Anybody growing bangs besides me?!


Well-Known Member
Anybody growing out bangs besides me?!

Let me just start by saying I LOVE my bangs! BUT, since I'm moving to FL in June I know good and dang well I don't want bangs in that humidity...LOL! So I started growing them out last month :lachen: and it is killin" me :wallbash: Oh and I need to cut about 3 or 4 inches to get rid of some layers and get the blended bangs going so when I wear it down it doesn't look so weird. I may wait a month or so to do that but may undecided:spinning:.

Anybody else growing out bangs...or even layers? I need some support or I'ma end up SL again (which, by the way, I LOVED) but defeats the purpose of growing to MBL!!!:perplexed Oh yeah, and where IS MBL (how far below bsl)?

Rant over...sorry.:perplexed
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Lol I was actually thinking about getting bangs when I take out these braids in may but I can't decide because I hate the awkward phase they go through after about three weeks. There not quite bangs any more and then you have to decide whether to keep cutting them or let them grow out. Also summer is approaching and I'm not sure if bangs are a smart idea because of humidity.....hope others chime in
I'm growing out bangs......i didnt cut them though my hair just broke off like that and my stylist evened them up so anyway, here i am growing them out. There about in line with my eyes now.......
I'm growing out bangs and layers. My bangs are catching up fast, but my layers are catching up slowly.

I used to wear layers as a style, but I only have them now b/c I cut off damaged hair in my crown area last year & the stylist needed to blend it. I hope they can be grown out by the end of this year so that I can wear a blunt cut.
Lol I was actually thinking about getting bangs when I take out these braids in may but I can't decide because I hate the awkward phase they go through after about three weeks. There not quite bangs any more and then you have to decide whether to keep cutting them or let them grow out. Also summer is approaching and I'm not sure if bangs are a smart idea because of humidity.....hope others chime in

lol. same over here! i love the idea of having bangs again but i know that once i'd be tired of them, i'd just be dying for them to grow out.

i felt like it took forever to grow them out when i had them. like 2 years. i'd style my hair or pin it to the side to have the "side bang" as it grew out.

i hear you on the humidity issue.... especially when new growth comes in. frizzy bangs are not cute!
Yep, summer humidity and bangs are a NO NO! Well I currently live in Cali and I have been rockin' bangs since last summer. But I went to FL the end of last summer and it was not cute...LOL! I should have started growing them out sooner but I love them and get SO many compliments...oh well.

Is anybody cutting to blend or catch up some hair?? I am SERIOUSLY thinking now would be a good time (for me) since my hair grows faster in the Summer.

We need a grow your bangs/layers/damaged area challenge!!
Ok so Pixel Lady, PLEASE do not cut your hair! You are my hair idol. I think you have the most GORGEOUS hair EVER! I am in the process of trying some of the products you use in you reggie, into my own. I use to live in FL, so I know what the weather is like. I an a natural, but when I straighten, is very similar to yours. I am just above BSL, about an inch. I hope to reach a length like yours, MBL. What does your bangs actually lookk like? I would like to have bangs, but I am to scared to cut them.
I cannot even begin to count the number of times I have grown out bangs. I straighten my hair for a while, decide it will look better with bangs, cut an elaborate bang style and then get tired of straightening, so the bangs mess up whatever look I am going for. And I keep doing this over and over again, even though I really hate growing out the bangs. :wallbash: I'm wearing one ponytail most of the time these days, and the bangs eventually end up making this frizzy puff no matter how high or low the ponytail is on my head. My bangs are around SL now, so they have a way to go before "catching up" with rest of my hair.
I'm growing out my bangs, which are now about a inch past my eyes...but that awkward phase killed me! I feel you on the humidity poof, but I managed to keep them tamed by pinning the bangs back with a clip and wearing the rest down...the style gets old but at least you're not looking like Woody Woodpecker at the end of the day :giggle:
I'm growing out my bangs, which are now about a inch past my eyes...but that awkward phase killed me! I feel you on the humidity poof, but I managed to keep them tamed by pinning the bangs back with a clip and wearing the rest down...the style gets old but at least you're not looking like Woody Woodpecker at the end of the day :giggle:

hahaha, what a great visual! :)
Ok so Pixel Lady, PLEASE do not cut your hair! You are my hair idol. I think you have the most GORGEOUS hair EVER! I am in the process of trying some of the products you use in you reggie, into my own. I use to live in FL, so I know what the weather is like. I an a natural, but when I straighten, is very similar to yours. I am just above BSL, about an inch. I hope to reach a length like yours, MBL. What does your bangs actually lookk like? I would like to have bangs, but I am to scared to cut them.

Awww, THANK YOU!! Which products did you try and which ones did you like? Oh and I'm not MBL (at least not on my! Last measure was 1/2 inch past the bottom of BSL...not much longer than you, so we can keep each other encouraged! So thank you!!

Here is a pic of my bangs b4 I started growing them:


Vamilee, me too. I cut them every couple of years or so. Not really a big deal in Cali but in FL...a hot mess!!!

Guess I will be pinning them back too! I'm hoping they get long enough to swoop to the side and stay, but probably not til the end of summer.
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I'm from florida (but living in philly). I put extra product on my bangs before and after flat ironing and it helps a lot. Something heavy like garnier leave in cream works great.

But if u must grow them out just twist them and use a bobby pin to secure them on top of ur head, like a little bump. in no time at all they'll be long enough to blend with the rest of ur hair.
I'm from florida (but living in philly). I put extra product on my bangs before and after flat ironing and it helps a lot. Something heavy like garnier leave in cream works great.

But if u must grow them out just twist them and use a bobby pin to secure them on top of ur head, like a little bump. in no time at all they'll be long enough to blend with the rest of ur hair.


I may have to start using something...I never add product after the conditioner as it just weighs my hair down and looks greasy. Well I should say after day #3 when I am putting it up I do use Coconut oil. Also I did try MB last summer it worked but my hair was super staticky...LOL!
I am going to try the Wella keratin oil. I ordered it so it should be here soon. I am also going to get the Graham Webb conditioner that you use. You look MBL to me. I will be happy with your length regardless of its acronym. I am trying the KISS method too. I going to posts pics next week for all of the LCHF'ers to check out.
I'm growing out my bangs too even though I think I look better with hair in my face.

It's torture! But I have layers all over and so I'm just bearing it. Now my hair has long layers everywhere--it's pretty when it's in loose curls, but I MISS my bangs.

But you're right. Hot humid and bangs do NOT mix. :nono:

Good luck!