Anyone ever experience HAIR CARE BURNOUT.


New Member
Ladies...I was just wondering if anyone else out there every gets burned out taking care of their hair?

I'm a full time student and finals are nearing so my studying is a mile thick, and I'm just getting burned out nurturing my hair daily.

I'm tired of washing, conditioning, moisturizing, covering my hair nightly. I'm also almost shoulder length and I'm growing out layers so styling and drying my hair is getting more and more challenging especially since I'm blessed to have extremely thick hair. I'm looking forward to APL and having fewer layers so I can roller set and bun with less challenge.

But meanwhile, I'm just burned out ... I'm stilling caring for my hair daily, but I'm totally ready to move on past this SL phase in hopes that things will be a little easier with less layers and more length.

I know how it is. I was like that for a while. I want my hair to grow 1 inch per day, but it aint happening!

Girl, just bun that hair up and keep it moving forreal. Beyond shoulder length will be easier because you have more styling options.

Dont think about it so much before you know it youll be at your goal length.
I did.

When I first went natural I was all about my hair for the first 2 or 3 years. Then I just let it go and basically neglected my hair just doing the bare minimum with washing and conditioning. Now that I am getting back into the groove, I notice how my hair has suffered from this...its not as long as it should be, and there are some areas where too much breakage has occurred.

Keeping a healthy head of hair is hard work.
pinkrazr25 said:
I know how it is. I was like that for a while. I want my hair to grow 1 inch per day, but it aint happening!

Girl, just bun that hair up and keep it moving forreal. Beyond shoulder length will be easier because you have more styling options.

Dont think about it so much before you know it youll be at your goal length.

i think this is true. that why i cant wait for my hair to grow. i have only 2 styles i can wear.

to the op, i understand, just hang in there. it will be worth it.
Yep, when I see the girls with longer hair I envy their options for buns and braid/twist outs and air drying. When you're almost shoulder length it's hard to air dry or not use heat and end up with something presentable. Yet, at the same time, you don't wanna be frying and manipulating your hair like that so it makes for a full time job.

I totally understand. Especially as my hair gets longer it can be more time consuming to do certain styles. When I feel fed up I just braid it up and slap a Quick Weave/Half cap on.
Yes, I definitely get burned out from time to time. For some reason, I think that as my hair gets longer I feel less energetic and I just do whatever. But, when my hair was shorter, I spent so much more time on my hair.
Every now and then, I get burned from the hair care. Sometimes I take a hiatus and I notice that leaving my hair alone is good for it also.
I have two girls and yes, I get burn out. They wear braids a lot which helps. Buy I can't let them stay in too long. I try to stagger the weeks that I do their hair instead of doing both of them the same day. But that way it seems like someone always needs their hair done around here.
No. I don't wash or cowash often, so I don't burn out. I only moisturize daily, and wash and condition twice a week. I sometimes cowash when the mood hits me.
I am TOTALLY burned out. I don't do anything with my hair aside from cowash it and put it in a bun. My twist outs have failed consistently since I cut my hair. I'm hoping it will get better as my hair gets longer. I haven't even been washing (with shampoo) and conditioning my hair as I should. Although right now I'm attempting to naturally lighten my hair.:rolleyes: Anywho I think it's about time I clarified. lol
OMG yes! and I felt so bad and ungrateful. I straightened my hair at the end of August until September 19. So i was very bored with my hair as there wasn't much for me to do with it since I was getting it done at the salon.

After December 19 I was still hair bored and wasn't on this forum, didn't update my fotki, no new products and didn't use anything but conditioner and pony.

I finally am back in hair mode and ready to reach MBL! What realy motivated me was all of the PMs (some still unanswered--sorry!) and fotki comments. I started feeling SO guilty because I remembered how it felt when I would stalk *ahem* follow someone's hair journey and they never updated or answered. I was tired of being that person.

