Anyone Ever heard of 9 "ETHER" hair?!


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,

I experienced my first hair consultation at a "bonified" natural hair salon today, Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Center in Atlanta. Everyone in there had beautiful gorgeous, well-moisturized, well-coiffed, lovely, gorgeous, natural hair. Anyway a man with MBL salt-n-pepper dreads evaluated my hair while I discussed with him my hair goals. When I showed him my hair he said "You have absolutely perfect "9 ETHER" hair and that it's that natural hair stylists love. I was like :blush: REALLY! This is something new to me. After all my research on LHCF and I have never heard of a hair type referred to as 9 Ether. Is this a new hair typing system or something? Has anyone else heard of ether hair types? I googled it and all kinds of Spritual references came up? Huh? :ohwell:

Link about 9 Ether Hair I think. MWEDZI is surpisingly in this video?!
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Yes, it is supposed to reference the tendency of nappy hair to curl into a 9 pattern or to reflect the natural gases that compose ether. It's like a physical manifestation of ether.

I've only noticed mostly spiritual people refer to hair like that. I have 9 Ether hair.
Innnteresting. It does sound spiritual. I'll have to look at the video later. Was it made by the same people from the shop?
Yes, it is supposed to reference the tendency of nappy hair to curl into a 9 pattern or to reflect the natural gases that compose ether. It's like a physical manifestation of ether.

I've only noticed mostly spiritual people refer to hair like that. I have 9 Ether hair.

Interesting...Hmmm I know what ether gas is after a recently tortuous year of Orgo. I never related it to hair. It's more like peptide bonds/hydrogen bonds and stuff like that. But ether?! Wow! :yep:
Innnteresting. It does sound spiritual. I'll have to look at the video later. Was it made by the same people from the shop?

No Kiya, I don't to think this video was made by the same people from the shop, but Mwedzi (?) I think that's her name is in it. Maybe she or someone she knows made it. I think.
Yes. We are ether beings. That's supposed to explain why our hair grows faster in summer than in winter.

Whites are 6 ether.
Never heard the term in my life.:ohwell:

Did a little poking around and found this:

9 symbolizes life
6 symbolizes death

the spiral motion is a repeated throughout nature, galaxies, dna, plants, the golden ratio found in nautalis shells and sunflowers. it is a godly motion.

9-Ether is the combination of all existing gases of nature, thus, the all is in all. Nothing anywhere can be as powerful as all existing gases. Therefore, 9-ether is the most potent power in the universes, 9 to the 9th power of 9. Nine is symbolic of heaven, hell, creation and birth. Nine is a number whose square root is three (3) a number which is symbolic of three dimensions. Hika (Abode of Mortal), Sia (Abode of The Eloheem), and Huhi (Abode of The Most High). 9-Ether was placed in the follicle (hair) case of all africans, and it produces the number 9 symbol. The number 9 is the highest number in the universe making 9 etehr beings infinite.

Never heard the term in my life.:ohwell:

Did a little poking around and found this:


Interesting indeed. So now they got my picture up there smiling like "yep, I have the hair of life and white people got the hair of death!" :rofl: Please know, I do not endorse this!
Interesting indeed. So now they got my picture up there smiling like "yep, I have the hair of life and white people got the hair of death!" :rofl: Please know, I do not endorse this!
OMG! I am speechless.....How can they steal and hijack someone's photo without their permission.....I know this is the internet; but still....
Yes. We are ether beings. That's supposed to explain why our hair grows faster in summer than in winter.

Whites are 6 ether.

That's true. My hair most definitely grows faster in the summer. Sometimes an 1 inch a month between July-August! Hmmm...but I thought that was just most hair in general. No matter the type.

Never heard the term in my life.:ohwell:

Did a little poking around and found this:

After I combined both Tyra's and kmn1980's answers. It seems like the spritual belief is that white people symbolize "death" since 6 symbolizes death and they have 6 ether hair. Hmmm...I don't know sounds biased to me. What religion is this?

:ohwell: That's news to me. They had like 5 of my pictures, too. I also saw Lina40 and NappyMe from NP. *sigh* I'm not really upset, this has happened before. But it would have been courteous for them to at least ask.

