Anyone else scratch?


New Member
Seriously I have issues. ...I have a bad habit of scratching my head or scalp. Things were semi under control b/c I had solar nails and they were too thick for me to really get at anything..but they are gone. I scratched so bad that I cringed when the WATER touched it this morning, hurt worse than any relaxer. I guess I won't be relaxing anytime soon. Sad part is that as soon as it dries/heals I start scratching again. :scratch:
Is there a reason you're scratching? Are you pulling up build up or dead skin under your nails? Does your hair itch?

I find that when I have build up I scratch it up. But other than that my scalp doesn't itch so I don't scratch. If I'm scratching it's time to wash. The other thing is try to use something soft to scratch your scalp if you can't help yourself. NOT your nails. If you're making raw sores or scabs on your scalp that is not good at all. I'm sure you know that though. Right?

Water shouldn't burn. Also it could lead to infections, just like getting a cut infected. Be careful.
How about getting into the habit of massaging with fingers instead of scratching, when you feel an itch? When I was losing hair (not that you are) I came across an article that said that most pple who go bald go through an itch period or a sensitive period and that it's a sign that your follicles need sth. So massage was one way to ensure they were getting good blood supply. So I have gotten into the habit of massaging anytime my scalp feels a way I'm not used to. And if you massage till you ID the cause (any of the things Lana mentioned), you at least won't have tears in your skin that will burn.
I used to scratch like there was no tommorow but I had to stop it. :look: I started feeling scabs. And my stylist yelled at me. I don't get the itchies as often as I did as a relaxed head though.
Typcally when I'm 8 weeks post, or when my head has a lot of newgrowth period. I use the Keracare dry hair/itch scalp shampoo. This usually helps me with my scratching problems.
im with you. It usually happens when i need to wash which unfortunately is fairly quick. But yesterday i was scratching the ever lovin s... outta my scalp and i had only washed it the day before. Maybe my hair was growing? i need to stop as well caue i do get scabs sometimes...but i know wut u mean when the water hits it...OUCH!
I'm just a Its a habit, when i'm thinking, when I'm driving....and sometimes I get so into it I have to keep picking at it until I can pull the whole piece off. Sick I it is what it is. I think I need more nails.
I've found that it's kind of a nervous mannerism, something you do kind of mindlessly. Like a kid sucking their thumb while tugging at their ear. Shampooing does help. But mostly it's being aware of when you do it. Are you anxious? Bored?
Seni....Do you oil your scalp? I use to scratch like crazy before I started lightly oiling my scalp. I use to have a spot in the back of my head that I scratched out of habit too. :( Once I started oiling, I stopped that too. I didnt want oil on my fingers. lol
ctcks said:
I've found that it's kind of a nervous mannerism, something you do kind of mindlessly. Like a kid sucking their thumb while tugging at their ear. Shampooing does help. But mostly it's being aware of when you do it. Are you anxious? Bored?

I agree. I scratch for no darn reason AT ALL! I just started to be conscious that it actually was for no reason within the past few months. I used to have really severe eczema as a child and I think the habit of scratching has tagged along with me through the years, even after I outgrew the breakouts. I might just finish washing my hair and I scratch. First thing when I wake up in the morning I scratch. When I am thinking too hard at work I scratch. When I'm cranky or sleepy I SCRATCH. THere's no irritation or allergic reaction going on, just a crazy habit!
I know what you mean! I love to scratch in my scalp. I have no idea why....but if you do it really gently doesn't it kinda help stimulate the bloodflow?
I love to scratch my scalp. IT FEELS SO GOOD! since it's bad for me i trained myself to massage the area with my fingertips instead. It happens more around relaxer time.
Sorry for the late response.

It doesn't matter ....even when my scalp is semi healthy I just keep scratching until i can get something.