Anybody Shackin Up?

who 5 starred this? maybe if some people got in here and contributed, but i've never seen a 5 starred empty thread.

you mean who's unmarried, and living with their significant others?
who 5 starred this? maybe if some people got in here and contributed, but i've never seen a 5 starred empty thread.

you mean who's unmarried, and living with their significant others?
I was thinking the same thing!:ohwell:This was yesterday when I first saw the thread and it was only one response.24hrs later,two responses.:nono:I don't understand the point of the question but to answer your question,I'm shacking up and its going for now.:sad:
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How's it going/How'd it go?

It came and it went.:look:
Answer your question?

Okay,Im a stop being difficult... :lachen:

It was a good learning experience,but I wouldn't recommend it. :nono:
I needs my personal space and living with a SO teaches you about sharing space. Also,it teaches you that you cant send they're arse home when they're working the nerves.:wallbash:
Been shaked up going on three years in July. It's ok for me. I'm not with him now I'm back home for a few months and he's extremely busy getting a phd so I haven't heard much from him lately but it's all good. We did the long distance thing before so for me it's no big deal. He's always asking me when I'm coming back (I'm not sure) I think it will distract him but he says it will help him but he just has to wait.
Yeah, I was wondering the same about who rated the thread; it wasn't me :ohwell:
But the point of the question was to get experiences and advice on the subject. I've heard alot of things about living together before marraige and was wondering who here does so or did so.
Thanks for the responses :wave: and keep them coming if there are more to share :yep:
My SO and I have been living together since February of 2007, and we're getting married August 30, 2009.

Honestly, it's a wake up call. I'm someone who's so anal and all about my personal space and if I leave my place looking a mess or looking like a palace it wouldn't matter because it's MY space and I left it that way. So at first, it was hard adapting to our different styles of living.

The good thing is is that we only have very few differences and for the most part we try to talk about the things that bother or annoy each other. We haven't killed each other yet, AND we're getting married, so we must be doing something right. :lachen:

My best advice is to pick and choose your battles. When you come into a situation like this you start to look at the little things and in all honesty, if they're not worth losing sleep over, are they REALLY worth arguing about? The best thing my SO and I have ever done is work on our communication skills and our style of arguing to the point where we don't argue as defensively as we used to in the beginning. We've made the solemn vow to not go to bed angry, even if at night all you do is touch toes as a sign that everything will be OK.
How's it going/How'd it go?

I am...I've been in a relationship for almost 3 years and we've been living together for one. When you get mad...there's nowhere to go except for in another room. Other than's cool. Oh yeah...and it saves me a lot of money (i live in MD and we also live w/a guy we went to college with). I didn't do the whole roommate thing because i don't know anyone here and I would never put myself in a situation where i'm living with someone I never knew.

My family gave me a lot of heat initially. After they learned about the cost of living (i'm from Buffalo which is DIRT CHEAP)...they understood. :rolleyes:
We where together a total of 14 years shacked for 7 to 8 of those years now we are married. I wanted to shack so to speak before marriage. First i lived on my own for some me time and to learn to survive than we shacked. lol

I lived alone from 18 1/2 to almost 21. Them where the years i tell you.

Moved out with my first income tax check.
Shacked up for almost a year after doing the LD thing for 1.5 years.... and getting married next February...

I never would have recommended it for anyone... the way it happened for me was due to circumstances.

All I can say is it is not for everyone, but can help you and the SO figure out if you can REALLY deal with each other.

All the "I'll never fart in front of him," cute stuff goes out the window QUICK...especially if you do it while you're sleep, half awake...

But if y'all are down to earth its all good.

My only struggle is the cleaning... he can go with a mess for days and it drives me nuts. He can cook though. :yep:
I shacked up for a while. It wasn't great not it wasn't terrible either.

We stopped shacking up to move back to our native city and get ourselves together career and financial wise. I don't think I want to shack with him or anyone else again though. I think my SO and I both need to do some more maturing and develop ourselves before we make anymore moves.
It was a good learning experience,but I wouldn't recommend it. :nono:
I needs my personal space and living with a SO teaches you about sharing space. Also,it teaches you that you cant send they're arse home when they're working the nerves.:wallbash:

It is nice to be able to have your space. I'm married and we never lived together. I tried it once during college (1.5yrs). The idea of a trial run doesn't ring true unless you are committed to work through problems and irritations, not just enjoying the fun parts of playing house. My takeaway from that experience was if I'm gonna put that much commitment into a relationship, he might as well walk me down the aisle first- if I let him.