Anyone else bored??!!


Well-Known Member
I'm bored w/ my hair :(
9 months of new growth
and the rest, it reaches almost apl
I wash n maxiglide it weekly,
the newgrowth makes it a lil puffy and the humidity/gym wreaks havoc on that area so it ends up in ponys most days.

I'm BORED!!!

Anyone else bored with their hair these days?
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My hair isn't doing too much these days. I'm just c/o washing, mn'ing my scalp and bunning. That's really about it. I'm bored with the style (or lack thereof) but I'm excited because I know that I'll get a lot of new growth by my next relaxer.
Extremely. I was planning to get an asymetrical bob, but time got in the way so I'm leaving it alone...for now.
Very, and a lil frustrated.

I tried a braidout last nite for a new look. Didn't turn out well, gonna give it another shot tonite w/ different products and sit under the dryer instead of air drying.

Usually when I get bored w/ my hair, I'll focus on something else in my life so I don't get tempted to cut/color/etc. I bought a copper rinse the other day so that will give me a bit of change (hopefully!).
*raises hand* I am. I've been wearing twists in the same basic style and I'm SICK OF THEM. I pin them up in different ways, tie them back, put some up in a bun and leave the back down...still tired of twists.

I'm thinking I might drop out of the 3rd session of bootcamp so I can wear my hair out during the summer. I'll still do all the basics like daily moisture and deep conditioning, etc, but at least I'll be able to have a little variety.
:yep::yep::perplexed....i'm outta style half wigs are annoying me...the people on the bus in the morning look @ me like "if i have to see you in a ponytail one more day:wallbash:" I started focusing my attention more on makeup than my hair
Lil 6" afro bored as hell here :perplexed I just wash my hair and braid it then plonk a quick weave on if Im going out:ohwell::ohwell:
I am......same ol same

Scalp bothering me
Increase of shedding for a couple of reasons
Washing and rollersetting
Almost time for a touch up, contemplating doing a corrective
Itching to get some color little hair hobby is keeping me busy.
There's a challenge so I'm keptt busy.
But--I could easily imagine myself 8-12 mths from now.
...and I imagine I'll get sick of it at some point in the future because overall I love change. I can't stand a whole lot of 'routine' for too long. Doing the same things day after day.

That's half the reason I don't attempt to grow my hair past SL. Everytime I get here I just cut it off. I cut my hair in Jan (chinlength) and nearly cut my hair again last month before my beautician (my cousin's girlfriend) and one of my homegirl's staged an intervention. :grin:
Guess I figure I'd get to a certain point (BSL) and be kinda like,
"Ok now I got long what?"
That does sound like me.:ohwell:
But....for now I'm feeling challenged. I just want to see how long I can grow my hair. :grin:
After that---there's always a new hair challenge in the if I get sick of it I figure I can always chop it off and go natural. :grin:
...and then see how long I can grow my natural hair...

Anywho on another note...WHIMSY I was looking through your Fotki: I think I've found a hair twin! little hair hobby is keeping me busy.
There's a challenge so I'm keptt busy.
But--I could easily imagine myself 8-12 mths from now.
...and I imagine I'll get sick of it at some point in the future because overall I love change. I can't stand a whole lot of 'routine' for too long. Doing the same things day after day.

That's half the reason I don't attempt to grow my hair past SL. Everytime I get here I just cut it off. I cut my hair in Jan (chinlength) and nearly cut my hair again last month before my beautician (my cousin's girlfriend) and one of my homegirl's staged an intervention. :grin:
Guess I figure I'd get to a certain point (BSL) and be kinda like, "Ok now I got long what?"
That does sound like me.:ohwell:
But....for now I'm feeling challenged. I just want to see how long I can grow my hair. :grin:
After that---there's always a new hair challenge in the if I get sick of it I figure I can always chop it off and go natural. :grin:
...and then see how long I can grow my natural hair...

Anywho on another note...WHIMSY I was looking through your Fotki: I think I've found a hair twin!

um, okay, i dont know if we're hair twins cuz i haven't checked u out but i hope we are!!
but i gotta say we're hair 'personality' twins for sure!!! I get bored, i cut, i transition, i dye, i cut..... everytime it gets to mbl i chop!! i don't know what it is! i'm now at about apl from my cut in march and i don't know what to do with myself!!!
I was very bored and frustrated. I'm transitioning and there isn't much that you can do.

I tried a new style and I'm happy again. :grin: Just a really curly braidout
Can't do more than a wash n go right now with the length of my hair (TWA). While I love my lil fro, I'm getting antsy for my hair to get longer, like yesterday:look:
I am bored and impatient right now. I have been doing protective styles almost every day, and only get excited when I'm going to wash and set my hair, which is only once per week. I just want to get to my current goal, so that I can work on the one after that, which will be the ultimate one for me. It's like hell waiting on this MBL goal :nono:
I'm bored too!! I am transitioning. I hate my relaxed ends. But I refuse to cut them until I have enough newgrowth for a ponytail. I figure I'll be ready in 4 months (after 1 year of transitioning). I know transitioning is mental, but it's driving me crazy.
I'm glad I'm not the only one!

I've been transitioning for just a little over 2 months but I've been air drying and protective styling for what feels like eons :lachen:

I'm at the point where I'm gonna just go to Sally's today and see if I can pick up something, anything, to give me a change of style.
I'm bored too! I exercise frequently. Right now I'm in a half-dry, pinned up bun. I like wearing my hair down but then I put it up for fear of damaging it.

Trimming my hair recently helped with the boredom. But now I'm mentally trying to focus on my hair goals, that keeps me excited.

I'm thinking too that now that I have my hair game down for the most part, I might need to pick up another hobby since everything is just maintenance (until my hair grows).

I fantasize about cutting my hair! I loved it when it was chin length with highlights. But then I think about my hair goals and how much I would love to have MBL hair...then I just go cowash and pin it up, lol!
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I am very bored with this bun. My rollersets come out so nice but I bun everyday. I get kinda jealous when I see other ladies with their hair out LOL
Bored out of my mind but I'm too darn lazy to do my hair! I accessorize the hell outta myself just to spice things up. Huge earrings, scarves and oversized sunglasses in all thoug and my hair is growing like weed, so I'm happy :drunk:
I'm bored too, but bored means I'm not meddling with it, which is always a good thing when it comes to retaining growth.

I've decided to start focusing on designing and making my wardrobe, instead - that'll get me over this hump, because I'll be into something else for a while. :grin:

I've got cyclic obsessions. :yep: Keeps me sane.
I'm always bored with my hair. It doesn't matter what style it's in either. I'm thankful for its health and length but honestly I'm tired of it. :ohwell:
Well, I'm not really bored with my hair, but I am bored with this sew-in and I plan on wearing one for another 9 months. I can't wait until August to see my 6 month progress and play w/ my hair for 3-4 weeks before going back to my boring sew in.
boredom update - decided to do some twistouts/braidouts to cure my boredom... let's see how it goes :)
I'm always bored with my hair. It doesn't matter what style it's in either. I'm thankful for its health and length but honestly I'm tired of it. :ohwell:


i got so bored and aggravated at my ends that still had color on them that i broke out the scissors the other day. :look: so much for that no-trim challenge. so i have to call my stylist and see what evening she can squeeze me in to fix my layers. at least getting my hair done will break up the monotony... i haven't seen her in over a year.

i threw away the scissors too. they weren't that old yet but i just can't be trusted with them in the house. me + boredom + hair + scissors = bad things :lachen:
Well, I'm not really bored, but I sure am anxious to start trying out a wash 'n go. I'm currently 28 weeks post relaxer (transitioning).