Anybody Know How To Dust Their Own Ends?


Well-Known Member
My hair is about 1/2 below my shoulder and my ends are looking horrible. I stretching out my relaxer (5wks post already) so I don't want to go to a salon. Can anybody give me instructions on how to successfully trim my ends? TIA
To me, dusting is easier than attempting to trim my whole head. I like to use cuticle scissors b/c they are small and I can get to the strand I want easily. I simply take a bunch of my hair and examine the ends and where I see some looking ugly, I go in and snip, snip, snip. Don't worry if you are cutting hairs shorter than the surrounding hairs . . . it should still blend down w/the others. Word of caution . . . I usually end up cross-eyed for a minute from examining those hairs.