Anyone familiar w/ Wash and Wear Relaxer by Jazma?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

I ran across their website and it sounds very interesting. Does anyone know if this will be a good choice to make in getting a relaxer. It's supposedly a lye relaxer. I'm interested because my hair is natural. I've been transitioning since '00 but I didn't really start seriously taking care of my hair until i found this board and the wonderful suggestions mentioned. I started also incorporating the Crown and Glory technique (braids on for 2 months and off for 2 months) since '01. I've decided to get a relaxer somewhere around April '04. I hope I will have at least 27" by then if not more. I've heard good things about the Elucence relaxer and the Motions relaxer. I haven't decided which one to get but i do know I want a lye relaxer. Any input pleeeeeeeeeese. Thanks!
I agree about the texturizer option. If it's done correctly it will give the saem results. I have a texturizer and I waer my hair both curly and straight often. And I was and wear routinely.

About 2 years ago I had a consultation at a Jazma salon. I basically got the guy at the salon to admit that it was a fancy name for a texturizer. Not worth the money in my humble opinion.
Thanks to everyone for your response. I read the thread and appreciated the thoroughness from you sbq4evr. I emailed Ashe and i'm awaiting her response. I realize that it may be a high price texturizer, but i also believe that like sbq4evr said that the technical aspect of this type of relaxer is different. Besides she makes some valid points on her website regarding the Wash and Wear Relaxer in the FAQ section. I'm not sure if this is the route i will take, but the thought of having hair that is naturally curly but still having elasticity and health appeals to me. I remember in college years i wore braid outs with relaxed hair and it was the bomb. But because of not knowing how to care for my hair properly, it broke off. Anyway, i have time to decide but i appreciate your input.
Here is the link to the thread where I responded in detail re Jazma. I personnally know of 2 salons that use the Kerasoft products. One in Montreal and Jazma in Toronto.;view=&sb=5&o=&fpart=all&vc=1
Hi I saw a quote u made albeit years ago. Hi
I'm new to lhcf and would love to have the kind of locks I've seen on this site!
Do you know the difference between using a regular texturiser which I'm using or using the Jazma texturising technique. I'm thinking of trying it if it will make a diff. I relaxed my hair for 29! years and started texturizing 6 mths ago. The relaxed bits are breaking off. Any tips appreciated! Thanks
Do you know the difference between using a regular texturiser which I'm using or using the Jazma texturising technique.

Hi, I have been relaxed for years and have decided to switch to a texturizer. I use the Jazma wash n wear myself. Supposedly, what makes it unique is the ability to wear your hair straight or curly, which is really what all texturizers do. There's also a special timing feature where you can choose how processed your hair will be.

Personally, I chose to go with Jazma because a lot of my friends have had success with it (in terms of retaining length and added thickness) and I feel that if I am going to go from bone straight to texturized, I should go with a high quality texturizer.

Like you, the relaxed parts of my hair are breaking, so I keep my hair braided up to minimize manipulation. But by no means do I regret going with Jazma. My hair is growing and getting thicker:yep:
^^^^Not at all. I got my touch up a year ago and my stylist took only a few minutes to apply it and it sat in my hair for about another 5 minutes before she rinsed. Unlike a relaxer, my scalp wasn't on fire waiting for my hair to "take". Not a difficult process and def. not time consuming.