Anybody Able To Grow Their Hair Back After A Medical Issue?

Alpha Female

New Member
I am 'hyperthyroid' and have been for a few years. Hard head that I am, I sort of ignored previous 'little symptoms' like elevated heart rate, feeling hot all the time, etc. Boy, but when I noticed a month ago that my hair was starting to really thin and my scalp was getting dry & flaky, I finally made the connection, and I couldn't get to the endocrinologist fast enough! Within 1 week, I had gotten blood work done, a thyroid uptake & scan test, and the final solution - which was a radiation pill. The doctor had gloves on, used tongs, and pulled one little pill out of a double-cased steel container! Really made me wonder if a radiation pill was the right answer (which I'm sure didn't help my hair loss!), but this is the # 1 method for addressing hyperthyroidism in the U.S.

Anyway, I took the pill, and am now in 'wait-&-see' mode. But I did decide to go see a black dermatologist to help combat the hair thinning & dry scalp while I work on getting the thyroid under control. I went to Dr. Milton Moore here in Houston at Moore Unique Dermatology & Spa. He has 2 locations, and a really professional operation - I was impressed. He also sells his own products which he uses to resolve your issues, which are not overly expensive. I was prescibed some of his own shampoo, conditioner, and scalp cream - I hope they really do work, and are not just some scam to hock his own products! I was also given a prescripton for cortizone creme and Nizoral pills.

So I'm on a regimen now. I noticed that some of his products contain petroleum and mineral oil. Though I try to stay away from those - the Dr. has prescribed these products that include them, so I will go with the flow for now, and just monitor my progress. I have a follow-up visit in a month. Has anyone on the board every had some type of medical issue where they experienced hair loss, but were able to grow it back afterwards? If so, what are your recommendations for getting your hair back strong & healthy again?
I have done several times, my situation is different than yours. But growing your hair healthy while sick is harder. For the first 3 1/2 years living in Hawaii I wore cornrows and my regimen was like the crown and glory method. After that I am still working on my regimen but what I am doing now is working as long as I don't have any major changes in medication.

I was once taking a medication that made my hair fall out from the roots big sections, I called my family doctor right away, the next day I went in for blood work and that med was conflicting with the other more critical meds I was taking. So I had to stop instantly and we had to see what else I could take and start on my health. I even worked on growing my hair back.

I now use:
1. ORS Aloe Shampoo
2. Proclaim Aloe & Shea Moisturizing Shampoo
3. Dove Moisturizing Shampoo
4. ORS Rep. Pak
5. Proclaim Aloe & Shea Conditioner
6. LeKair Cholestrol Conditioner
7. Generic Nexxus Hum.
8. Dove Moisturing Conditoner
9. Duo Tex Protein Treatment
10. Ion Leave In
11. Elasta QP Silk
12. Chi Silk Infusion
13. Elasta QP Mango Butter
14. Keracare Conditioning Crème Headdress
15. Boundless Tresses Balm

Not all at the same time or all together, but on a regular basis, I use # 15, 14, 12, 11 & 10.
For several years, unbeknownst to me, I suffered from hypothyroidism. Things, however, did not begin to decline for my hair until I went on meds. My hair began to thin, shed and break. Mind you, I wasn't as diligent then as I am now,but, I was unaware of the toll the meds. would take on my hair. I am now on a healthy hair regimen which includes regular protein treatments, and the use of natural oils. In just a few short weeks, I am already seeing positive changes in the texture, appearance and feel of my hair. All this being said, the hair does grow back, with lots of TLC. BTW: I also suffer from anemia, which has had a negative effect on my hair.

Have you tried to do an Internet search on the effects of hyperthyroidism on hair? You may find some useful information.
I loose my hair due to my health often. I usually also grow it back. I have lost most of it twice and some of it more times than I can count. The key to growing your hair back is getting you condition under control and then giving your hair lots of TLC and paying attention to your meds to make sure they don't create a seperate set of issues.

It can be done!
i have lost hair from meds had to take them for a year and i am just starting to get some hair back together:yep:BT CASTOR OIL DEEP CON EVERY week and protein when need.. THEN I CUT IT 2XIN ONE MONTH:wallbash:BUT IT GROWING PRETTY GOOD I ASK THE DR COULD I TAKE BIOTIN AND B-100.AND THAT HELPING .but i wish i could drink carrot juice thats what everybody swears by it .i dont like it some say you can mix it with apples to get it down,and i bag my hair a lot. and keep it moisturizers good luck on your treatment and you cant worry too much about your hair cause that dont help in its self:nono:just do the best you can and take care of your self:yep:
Control your illness and take herbal supplements: one that works well is Sorsetail or silica. