Anybody grown their hair long using products w/mineral oil?


New Member
This might have been discussed before but what is wrong with mineral oil? Is there concern that it hinders growth/retention or is it not good for the skin or something? Are there any ladies with hair close to BSL or longer that have consistently used products with mineral oil and still yielded results?
My hair isn't all that long (near bsl), it was around mbl but I cut it because of heat and color damage. I use amla gold which has which has mineral oil in it to dc. Ihave also had good results w/motion CPR and it has mineral oil. I also use elasta DPR-11 which has petroleum in it. I try to get products that don't have mineral oil too high on the ingredient list but my hair doesn't seem to mind it. If I were no pooing than I probably would stay away from mineral oil. I cut mineral oil out of my regimen recently, I'm trying to see if it makes a difference and I haven't decided yet.
Mineral oil is supposed to block out moisture I think. I've not really found a product that I like with mineral oil but if I did I would use it sparingly.
I hear conflicting things about Mineral oil. Some list it as a Humectant. I think it also acts as a silicone (sealing in moisture)

I used it when I had a TWA many years ago. it was my only product. I co washed (before I knew that that was:grin:) and used Mineral oil to seal. That was it. My hair grew with no problems.

It really depends on how you use it.
My aunt would use mineral oil (straight from the bottle) on her hair and she was bra strap length. She had very thick healthy looking hair.

ETA: Ms. Lala, my aunt's hair looked just like yours. She did not use heat and she was natural.
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Most of the condish that my hair loves have mineral oil, (my beloved nexxus humectress, motions CPR & Silk Protein, etc.) -- these ALWAYS make my hair feel and look good. I don't actively avoid mineral oil or petrolatum, if it works, I use it.

I don't have any leave-ins with mineral oil though . .
I'm BSL and most of my products contain mineral oil. My hair has even been as long as MBL using mineral oil.:yep:

My daily moisturizer contains it (Sunsilk TLC Creme) and my deep conditioner contains it (KeraCare Humecto).

If mineral oil is wrong then I don't want to be right. :lol:

If you ask me, avoiding it is a bunch of hype. *jmho*
I don't buy into the whole mineral oil thing is bad from the time I was a baby to when I started taking care of my own hair up until about a year ago I used Dax and Blue Magic on an almost daily basis and my hair was always somewhere between SL and APL. But at the same time I think it might depend on your hair.
i dont think mineral oil is necessarily bad, it just shows the manufacturer was cheap cuz its a cheap filler of space :lachen:. Besides that, i dont think it has a real benefit nor damaging effects - you have to look at ALL THE INGREDIENTS together and how ur individual hair responds. BUT, from what i heard, you shoudnt put it directly on ur scalp cuz it clogs pores. on the length of ur hair, it shouldn't be too bad. Just MHO.
My hair isn't BSL, but it was almost before I cut it awhile ago. I've always used products with mineral oil and it never hurt me. I think as long as the majority of your hair products/any scalp stimulants don't contain it you should be okay. Everyone's hair works differently. . .and since it never damaged mine I roll with it. Unless I find out it causes cancer or something, it is welcome up in here :)

Lord KNOWS when my hair was so healthy and long as a child, my mom and generations before her knew not of this harm from mineral oil and would slap products with it and petroleum in my hair alllllll the time. She used it too (what "black" products didn't have them in those days) and my mom used to have thick MBL hair. It was gorgeous! Until she had me :look: I feel so bad when I look at pics :sad:
I'm BSL and most of my products contain mineral oil. My hair has even been as long as MBL using mineral oil.:yep:

My daily moisturizer contains it (Sunsilk TLC Creme) and my deep conditioner contains it (KeraCare Humecto).

If mineral oil is wrong then I don't want to be right. :lol:

If you ask me, avoiding it is a bunch of hype. *jmho*
ITA, lol. My staple moisturizer contains mineral oil, ORS olive oil in a jar. My hair has THRIVED with this product. I've used it since the beginning of my hair journey and i don't plan on giving it up!
I think it depends on your hair. My hair doesn't mind it at all. In fact, a lot of the products I love have a lot of mineral oil in them (Sunsilk conditioners and leave ins, Silk Elements Luxury Conditioner, etc) Products with mineral oil make my hair really soft and slippy

Now my dd's hair on the other hand, gets sticky and hard when it comes in contact with the stuff. Her hair HATES mo.

If your hair likes it, go for it :yep:
The first thing I thought of when I saw this post was amla oil. Most kinds have mo in them and all kinds of ladies use it and have gorgeous long hair.

I stopped using mo recently but haven't noticed much difference, so I'm not totally opposed to it.
I think it depends on the person. I would consider my hair brastrap and most of my products have mineral oil in them.
I don't even look at ingredients in my products no more, most of my products have mineral oil and I don't care. My hair still looks and feels great.

A few years back I tried a month long experienment of putting pure mineral oil straight of of the bottle for my hair. I usually did this after my hair was wet and it treated my hair fine, similar to castor oil. Didn't see much difference. I don't buy into the hype that it is very dangerious for you.
:yep:So glad I researced and found this thread because I just baought some Sunsilk Hydra 24/7 TLC creme and was a little weary but.....I'm going to try it now!!!!
I say if it works then use it, I never noticed a difference using mineral oil and shea butter, shea butter beads with water just like mineral oil and to me I think it could also clog some pores too. But I guess it depends on how much you use and your shampoo regimen, I think if you C0-wash idaily t might not be good. Basically I use whatever works for my hair.
Yup. Did you see that girl on You Tube....butt length w/ Vaseline? It's possible alright, people do it every day. Some stuff I use has mineral oil in it.
I've recently added a mineral & petro based product to my regi. Softee coconut grease helps me to tame my hair and keeps it feeling good all day...HOWEVER if I want to use any other products in my hair...I MUST clarify to remove the grease. Other products simply don't penetrate with mineral oil on my hair.

I don't think i'll be able to grow my hair out using mineral oil products exclusively. Like cones I have to use these products with extreme care.
I hear conflicting things about Mineral oil. Some list it as a Humectant. I think it also acts as a silicone (sealing in moisture)

It really depends on how you use it.

Yes, BJ, I am a soapmaker (which usually includes lotions and creams amongst my colleagues); anyway . . . I overstand the molecules in mineral oil (petroleum based products) are too large to penetrate the skin. Think how shiny/greasy skin looks when it is applied. When we create lotions and creams we want the various properties of the oils used to penetrate and offer their particular benefit to the user. Thus, we do not use petrol based oils. From a soaping/cream-lotion perspective ingredients sitting on top of the skin do no good are a waste of $.

Now, if one wants to block out something, that's another story.
Yes, BJ, I am a soapmaker (which usually includes lotions and creams amongst my colleagues); anyway . . . I overstand the molecules in mineral oil (petroleum based products) are too large to penetrate the skin. Think how shiny/greasy skin looks when it is applied. When we create lotions and creams we want the various properties of the oils used to penetrate and offer their particular benefit to the user. Thus, we do not use petrol based oils. From a soaping/cream-lotion perspective ingredients sitting on top of the skin do no good are a waste of $.

Now, if one wants to block out something, that's another story.

Very interesting! :yep:
I went to the LHCF convention in Vegas and Cathy Howse did a demonstraion w/mineral oil where she put two grahm crackers in a glass and the poured mineral oil on them. Two hours later she pulled the crackers out and they were still hard. The oil didn't soak into them at all! We then put the same crackers in a glass of water and it took over two hours for the to even begin to soften.
I went to the LHCF convention in Vegas and Cathy Howse did a demonstraion w/mineral oil where she put two grahm crackers in a glass and the poured mineral oil on them. Two hours later she pulled the crackers out and they were still hard. The oil didn't soak into them at all! We then put the same crackers in a glass of water and it took over two hours for the to even begin to soften.

i think that would happen with most oils
While I enjoy using pure, unrefined shea butter, natural oils (castor, jojoba) and water based leave-in conditioners, my hair was just as soft & healthy as when I used my old Blue Magic hair grease. I'm a former swimmer and I remember using Blue Magic to grease my hair after swim class to re-moisturize my hair. It worked like a charm. After my hair dried, it felt soft and moist to the touch. Not bad all. A few weeks ago, I invested in Softee's & Blue Magic's coconut hair grease. I will use these products on my loose hair before rebraiding/retwisting.

As far as I'm concerned, mineral oil is just as natural as castor oil, jojoba, and shea butter.

Check out what the Cosmetic Cop, Paula Begoun has to say about mineral oil:

mineral oil. Clear, odorless oil derived from petroleum that is widely used in cosmetics because it rarely causes allergic reactions and it cannot become a solid and clog pores. Despite mineral oil’s association with petroleum and the hype that it is bad for skin, keep in mind that petroleum is a natural ingredient derived from the earth and that once it becomes mineral oil USP (cosmetics- and pharmaceutical-grade mineral oil), it has no resemblance to the original petroleum. Cosmetics-grade mineral oil and petrolatum are considered the safest, most nonirritating moisturizing ingredients ever found (Sources: Cosmetics & Toiletries, January 2001, page 79; and Cosmetic Dermatology, September 2000, pages 44–46). Yes, they can keep air off the skin to some extent, but that’s what a good antioxidant is supposed to do; they don’t suffocate skin! Moreover, mineral oil and petrolatum are known to be efficacious in wound healing, and are also among the most effective moisturizing ingredients available (Source: Cosmetics & Toiletries, February 1998, pages 33–40).
I'm MBL and use products w/MO in them. Most of my Dominican conditioners which have been vital to my hair's survival contain MO. Lately I've been trying to avoid using them as often, but my hair doesn't seem to care much. This may or may not change the further I get into my transition. I don't use said products on my scalp, and I'll chelate when needed so we're gonna ride until the wheels blow out.
I went to the LHCF convention in Vegas and Cathy Howse did a demonstraion w/mineral oil where she put two grahm crackers in a glass and the poured mineral oil on them. Two hours later she pulled the crackers out and they were still hard. The oil didn't soak into them at all! We then put the same crackers in a glass of water and it took over two hours for the to even begin to soften.

It seems like then, mineral oil is a great sealant that will add a glossy shine, because it will sit on top of your hair. But if you apply it to hair that has not had moisture added, then it could be harmful and keep out moisture. I have never had a problem with mineral oil.