Anyone Ever Get A Jolt in The Holy Spirit and You Know It's Time To Pray?


New Member
Hey you all.

I've discovered I'm a prayer warrior. I thought I was but it was confirmed by someone else through The Holy Spirit that indeed I was. She was saying that God is preparing me now to be a woman of prayer so that when I get married I will continue and be powerful through my prayer life. She said that sometimes he's going to wake me up at 3 or 4 in the morning to pray. This was the woman that prophesized over me and said that The Holy Spirit does the same thing to her. When she said this I was like, "Wow, I was just awoken 4:30 last night and not released until 5." When I say released I mean the burden or need to pray didn't lift until 5.

So, there are some nights when The Holy Spirit will give me a jolt in my spirit and I will wake up immediately and pray. I turn on the light and worship for about thirty seconds and then my prayer language begins. And then I one time got sleepy so I went back to bed praying in tongues and when I fell asleep, he would wake me again, and when I fell asleep again he would wake me again.

I was wondering if anyone else ever felt this type of jolt in your spirit as a way for The Holy Spirit to wake you up to pray. If not this jolt, how does God wake you up to pray?
