Anyone else trying to avoid direct-heat?


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone !!

This upcoming February 27, 2011 will be 2nd year natural. So my first year I decided to do a length check by flat-ironing it, This year I will not. Even if I wanted to I would need to invest in a new Flat-iron.

So do anyone have any tips to share on how they avoided direct heat? (blow-drying, flat ironing, hot comb, etc etc)
How long have or had you been avoiding direct heat?

Thanks in advance !:grin:
Avoiding direct heat is my whole m.o.

I avoid direct heat like the plague. I rollerset and wrap with a scarf to get the flat ironed look.

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I'm on a personal no heat challenge for 6mos, ends in june. Right now I'm in the HYH challenge so PS have really helped (I'm wiggy it up) When I air dry my hair I usually do it in twist, so it can be stretched then i either cornrow or french braid afterwards and of course wrapping my hair at night helps it lay down.
I haven't used any heat in nearly 2 years; my 2 year anniv. is Feb. 20th. I plan on using heat for the 3 year mark when I finally cut off the texlaxed ends.

I usually twist my hair. If I want to wear it out, I'll do a twist out or bantu-knot out. That's about it.
I avoid heat like a vamp avoids sunlight! I've been avoiding heat for a year now and plan to avoid it for the next year or two.

Tips, let's see...

1. When I DC I use suran wrap then put on a wool winter cap and then my turbie twist on top of that and that warms things up.

2. After I shampoo and DC, I air dry using the scarf method with my hair in 6-8 twists. This reduces frizz and allows my curls to become defined without getting tangly.

3. When I rollerset, I use water then a bit of olive oil (trying to keep things natural) on each section and air dry. After I take down the rollers (red, magnetic) I put my hair in 2 bantu knots and go to bed and the next day, it's pretty straight.
I've have to avoid it, I have no choice. I'm fully natural now and my hair doesn't like heat at all. I air dry in about 10 braids and after about 2 days it's the same texture as it would have been if I blow dried in the first place.
I haven't purposely avoided it. I'm 8 months into my transition and I just haven't. Maybe I will use some when I hit one year as a treat. I air dry in braids overnight.
I have not used ANY heat on my hair in almost 5 years.

I do braids, twists, twistouts, braidouts, flat twists etc etc....
Hello Everyone !!

So do anyone have any tips to share on how they avoided direct heat? (blow-drying, flat ironing, hot comb, etc etc)
How long have or had you been avoiding direct heat?

Thanks in advance !:grin:


BUT I'M LOOKING AT my hair idols like longhairdontcare2011 to fill in the gaps of what works (in reducing knots, tangles) as i grow longer

I've noticed most naturals with really long lengths use heat

I dip my ends with hot coconut oil, seal "wet" ends with vaseline (the bomb:yep:), plan to use foil to wet/condition press, or use foil to light blow out the hair
YouTube - Flat Ironing with Aluminum Foil

i actually prefer the foil flat iron conditioning method (lost the video)
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I haven't flat ironed my hair in about a month...and I have no desire to. I'm wiggin it with curly wigs, and I think curly/textured hair suits my face better. I'm just not feeling the bone straight look lately. My hair is currently hidden with cornrows so that's discouraging me from using heat alltogether
I avoid heat only because I never needed it before. I got along fine 17 years with out it and I got my first flat iron senior year. I didnt like the condition my hair was in so I am leaving it alone again.
I'm doing a 6-month no heat challenge also. Flat twist outs, braidouts, puffs, cornrows, and soon some kinky twists, after that some crochet braids, or weave. I would like to straighten, but that would be with silk wrapping.
The last time I used any kind of direct heat was 12/2005, over 5 years ago. I'm texlaxed and "straighten" my hair by rolling it on 2" rollers and then crosswrapping.

The way I see it, I am already using chemicals to straighten my hair, why would I add heat too? :nono:
I cut out the flat-iron at least a year ago but I never used it often in the first place. I'm also not blow-drying to give my hair a break. My hair air drys pretty straight anyway and I'm in a no-heat until reaching my goal challenge currently that doesn't allow very many passes. So basically yes, no direct heat until waist length.
i have tried in the past without much success, but i am going to try again next wash. i'm the little engine that could with airdrying..
Subscribing becuz I need some ideas...

I have been using heat almost weekly for the past 4 months. I know it's not good, so I'm trying to find ways to cut back. Airdrying isn't an option...tried and failed miserably. I couldn't do it well when I was relaxed, so either I have no idea what I'm doing or it just isn't for me. So far, I have only been able to use curlformers successfully, and I barely got a week out of that style. I will probably just get a weave next month, but I am going to try rollersetting and twistouts too, in the meantime.
I use heat a couple times a year to length check and trim. It's just easier for me. In between that I keep my hair stretched out using braids, twists, buns etc... I typically airdry but I just bought a new hooded dryer that I am planning to try. I have found that my hair stays more moisturized when I don't use heat regularly. I never let my hair shrink up completely and it seems like it is just used to being stretched out.