anybody ever get texlaxed in the salon?


New Member
If so how were the results? Did your stylist know about texlaxing prior to your visit or did you have to explain the service?did you get it done in a dominican salon? I notice that most texlaxer's self relax, for the health of my hair I have decided to stop self relaxing. I don't know if my hair can take another corrective...please help me out ladies tia
I texlax in a salon. My stylist gave me the idea, but she called it a texturizer. She also said it would make my hair much stronger than a full relax. I BCed and was wearing a TWA( like 1/2 inch). This was back in April of 2004, long before I found LHCF.
I got texlaxed results by requesting a mild relaxer at the salon. It worked out just right.

I don't think most hairdressers understand what "texlax" is if you go in and specifically request it.
I don't think most hairdressers understand what "texlax" is if you go in and specifically request it.

I agree. Hopefully when you tell your stylist that you don't want bone straight results or that you want some texture/waves left that they understand; most should actually. I've pm'd a few members that have beautiful texlaxed hair and some of them get them done in the salon where the stylist leaves the relaxer in for only a certain amount of time and/or a mild relaxer is used.

It all boils down to communication. Let your stylist know (prior to getting service) what you want and what your goals are and hopefully, they can successfully honor your request. If not, move on to someone else that can. There are plenty that are familiar with "texlaxing" although they don't use that term.
My stylist did my texlax (Now going natural).

He knew about it way before I came to LHCF, but he never called it texlax.

He did a great job, but my hair just can't stand the chemicals.
I used to get my hair texturized by my stylist, she recommended it... I think that texturizing and texlaxing are the same thing? maybe? Pretty much she just leaves the relaxer on for 5 minutes and rinses it out... I guess any stylist could do this if you asked for them to leave it on for less than the recommended time...Sorry I'm not much help lol
"Texlaxing" is a term originating from the ladies here at LHCF in recent years. Stylists on this site would know what it means but others will think you mean a texturizer, which is different.
My stylist did a texlax on me years and years ago. I was the one that didn't know what it was. He felt through my natural hair and told me he was going to keep some texture in my hair.

I've never had another stylist analyze my hair the way he did and give me a relaxer according to my hair needs.
Thanks ladies! I think dominicans refer to texlaxing as a light I have noticed most of them leave some texture in their hair.I guess I will have to waste some money on a few wash and sets now so I can try out a stylist.I say waste because my hair will be going straight in a bun.
I've been texlaxed by my stylist as well. Toward the end of my natural journey (when I would sport mostly weaves anyways) she would texlax my hair for manageability because my hair is thick, and also I work out a lot so it would ease the hair reverting so quickly and be something I can just simply flat iron a bit and go. Additionally it helped my hair to blend with the weave hair a bit better as well. Even now though, when I get my relaxers, they're never bone straight, just a little more than the texlax.
I do. I was completely natural when I was texlaxed for the first time. I let my stylist know upfront that I did not want bone straight hair. I brought my own relaxer with me (ORS No-Lye Normal) and she just left it on for less time. It took a couple of visits for me to get the texture that I wanted. I've been going to her for close to 2 years now and I have no complaints.
I don't live in NYC at the moment. But Ms. Jessie's Salon/Curve Salon in Bed- Stuy does a Texlax also known as a "silkening" When i used to go there for hair cuts- people would tell Miko or Titi the level of loosening they wanted. I have some friends who got it done there and were pleased. It is though. expensive- but not more expensive than a hair cut.
Im sure there are others- but thats all I know for SURE does texlax
Is there anyone in the DFW, Texas area who gets their hair texlaxed at a salon? If so, which salon, and what are your reviews?

Thanks in advance!