Anyone else have this problem?


Well-Known Member
Okay bottom line is.. My hair does NOT hold a curl.. My first thought was.. Maybe it's my ends...I just had a trim in December.. and dusted yesterday (pics in my sig and avi..if your wondering what the ends look like).. still no pincurl...wrap... curling iron...rollerset..nothin will hold. I did have this problem when I was relaxed, however the solution was to use a heavy product for hold..Example giving ,when I got a roller set I had to use concentrated lotta body, When I just used the flat iron I had to use BEEs WAX (my hair got dirty and icky quick).....I could go back to using those methods but It would be too heavy and will make me wash my hair sooner then I planned on.. SO any suggestions on how to over come this?? TIA..
my hair would not hold a curl until i went and had it professionally cut and styled. my stylist told me hair has to have shape and healthy ends to hold curls.
It may not be damaged ends. I was always told to cut my ends so curls would hold - but they never did. I've never been able to hold a curl and now that I have at least 6 inches of ng, I can see that even my natural hair straightens out on it's own as the day passes. My oldest DD noticed one day when my hair was parted in several places. My hair does NOT like to be in a curled state, so I just let it be. I'd have to use waaay too many products to make it work. I can't risk a setback trying to get my hair to do what it doesn't want to do, so I've just learned to leave it alone. :ohwell:
I used to have this issue. I think it was because I don't trim that often and also my porosity. In the summer I would go outside and within 1/2 hour my hair was poofing up and the curls were gone! This is with relaxed hair. :lachen:

This is what I do now to keep curls.

A) After DC I use PC for 30 seconds and then rinse well with cold water (as cold as I can stand to keep cuticles closed).

B) After air drying, I flatiron and pincurl with heat - Curl with flatiron or curling iron then immediately pincurl while the hair is still warm. Allow to cool completely before removing the pins.

C) Pincurl each night (no heat) to maintain the curls.
I used to have this issue. I think it was because I don't trim that often and also my porosity. In the summer I would go outside and within 1/2 hour my hair was poofing up and the curls were gone! This is with relaxed hair. :lachen:

This is what I do now to keep curls.

A) After DC I use PC for 30 seconds and then rinse well with cold water (as cold as I can stand to keep cuticles closed).

B) After air drying, I flatiron and pincurl with heat - Curl with flatiron or curling iron then immediately pincurl while the hair is still warm. Allow to cool completely before removing the pins.

C) Pincurl each night (no heat) to maintain the curls.

pincurls use to work!! I did that this time and my hair said (ummm NO :rollseyes:) I mean a horrendous i'm not for putting anymore heat to my headd in fear of heat damage... I think tonight i'ma try ponytails with rods on the ends... with a little bit of something to hold it....and pray for miracles.. :lol:
If you're looking for a product recommendation, you can try Jane Carter Solution Natural hold spray gel.

I'm relaxed, but will not hold a curl, especially when its flat ironed.

When the stylist used this, a week had passed and the curl was still there. This is with no rollers or pin curling at night. Just put a bonnet on.