Anyone doing a Big Chop by end of 2012?


Well-Known Member
I plan to do my second Big Chop any day now. I can't believe Im excited to go through this all over again. :lachen: My hair was only chin legnth so nothing major but still, I through in the towel in May of this year out of frustration not knowig how to handle my natural TWA and now I cant believe less than 6 months later, I really miss my natural hair and regret quitting on it so quickly. I should have braided it up or threw in a weave before I texturized it in haste. I have no problems with natural or relaxed hair, just as long as its healthy and not causing me any harm I'm okay! In this case, Natural really won me over and I want to give it another try. So folks, here we grow again!

Anyone else planning on doing a BC soon?
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:wave: I am, sort of....a mini chop. And I have mixed feelings about it. But I'm going to hide my hair for most of winter as it grows itself back out.
I just did a big chop September 14 to be exact. I'm loving it already I big chopped the right lower side a few months ago and to my amaze that side was much longer than the left side that still had relaxed ends on it. I'm loving it girl
I just did a second big chop last weekend in the 15th. I'm still able to pull my hair into a small pony lol so I've been wearing a phony puff on top. Its a good way for me to keep my hair protected and hidden especially my ends and plus I have hands on hair syndrome and it keeps my hands away! :)
I chopped in August to about 2". Feel free to join us in the TWA Support thread if you like some company while growing it out.
i might bc soon.Or not. i love my length but i am not loving the detangling torn between the two. i like my texlaxed hair and my natural hair. just not together on my head at the same time LOL. im only transitioning so i can try out some new products(bkt and new curl products) otherwise i would probably stay texlaxed.
I'm planning to BC tonight. Yiiiiiikes!

I almost did after this morning's shower. But hubby was all up in my kool-aid and making me more nervous. And I'm going to try to record it too.
I may bc when I take my braids out. I dread thinking about detangling my hair. It took me 2 hours to detangle my daughter's hair last night! My daughter's hair is tbl when stretched. With shrinkage It's neck length. It's murder to detangle! Yup, I think I'm gonna cut mine off
Wow, there's a lot going really is not an easy decision. As liberating and exciting as it is, it soon gets old and can be just as frustrating as any hair routine. HHG to us all and most of all HEALTHY HAIR!
I just did a bc on Aug 9th...and had it in Microsoft since then... still gotta take pics... but so far I'm loving my texture!!! Glad to see there are some of u that bc'd so close to me... we can "grow" together. Lol
I plan on BCing in November or December. Actually, it won't be much of a Big Chop, with only a couple inches of relaxed hair left in the front.
I'm still excited about it, though!
I plan to do my second Big Chop any day now. I can't believe Im excited to go through this all over again. :lachen: My hair was only chin legnth so nothing major but still, I through in the towel in May of this year out of frustration not knowig how to handle my natural TWA and now I cant believe less than 6 months later, I really miss my natural hair and regret quitting on it so quickly. I should have braided it up or threw in a weave before I texturized it in haste. I have no problems with natural or relaxed hair, just as long as its healthy and not causing me any harm I'm okay! In this case, Natural really won me over and I want to give it another try. So folks, here we grow again!

Anyone else planning on doing a BC soon?

Congrats on your return to the natural side! Smiley79
Has anyone big chopped yet and is getting SSK'S? If so what are you doing to minimize them I really need help. I'll post pics soon I need help with my hair type
I did the BC last month. I cut it down to 0.5 in of hair. So I'll be right there with you growing out my TWA. :grin:
I did the BC last month. I cut it down to 0.5 in of hair. So I'll be right there with you growing out my TWA. :grin:

My big chop is this Sunday and that will be pretty much the legnth I am starting with as well. Practically a fade, lol. This is my second time starting like that so its no big deal to me. But due to an overwhelmingly busier schedule then before, I find that my style game has been real lukewarm lately, so in addition to my healthy hair growth journey, I will also be double dippin' in the fashion forum so I can rev up my style. Radiating skin, feminine and fun fashion, a white smile and so forth were just a few of my must haves when I did my last big chop. So, I need to make time to step up my game once again, so I enjoy this journey. :grin:
I'm this would be my second big chop. But I plan to get a low cut this time. Last Time was 3 years and 9 months ago. So you can imagine the length which is near bsl a few inches away. However I don't feel my hair is healthy so I'm starting over.

For some reason I believe those that started over do much better the second time around. Trying To find a place to get it done now.
I just cut off my relaxed ends last night after transitioning for 19 months. I plan on wearing crochet braids for at least another 6 months, so my hair will stay hidden for a while.

Have any pics to share of your chop?
I don't. It was definitely not love at first sight for me, like it is for some others. I was hoping to feel divalicious, but instead I feel like this:

Luckily, I'm getting crochet braids tomorrow, so I'll get to hide it for a few weeks. Maybe absence will make the heart grow fonder. :lol:
Hello Ladies I did "My Big Chop" on September 16,2012 after being 6 months post relaxed. I'm very happy with my hair:-) I just made 4 months natural on the 16th. Here's a few pics:-)


Hello Ladies I did "My Big Chop" on September 16,2012 after being 6 months post relaxed. I'm very happy with my hair:-) I just made 4 months natural on the 16th. Here's a few pics:-)

Congrats! Looks very nice. Your hair reminds me of mine when wet. Keep it up whatever you are doing.