anybody end up with damaged hair from phyto?


New Member
Im just wondering since phyto...esp index I is quite it almost impossible to damage hair with phyto? I knowit probably is possible but who here has actually damaged their hair by using it? and when i say damage i mean over processed and breaking etc?
Im thinking of doing my touch up myself this next time but scared and so kinda need reassurance.


RachiQue said:
Im just wondering since phyto...esp index I is quite it almost impossible to damage hair with phyto? I knowit probably is possible but who here has actually damaged their hair by using it? and when i say damage i mean over processed and breaking etc?
Im thinking of doing my touch up myself this next time but scared and so kinda need reassurance.



I've neber experienced any damage, no problems with over processing or breakage and I've been using it since 2000. I will say that since it is No-Lye, some people's hair tends to get very dry. So to combat that, be sure to keep on top of DCing, moisturizing your hair and scalp.
You be instigatin Rachi....I'ma step on ya baby toe.:look:

No seriously girlie, I've never had an issue with it as I approach the two year mark using it.

I think (and pray) that you'll be okay with it;)

*Hair hug*
ouch steppin on my toe and chuckling at my
thanks for gonna go ahead and do it very soon i think!

any more responses?