Anyone ever heard of Natural-Laxer, NO CHEMICAL relaxer?


Well-Known Member
If so, have you or anyone you know used it?

Would you use it?

I copied and pasted part of the info. The link provides more detailed info.

Natural-Laxer And Natural-Laxer Plus FAQs
Q:How does Natural-Laxer Plus differ from our regular Natural-Laxer?

A:Natural-Laxer Plus is a blend of sun dried specially selected herbs, and not one herb. Therefore, it has more of an immediate result. Because Sahara Clay must be mixed with Natural-Laxer Plus it enhances the effect of the products. It is also used as a facial and used on any hair color giving it more Luster and Revitalization.
<H5>Q:Is Natural-Laxer safe for use on permed hair?</H5>

A:The Natural-Laxer will strengthen permed hair, reduce shedding and breakage. Therefore, it is safe for use on permed hair and is great while transitioning from permed to natural hair. Hair that has had the Natural-Laxer can be permed, with no fear of damage from the Natural-Laxer and with no waiting period. In fact, the Natural-Laxer helps protect hair if used before or after a perm.
<H5>Q:What is Natural-Laxer made of?</H5>

A:One ingredient. An evergreen called Daphne Gnidium, ground into a fine powder. Natural-Laxer contains NO CHEMICALS and no additives.
<H5>Q:How often should I apply the Natural-Laxer to virgin hair?</H5>

A:Generally, we recommend three initial applications. One application per 7-10 days for three weeks or so. Then, one application every 4-8 weeks, or as needed. Applying more often will not harm your hair. The reason for three initial applications is that is the amount it generally takes to see the full effects of the Natural-Laxer. Because the product is all natural and gentle, for most people, it does not make an immediate, drastic change to the appearance of the hair.
<H5>Q:Do I apply Natural-Laxer to new growth or to the entire hair?</H5>

A:We get this question quite often because people are familiar with perms and think of the Natural-Laxer as a perm. The reason you apply a perm to the new growth only is because to apply it to treated hair over and over again would weaken the hair to the point where it would become dry, thin and brittle and would eventually wear completely through. The Natural-Laxer is always applied to the entire hair. Because it has a gentle, cumulative and therapeutic impact on the hair, it is actually best to apply to the entire length of the hair. Think of the Natural-Laxer as a spa treatment for your hair, not as a perm.
i looked this up a few years ago. i was very interested until i read somewhere that it's not permanent.
It is not permanent, it makes your hair feel like you have had a protein treatment (like aphogee) I rather use aphogee, more bang for your buck ! And it is actually messier than aphogee:sad:
It is not permanent, it makes your hair feel like you have had a protein treatment (like aphogee) I rather use aphogee, more bang for your buck ! And it is actually messier than aphogee:sad:

So it doesn't straighten it? Or do you mean it straightens it but makes the texture rough/hard?

I've never used Aphogee.
I heard it is similar to using neutral henna or a clay treatment, you mix up herbal powders/clays and slather it on and let it sit. It basically conditions the hair making texture lay a little bit flatter. I think they are over marketing this product to be something that it's not. I think it should be marketed and used similar to the way people use Anita Grants rhassoul cubes. Because that's basically what it is. HTH