Anyone else get hard hair with Sebastian Potion 9?


New Member
I know, I know...everything doesn't work for everybody. But after reading this I just had to jump on this Sebastion Potion 9:grin::

I'm actually quite happy with the leave ins I use (JW Hair Food, EMB, and Rusk smoother) but the PJ in me is evil, and took over.:nono: Anyway, tried this last night, and I literally had to re-rinse my hair because it felt so sticky and hard. It was really nasty:sad: I'm a heavy hander, but gosh, I can't imagine ever liking this stuff. Anyone else experience this? (btw, important to note that I bought the cheapo GVP brand from Sallys, wondering if this has anything to do with it..)
yesss.....i tossed mine. i bought it cuz someone on here raved about it. It made my airdries hard & crinkly...and i hated it for a rollerset.
So maybe I did use too much, but I dunno...I think I just might just take this one many other products at Sally's that my $5.99 could go
oh wow....I guess at this point this will be the "hate" thread to counteract all the PJs like myself from buying this stuff expecting a "Holy Grail" product...this stuff doesn't seem to measure up :(
Hate it and trashed it after one use. Made my hair hard and crunchy as well.

I also bought it after reading that SAME thread. Be weary of folks who seem to have EVERY product work for them and never seem to have misses...ALWAYS hits.
Ok, I just pruchased the generic version from Sallys this week and I used it after washing and conditioning with my Joico and I love it. My hair airdried so soft and after I flat ironed my hair was swanging all day. Its a keeper.
I have the real version and I didn't like it. The first time I used it it was okay, but went downhill from there.

It's gross if you use too much, and really doesen't do much for me if I use a little,
I like my leave ins to nourish my hair and this didn't do it.

ETA: It is a protien leave in.
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I have the real one and I love it. It is a great for strenghtening the hair. You have to be careful with how much of it you use because it will make your hair hard over time. I only use about a quarter sized amount in my hair and I don't use it after every wash. I only use it when my hair is shedding alot or it feels really weak.
From my understanding (based off what the girl in the store told me), it's not so much a "leave-in" as a styling product. Her sister is a natural and uses it when she straightens her hair. I bought a small container and tried it on a small part of my hair. I picked the tightest, driest part of my head lol. It actually had my hair pretty soft, and I held it to see if it would stay stretched, or coil back up, and it stayed stretched. I have nothing but love for this product. I used a very minuscule amount if that helps.
I Have it (Real Version) and have had it in my stash for some time now.:ohwell:

May go back and revisit it (at some point). Years Ago, when I was going to a White Salon, the guy would use it (as a styling product) and my hair came out Perfectly.

I also liked the fact that it is no longer in a metal tube.:perplexed

When I bought it and tried to "duplicate" His Wonderfulness....blah...not so much.:perplexed

Perhaps, I was using waaay too much.:look:
I had the real version and it left me with orange flakes along my hair line when it dried. Hated it!