know I was in the land of no breakage until I left it! When I switched from using Aussie Moist to shea butter to moisturize my hair after I spritzed it, I started getting breakage -- little bits of hair. I was so upset. But I ALWAYS document when I change up my reggie, so I was able to pinpoint that it came from the shea butter. I immediately switched back to Aussie Moist (which I now add hemp seed oil too also) and I'm back in the land of no breakage.
By no breakage, I mean I see one to none broken hairs on my hands when I manipulate it.

COSIGN! this is what i'm talking about!

i document every step i take with my hair and now i can pinpoint when something is not working.

i do not really ever see breakage anymore. i see shed hairs. when i do see a broken hair, i go back and review my journal to see if it's time to deep condition or do a protein treatment or stop using something new i may have tried......writing this stuff down really helps alot.:grin:
Gosh, I hope you no to low breakage people write more. I occasionally vacation there, but have to leave the resort after my vacation is over. Seems like neem powder treatments cause me to have no breakage, and then when I run out of neem, in a few weeks, there it is. Of course I am not sure yet.
Garlic?? Does that help??
Ive become so afraid of my wash comb. I've convinced myself finger combing is the best alternative.
Solila Garlic is generally used for shedding. Finger combing is a good alternative (That's what I do - I bring out the comb in small doses when I'm a 6+ weeks post).