Wow, I had a feeling they didn't even ask. I guess stolen pics come with the territory when you place beautiful pics of hair on the internet. I've seen advertisements for hair vitamins and growth aids where the company "borrowed" pics from board members from other sites and said it was the product that helped to get their hair that way. HOW TRIFLING! :nono:

I know
Interesting!! I don't mind embracing one's culture but to uplif yours and degrade another is just wrong! We are ALL God's creations and I would not want my picture associated with such nonsense
Will you contact them about using your pics?

I don't know. I want to say something to them about using my picture for ideology that isn't mine. I don't have to contact them directly to get it removed, though. Since those are my photos, I am the copyright holder. So I can contact YouTube directly and have them remove the video. That's what I did when someone used my photo as an example of all the ways in which black people were ugly in their YouTube white supremacy video. :ohwell:

I'm beginning to take use of my pics without my permission as part of the internet territory, though technically I do l have legal rights to them. I still am unhappy, though, about them using the pictures for any type of racial propaganda.
That's true. My hair most definitely grows faster in the summer. Sometimes an 1 inch a month between July-August! Hmmm...but I thought that was just most hair in general. No matter the type.

Never heard the term in my life.:ohwell:

Did a little poking around and found this:

After I combined both Tyra's and kmn1980's answers. It seems like the spritual belief is that white people symbolize "death" since 6 symbolizes death and they have 6 ether hair. Hmmm...I don't know sounds biased to me. What religion is this?

All people are ether beings. The 6 and 9 just have to do with shape.
I don't know. I want to say something to them about using my picture for ideology that isn't mine. I don't have to contact them directly to get it removed, though. Since those are my photos, I am the copyright holder. So I can contact YouTube directly and have them remove the video. That's what I did when someone used my photo as an example of all the ways in which black people were ugly in their YouTube white supremacy video. :ohwell:

I'm beginning to take use of my pics without my permission as part of the internet territory, though technically I do l have legal rights to them. I still am unhappy, though, about them using the pictures for any type of racial propaganda.

OMG, people are getting out of hand. This is so wrong, I hope you can get it resolved.

The bolded is just one reason why i don't post pics online. Anyone can get access and use them for anything.
I've heard that once you put pics on the internet, they are part of the public domain. I don't how true that is though.

At the least, you can add "model" to your resume, lol!
I've heard that once you put pics on the internet, they are part of the public domain. I don't how true that is though.

At the least, you can add "model" to your resume, lol!

Definitely not true:

It's not like I'd be seeking damages or going to court or anything. It's not that serious. Like I said, I'm not that upset with even using my picture. I just don't like them putting my face to promote their ideology. YouTube definitely recognizes photographer copyright, as they removed a video when I put in a complaint before (see supremacist story above).
I was with them with the whole Golden Ratio thing and all that until they got to the White Folks = Death crap. It's possible to love our hair without hating on other people.
I think my dad has mentioned this before. I don't remember the name of his religion (I'll ask him) but I don't like it. Too much hate. My dad lives in GA too.
Definitely not true:

It's not like I'd be seeking damages or going to court or anything. It's not that serious. Like I said, I'm not that upset with even using my picture. I just don't like them putting my face to promote their ideology. YouTube definitely recognizes photographer copyright, as they removed a video when I put in a complaint before (see supremacist story above).

It depends on who coopted the images. If it was a situation where they were making money off your image then you probably need to get a lawyer. And vis a vis using your image to promote an ideology without your consent - that's also a problem. For example - what if an potential employer sees your image in a context that doesn't accurately represent who you are - coz you had no part in putting it in that particular context. It's youtube so maybe the chances are low that an obscure video would be seen by an employer but you get the point and you never know. So hopefully you get it sorted out. I don't know what 9 ether is - or at least I didn't till I clicked on this thread but the stolen images compromises the credibility of the video. If they wanted to be taken seriously then they either need to take their own photos (and obtain consent of the people photographed of course) or pay for them - e.g. istockphoto or gettyimages - or the photographer.
Definitely not true:

It's not like I'd be seeking damages or going to court or anything. It's not that serious. Like I said, I'm not that upset with even using my picture. I just don't like them putting my face to promote their ideology. YouTube definitely recognizes photographer copyright, as they removed a video when I put in a complaint before (see supremacist story above).

Thanks for the myths...that's good to know!

I think my dad has mentioned this before. I don't remember the name of his religion (I'll ask him) but I don't like it. Too much hate. My dad lives in GA too.

I PROMISE there are some very intelligent people, non-hateful people in GA, lol...

To OP: I have NEVER heard of Ether 9- I guess it's true that you can learn something new everyday!