Anybody ahead of schedule?


New Member
Cause I am! Am I going to adjust my schedule? Noooooo.

I set my next goal of shoulder length to March 07 but my sides are already touching and the back is past shoulder length by 1/4 inch.

This is good......:cool:
i am ... i want to be APL by May 07 and i have about 1.5 inches to go and it is Jan. I have a lot of new growth too( about an inch) so i hope to be past there when i get my relaxer
Me!!! I reached APL 3 months early and I may reach BSL early too! I don't plan on changing my schedule until after my braids come out to assess the breakage and shedding.(I'm getting them tomorrow and I'll get them out mid March). I shouldn't get much breakage since the girl who is doing them doesn't braid too tight and I did a protein treatment yesterday. When my braids come out, I'll have 2+ inches of new growth and I'll only be 1.5 inches away from BSL! Cross your fingers!
I definitely am...I'm a little bit past brastrap and expect to make it to waistlength by the end of the year. I never would of dreamed it:).
congrats to you all!!! Isn't it exciting? I too may change my schedule a bit but only after I fully reach shoulder length. Technically, I'll be there in Feb, but I want all my hair either on or past my shoulders fully before I say I'm official. Still its nice to be practically at my next goal ahead of sched.:cool:
March '07 I should be "mildly" hitting shoulder length. If my hair is fully sitting on my shoulders then I will consider it beening ahead of schedule.;)