Anyone else find it hard not to scratch your scalp before your relaxer?

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I am sitting up here looking like a straight up chicken head patting my head like it is a 6-week-old sew-in weave; a la Beyonce from the "Check on It" video.

I want to scratch it so bad but I can't and haven't been since this past Saturday since I get a relaxer this Saturday. 1.)What do you ladies do and 2.)since my hair is straight I was thinking of wetting it so my stylist can see where my permed ends are and the 1/4 section of my head that is permed. 3.)Should I put some beeswax or Pro-style orange grease on my already relaxed ends?

I dunno but somehow: the only time I gotta scratch my head seems to be the day before a relaxer. I try not to scratch but I do anyway: my hairdresser used mild on my hair and she would put this type of stuff that looks like vaseline around my hair line to protect my skin from the chemicals and where ever I stratch she applys it on that area.
senimoni said:
I start almost immediately after making my appt.

As soo as I hang up the phone I start itching. I don't know what it is. Even when I relax myself its like once I commit to a date and go to sallys and buy a new tint brush or more relaxer my head starts itching like crazy.
Yes, it itches more than usual as soon as I put the idea in my head that Im going to relax :lol:
I do. I just bought the perm box for me to relax any day now. For some reason, I'm just itching like crazy. Now I'm determined to relax today. Anytime I buy a relaxer box, just to have it sit around the house when ready to use, it doesn't last for more than 2 days.
nelli711 said:
I do. I just make sure that I base my scalp really well.

What type of base do you use and do u relax bone straight? What do you do to your relaxed ends to keep them from overlapping? I think I am going to put some porosity control then beeswax over them.:look:
As soon as I make up my mind to do it, I start itching. I try not to pat my head like a fool in public:sekret:
Yeah, my scalp would itch like crazy before a retouch. Once, my scalp burned so badly that my stylist poured coke (yes the soda) over my hair/scalp to minimize scabs. It worked, but it burned like the devil's hell.
Cheleigh said:
Yeah, my scalp would itch like crazy before a retouch. Once, my scalp burned so badly that my stylist poured coke (yes the soda) over my hair/scalp to minimize scabs. It worked, but it burned like the devil's hell.

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I make sure that my last deep clean shampoo is two weeks before my t/u.
Then I CW one more time -probably a week before. I apply Rene Furterer Complex 5 on my scalp and Phytospecific Revitalizing on hair. I braid all over for the last week. Not too tight. Take braids out the night before so that I can comb through and twist the hair and make sure their are no tangles. I stretch for long periods of time and usually have 2-3 inches of new growth. I keep my hair covered when out of the house. Keeping my scalp really clean during this last week before my t/u seems to really make the difference for me. The person who does my hair for me applies my t/u 1/8" away from my scalp!
Believe it or not! She is amazing. So I never burn. Ever!!!