Anyone Else Feel Constant Interruption While In Prayer Is Something More Sometimes?


New Member
As many of you know, I have been growing and growing, seeking God's face, his will and to be baptised in the holy spirit. God has blessed me with the ability to communicate and has given me the gift of faith. A complete 180 from earlier this year. So, anyway I was praying the other day and God gave me the scripture Isaiah 61 cause' I have been praying to know his will for my life, what my job is in the body of Christ.

Anyhow, things seem to be getting a little weird. As I was preparing my plan of witnessing to people, and praying just going through what I would say, guideline to talk to them about, the phone just kept on ringing. Now, I have heard people say before that when they are in prayer sometimes the enemy sends people to call or interrupt them.

As I continued to pray, I got at least five calls and I didn't stop. In between getting these five calls, there were very strong winds hitting my house. I didn't stop but pressed on. Now, sometimes it is just the weather but I believe that this was not just the weather. I believe as I get closer and closer to God, the enemy is trying to stop me from going out and bringing souls into the kingdom of God. But God has told me that I am safe and he is protecting me but now knowing the enemy wants to stop me, this only makes me stronger.

Out of the calls, about two of the calls did not leave a message. They just hung up. Sometimes, when looking at the caller ID it has "No Caller" on the phone. Then, the weirdest thing of all, as I am praying, an automated prayer from payless calls. Not a real person, but an automated message. Payless has never, ever called me before let alone an automated message. :nono:

Then, I was searching on another Christian forum about evangelism and the site would not come up. I felt as if the enemy was stopping the connection or doing something so it wouldn't come up. Trying to do anything to stop me. So, I even tried on this forum and it wouldn't come up. Then on the other Christian forum and the first time I tried the search came up and I got to like page 4. But then I would try to go beyong page 4 and the page wouldn't come up. I tried like 8 times or so. I even closed out of the site and brung it back up. So, I am feeling like, "Okay, this doesn't seem right. Let me pray." So, I pray and lay my head down. I say, "God please let this page come up....." and other stuff. My prayer lasted about 10 seconds. I get back up and the site is up. Don't underestimate the power of prayer.:grin:

So, I spoke the word of God. I said, "No weapon formed against me shall prosper and I condemn every tongue that rises up against me."

Then I remembered the scripture in Psalms 91:7.

7 A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.

This whole thread is to say, when you pray go into a quiet place so that no one will interrupt you. Let your family know that you do not wish to be disturbed during this time (unless of an emergency) and don't let anything interrupt you or stop you from praying. Keep pressing on and know that your prayers are may not only be heard by God but the enemy. Now, I'm not saying that everytime something happens that it is the enemy but the holy spirit will let you know.
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Re: Anyone Else Feel Constant Interruption While In Prayer Is Something More Sometime

I know sometimes when I pray my mind will start to wander to the point that I forget what I start praying about. When I find this happening I start to pray in tongues. It nips the mind wandering in the bud. I noticed sometimes that when I want to go to church people will call or little mishaps will happen like not being able to find anything to wear even though we can wear anything in church. I never have a problem finding something to wear any other day of the week. I work nights and after working Saturday night I will go to church. I get SOOOOOO sleepy and have nodded off several times. It is so bad that I miss the message and I am going to start sitting in the back of the church. I say this is the enemy because I can come home after work and stay up until noon watching tv or reading or putzing around the house. When you start to do things for God and especially when you are trying to bring people to him the enemy will start to work overtime to get you off your course.

I thought I was the only one going through this kind of stuff. Hang in there. I just started rebuking and praying with authority when I feel stuff about to happen. Oh and turn your phone off when you pray.
Re: Anyone Else Feel Constant Interruption While In Prayer Is Something More Sometime

Once when everything was going well..I was feeling very close in my walk with the Lord,
while walkimg home from a shopping trip to Staples with items for my writing ...
I was looking forward to having a productive afternoon

a bird defecated in my hair...I trpiped and fell in the street with oncoming traffic
lost my ID which I had to later pay 10.00
skinned my knee All within seconds of each other...
yes the enemy attacks .....

not random bad luck..not murphy's law...not weird coincidence
Anti-spiritual attack
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Re: Anyone Else Feel Constant Interruption While In Prayer Is Something More Sometime

Anytime you succeed, you'll face three things:

1. Jealousy in those who want what you've got. Remember the parable of the Prodigal Son? (Luke 15) His older brother became bitter because the attention he once had was now being given to his younger brother. When God blesses you, not everybody will celebrate it; especially those who've not yet been blessed in the same way, even though they've longed for it and worked to get it.

2. Insecurity in those who are afraid of change. When you move upward, it effects everybody else around you. Some will immediately feel threatened - particularly those who've always done things in a certain way and are not interested in stretching or growing.

3. The attack of the enemy. Satan usually attacks those who are next in line for promotion. He doesn't mess with low-impact Christians. Paul wrote, "… we wanted to come to you… but Satan stopped us" (1 Thessalonians 2:18 NIV). Think about that. If Satan could stop the Apostle Paul, imagine what he can do to you! So put on your armour, pick up your sword and get ready for battle!

Success will test every relationship in your life. Some will feel dwarfed. Some will feel displaced. Others will say, "he's just not the same anymore." When you hear those words, just keep moving forward, smile and say to yourself, "they're right!"

Promotion...means the next or higher exalted level in your life
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Re: Anyone Else Feel Constant Interruption While In Prayer Is Something More Sometime

I just started rebuking and praying with authority when I feel stuff about to happen.
I'm going to do this
My mother does this regularly
Re: Anyone Else Feel Constant Interruption While In Prayer Is Something More Sometime

Anytime you succeed, you'll face three things:

1. Jealousy in those who want what you've got. Remember the parable of the Prodigal Son? (Luke 15) His older brother became bitter because the attention he once had was now being given to his younger brother. When God blesses you, not everybody will celebrate it; especially those who've not yet been blessed in the same way, even though they've longed for it and worked to get it.

2. Insecurity in those who are afraid of change. When you move upward, it effects everybody else around you. Some will immediately feel threatened - particularly those who've always done things in a certain way and are not interested in stretching or growing.

3. The attack of the enemy. Satan usually attacks those who are next in line for promotion. He doesn't mess with low-impact Christians. Paul wrote, "… we wanted to come to you… but Satan stopped us" (1 Thessalonians 2:18 NIV). Think about that. If Satan could stop the Apostle Paul, imagine what he can do to you! So put on your armour, pick up your sword and get ready for battle!

Success will test every relationship in your life. Some will feel dwarfed. Some will feel displaced. Others will say, "he's just not the same anymore." When you hear those words, just keep moving forward, smile and say to yourself, "they're right!"

Promotion...means the next or higher exalted level in your life

To the red: this is all very interesting. I don't really know what to think but to do as you said. Pray, fast, stay in God's Word cause' it is obvious I'm moving to the next level. Wow! Oh and I have a testimony report, my mother in I gathered in Jesus name and then I prayed over her and her throat that was hurting and burning. Well, right after I finished praying she said it still hurt a bit but it wasn't burning.:grin: Glory to God! She is in the process of being healed by Jesus stripes. I think I have to pray over her some more.