Anyone detangle on DRY HAIR??


Libra Girl
How do you do it?

I have a slight cold and haven't washed my hair in almost 2 weeks. I don't want to get sicker so I think I'm gonna delay washing a few more days, but I still would like to detangle my hair so it doesn't become an hour long process on wash day :rolleyes:

I've only finger combed and LIGHTLY detangled on dry hair so I'm a little nervous. I have the Silken Child detangler, but I've never used it without my hair being at least damp.

Any info is appreciated :grin:
How do you do it?

I have a slight cold and haven't washed my hair in almost 2 weeks. I don't want to get sicker so I think I'm gonna delay washing a few more days, but I still would like to detangle my hair so it doesn't become an hour long process on wash day :rolleyes:

I've only finger combed and LIGHTLY detangled on dry hair so I'm a little nervous. I have the Silken Child detangler, but I've never used it without my hair being at least damp.

Any info is appreciated :grin:

When you washed your hair two weeks ago, did you detangle it at all?
When you washed your hair two weeks ago, did you detangle it at all?

Yes, I did. I always fully detangle on wash day.

Oh and I'm stretching (abo 11 weeks currently) as well, which is why I'm more concerned than I would probably be otherwise.
Yes, I did. I always fully detangle on wash day.

Oh and I'm stretching (abo 11 weeks currently) as well, which is why I'm more concerned than I would probably be otherwise.
Well, that's good to know. Since your hair was already detangled, try moisturizing it REALLY well and then slowly/gently combing it. You should be fine.
I detangle on dry hair after I'm done with my twist-out. First, I detangle with my fingers. Then I spray my leave-in onto my hair in sections, after which I am able to comb through my hair with my fingers.

Feel better soon!
Well, that's good to know. Since your hair was already detangled, try moisturizing it REALLY well and then slowly/gently combing it. You should be fine.

I detangle on dry hair after I'm done with my twist-out. First, I detangle with my fingers. Then I spray my leave-in onto my hair in sections, after which I am able to comb through my hair with my fingers.

Feel better soon!

Thanks for the help and get well wish, ladies :)

I am going to try a combo of both your suggestions. I am going to moisturize it really well with my NTM Silk Touch, then finger comb gently. After that I'm going to spray my detangling leave-in, comb it through and detangle in sections.
Thanks for the help and get well wish, ladies :)

I am going to try a combo of both your suggestions. I am going to moisturize it really well with my NTM Silk Touch, then finger comb gently. After that I'm going to spray my detangling leave-in, comb it through and detangle in sections.

Sounds good!
I'm gonna do it later, Allandra. . .There is a lot going on. . .and I'm kinda scared!!! lol

I will definitely update when I do :)
I don't know if this can be considered "dry" but after going to bed with a twist-out which I normally retwist before bedtime, I awoke to a tangled mess. I remembered Dsylla's suggestion to use conditoner so I applied it to the dry hair and proceeded to finger comb. It worked...and I have 4b natural hair.

Hair before detangling:

Hair during detangling--I applied Organix Vanilla Silk to dry hair:

Hair fully detangled and conditioner rinsed out:

Since you don't want to wet your hair, maybe a detangling product like Kids Organics or an oil could work just as well? Maybe after baggying?
YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I DID IT! :grin:

So at first I moisturized my hair a lot with HS 14 in 1 (I didn't wanna use up my NTM lol) and then sprayed SC detangler in random places at the top and middle of my hair. I put on my scarf and let it sit for about an hour or so. Then I went back and sectioned my hair off, applied more HS/SC as necessary and detangled with my Jilbere comb from ends to start of the demarc. line.

LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! It detangled soooo smoothly and I didn't lose a lot of hair at all! Usually I lose much more once a week on wash day :perplexed

I think I'm gonna continue to do it this way. Detangle every 2 weeks once on dry hair and then once on wash day to get the roots detangled too. I recommend it highly to anyone with detangling issues :yep:

Thanks for all the advice ladies!!! :bighug:
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YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I DID IT! :grin:

So at first I moisturized my hair a lot with HS 14 in 1 (I didn't wanna use up my NTM lol) and then sprayed SC detangler in random places at the top and middle of my hair. I put on my scarf and let it sit for about an hour or so. Then I went back and sectioned my hair off, applied more HS/SC as necessary and detangled with my Jilbere comb from ends to start of the demarc. line.

LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! It detangled soooo smoothly and I didn't lose a lot of hair at all! Usually I lose much more once a week on wash day :perplexed

I think I'm gonna continue to do it this way. Detangle every 2 weeks once on dry hair and then once on wash day to get the roots detangled too. I recommend it highly to anyone with detangling issues :yep:

Thanks for all the advice ladies!!! :bighug:

Great. I'm glad it worked well for you. :)
It helps to slightly dampen hair with a hair moisturizer/lotion type product first and then begin to detangle. I find that I lost less hair this way.
I kinda detangle on dry hair........I have to add some type of conditioner to it to help the comb glide. I detangle in sections before shampooing with my k-cutter comb then braid the section up to keep it detangled. I loose less hair this way because I can take my time and work slow. The k-cutter is a godsend though.
I kinda detangle on dry hair........I have to add some type of conditioner to it to help the comb glide. I detangle in sections before shampooing with my k-cutter comb then braid the section up to keep it detangled. I loose less hair this way because I can take my time and work slow. The k-cutter is a godsend though.

I agree...moisturizer/conditioner is the key to detangling dry hair. I also saturate my my hair in olive oil if I have a lot of knotting or matting (end result of braidouts). :nono: