Anyone ever used Aqueous cream to moisturise?


New Member
I am currently into my 4th month (out of 6) of treatment for traction alopecia (at least that's what my tricologist calls it)and was given aqueous cream to use as a moisturiser for my natural 4A/B hair and I have to say that it is WONDERFUL. It moisturises my hair so much more than any products I have ever gotten from a beauty shop. Apparantly, it can be used as a skin cleansing agent and as a moisturiser and works great on my skin as well. The only downside is that it can be a bit too moisturing if too much is used. The cream I have was specially made by the Belgravia centre but I believe it is similar to E45 cream. I was speaking to one of the hairdressers who was giving me my clinical treatment and she uses it for her long, curly hair (she is Ethiopian).

Anyway, I just thought I would share this with you.
I'd like to know where to find aqueous cream. I've heard that it is good for cleansing "delicate" areas. :)