So, basically I'm finally out of my rut. I discovered HE Hydralicious and I think I may love Carol's Daughter Hair Milk. But yeah, I'm finally back :)
Ladies...I was just wondering if anyone else out there every gets burned out taking care of their hair?

I'm a full time student and finals are nearing so my studying is a mile thick, and I'm just getting burned out nurturing my hair daily.

I'm tired of washing, conditioning, moisturizing, covering my hair nightly. I'm also almost shoulder length and I'm growing out layers so styling and drying my hair is getting more and more challenging especially since I'm blessed to have extremely thick hair. I'm looking forward to APL and having fewer layers so I can roller set and bun with less challenge.

But meanwhile, I'm just burned out ... I'm stilling caring for my hair daily, but I'm totally ready to move on past this SL phase in hopes that things will be a little easier with less layers and more length.


I am definately sick and tired of thinking about my hair every minute of the obsessive...TIRED!!!! as i am blogging on a hair forum:wallbash:
No, not really. My routine is so simple, though. For the most part, I just co-wash weekly, moisturize daily, touchup every 3 months, and then leave my hair alone.
Oh yes.
I'm sick and tired of hair right now; I hate my texture, the length, the thickness, EVERYTHING!! I'm tired of trying new products that doesn't work. And I fear I will do something drastic if I don't leave it alone.
Every time I try to "do" it, it never ends up looking good.
I'm thru. I will just keep on co-washing every day and bun it up and see what it looks like a year from now.
Most definitely!

Right now, I'm in the middle of sectioning off my hair to put them in twists. Then, I'll roll the twists on perm rods & take them out for a twistout tomorrow b/c my fine hair doesn't look full enough in twists.

And all of this is after I finished taking out my braids today. My husband bought me a T3 for Christmas, and I'm so tempted to put on some heat protectant and start flat-ironing...but I won't.
Ummmmmm ... honestly? No. I never grow tired of doing my hair. I've been obsessed with hair since I was 14 years old and it hasn't really waned.

Wow ... I feel like a freak. :sekret:

OMG yes! and I felt so bad and ungrateful. I straightened my hair at the end of August until September 19. So i was very bored with my hair as there wasn't much for me to do with it since I was getting it done at the salon.

After December 19 I was still hair bored and wasn't on this forum, didn't update my fotki, no new products and didn't use anything but conditioner and pony.

I finally am back in hair mode and ready to reach MBL! What realy motivated me was all of the PMs (some still unanswered--sorry!) and fotki comments. I started feeling SO guilty because I remembered how it felt when I would stalk *ahem* follow someone's hair journey and they never updated or answered. I was tired of being that person.

So, basically I'm finally out of my rut. I discovered HE Hydralicious and I think I may love Carol's Daughter Hair Milk. But yeah, I'm finally back :)

I went through a burnout period for almost a year after I reached APL, but I don't really call it a burnout, just less focus, no goal setting etc. I was very anal with my hair care when I was trying to reach APL and it was very good for my hair but after that the focus on it took a nose dive. No more vits or growth aides and I was hardly ever visiting LHCF and if I was I wasn't in the hair care section. I just started looking and posting in this section again in January because the urge for longer length got revitalized. I'm takin vits again, using growth aides, and being anal again to reach my new goal.
YES! I just twisted my hair so hopefully it will last for at least 2 weeks so i dont have to do a THING
Yes. I'm in the midst of it right now. I have braids in and I'm sorry to say but I haven't been taking good care of them lately. I have other things on my plate that are much more pressing. My hair is taking a backseat for now.
Most definitely

Whats worse is my arms will start to hurt from the twisting, combing, rollersetting, braiding, and flatironing.
I'm always in burn out mode with my Or maybe it's just After 2 and a half years in braids I wore my hair loose for 5 weeks and I couldn't handle it. I'm back in braids.
I think some of it could be not having a regimen that's quick, what do you think? I was spending about 3-4 hours on wash days.