Anyone following the Curly Girl Method?


New Member
Is anyone else doing the Curly Girl method (no-poo)? I've been testing it out for about three weeks w/ great results. My hair feels silkier and looks shinier. For those doing the no poo, what conditioners have you been using? I haven't found anything besides Garnier Fructis for fine hair and Suave that doesn't have any 'cones at all. Are there any other brands?

/images/graemlins/wave.gif Tai!! Haven't seen ya much lately, hope all is well.

/images/graemlins/look.gif What's the Curly Girl Method? (How did I miss this?) /images/graemlins/look.gif
Tai said:
Is anyone else doing the Curly Girl method (no-poo)? I've been testing it out for about three weeks w/ great results. My hair feels silkier and looks shinier. For those doing the no poo, what conditioners have you been using? I haven't found anything besides Garnier Fructis for fine hair and Suave that doesn't have any 'cones at all. Are there any other brands?


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Hi Tai, i don't know anything about the curly girl method, but i have recently begun no pooing, girl you don't know how happy i am, my hair doesn't break or dry out often anymore, like with shampooing. my hair looks and feels healthier too. i'm only shampooing to clarify build-up every four weeks only and seven days after a relaxer. its no poo all the way for me /images/graemlins/clap.gif. I use Nexxus Humectress,motions silk protein/ and keracare humecto and VO5 Pina colada (fave).
@Sengs: New job so I haven't been able to cruise the boards at work unless I'm at lunch.

The Curly Girl method is outlined in a book by Lorraine Massey, who owns a salon called Devachan in NYC. She advocates that curly girls not shampoo their hair or if they do that they use the mildest shampoos (no sulfates) because shampoo dries out the hair, etc. She also doesn't advocate using products with silicone since they can cause build up that can't be washed away with just using conditioner. Depending on your curl type (Corkscrew, Botticelli, or Wavy) depends on the method she recommends you follow.

I couldn't imagine not using shampoo but I thought I'd try it and it's working great. I did have to cut out my beloved NTM serum but I replaced it with coconut oil. I just wanted to hear from other people who were no-pooing to see what products they were using.
Tai, i'm really interested in Lorraine's method, is it possible if you could post info, please!!! if its no trouble, i always like reading your posts, i really appreciate your help and support.
Hi Tai! I have been doing this method off and on for about 1 year. I do it especially when I am not in braids, I use a variety of conditioners but I make sure that it is a moisturizing conditioner, my personal favorite is by karites with 5% shea butter. The longest I did this method was for 4 weeks without shampoo, I will agree that my hair was looking fabulous and was feeling silky soft, the only problem for me was build up on the scalp. I had to modify the regime and shampoo every 2 weeks or I would be scratching like crazy! I have type 4a hair (with type 3c sections in the back and on the sides) it worked great for me, just watch out for build-up!
Congrats Tai!!! /images/graemlins/clap.gif

Oh well, then I guess I did do that! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif I really liked it and my hair was always supple and I hated post-poo hair. I think I'll go back to it now that you mention it. I stopped b/c I started using proteins regularly and I prefer to poo them out. Anyhoo, I need to poo at least once every two weeks. It also required me to clarify a little more. Since my hair is fine too much build up makes it heavy and more susceptible to breakage. So I need some regular pooing. The major benefit I noticed was a total cessation of dandruff flakes, even when I waited longer to wash my hair. My scalp might itch after 3-4 days w/o water, but I don't see the major flakes I used to after a few days. I think this is a great strategy in the winter since we are faced w/external dryness now too. For my CW's I always use my regular stuff, Humectress mostly. I would do the first rinse w/Nature's Gate and then let Humectress sit for a few in the shower. I keep a regular conditioning schedule so some weeks I used GPB as the final conditioner.

@Den1: Love the new avatar. Your curls are so pretty /images/graemlins/smile.gif!
I do a "no poo" method, although not consistenly. For instance, I'll "CW" for 2 wks then shampoo that following week. The conditioner keeps my hair "tangle free"... my curls LUV to tangle, wrap around themselves /images/graemlins/wallbash.gif , but CW works like a charm!

I didn't know there was such a thing as the "Curly Girl Method". Somewhere on this thread I noticed that "Cones" should be avoided when using this method... Well, right now, the only conditioner that seems to give me the BEST slip (tangle free hair) is Pantene S&S, which is loaded with cones... I dunno... maybe I should start looking for another type of conditioner...
Wish I could...

My skin is too sensitive. If I went too long without a shampoo, I'd break out all over the place /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
I tried the no poo method in the didn't work. Gave it another try over the Summer...and I ended up with a lot of scalp build up again. One time I used baking soda to clarify..and my just didn't work out for me. My hair was bubbling for like 5 minutes afterwards. I guess I used too much (I'm heavy handed with products ect). /images/graemlins/laugh.gif I tried with just an ACV rinse...but that didn't help much either. I went back to pooing once a week...and co washing every day like usual. Perhaps I will try it again since I'm not using conditioners with synthetics anymore. I did like the condition my hair was in without poo. Soft with no dryness. /images/graemlins/up.gif
Peachtree said:
I do a "no poo" method, although not consistenly. For instance, I'll "CW" for 2 wks then shampoo that following week. The conditioner keeps my hair "tangle free"... my curls LUV to tangle, wrap around themselves /images/graemlins/wallbash.gif , but CW works like a charm!

I didn't know there was such a thing as the "Curly Girl Method". Somewhere on this thread I noticed that "Cones" should be avoided when using this method... Well, right now, the only conditioner that seems to give me the BEST slip (tangle free hair) is Pantene S&S, which is loaded with cones... I dunno... maybe I should start looking for another type of conditioner...

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I have not read the book yet but maybe you could use a cheaper shampoo for washes and the Pantene for the final one. I use a homemade rinse for buildup and I have not shampood in weeks.
I've been surprised that I haven't had any scalp build up but I haven't thus far. She recommends adding a brown sugar scrub w/ the conditioner if you do. I gently stimulate my scalp when I'm washing with shampoo and I've been light handed with the products I use so I think that's helping, too.

I have the book at home so I'll be sure to give more info on what Lorraine suggests when I get home from work. The method's talked about a lot at Some people there have been no-pooing for years. If I notice build up, I might add a tiny amount of Elasta QP creme conditioning shampoo to my conditioner and really focus on the scalp.
I just bought the book to see for myself what it's all about. It will be delivered tomorrow, so I'll have to get back to you on this.
I use Daily Defense Tender Apple sometimes for washing and mainly for detangling but it has a 'cone in it. As fragile as my hair is, I do not want any buildup whatsoever. I have tried the plopping method for drying my hair but I prefer a good shake.
I'm on a modified no poo routine..."lo-poo" /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

I use shampoo twice a month and no poo if necessary in between those times. It keeps my hair moisturized for sure...but I like to use shampoo to ensure my hair and scalp are clean.
FlowerHair said:
I just bought the book to see for myself what it's all about. It will be delivered tomorrow, so I'll have to get back to you on this.

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I placed an order too
Hey Tai, I use the no-poo method most of the time. I do modify that routine by poo'ing twice a month just to clear any build-up and make sure that my hair and scalp are clean. Currently, the only conditioners that I'm using are Suave Humectant and Daily Defense Tender Apple, I get great results with these, but I do believe they contain cones...
I'm going to do the Curly Girl method after I buy the book..which I will get sometime this weekend. One day..once my hair grows back out..I plan on going to Devachan for a haircut!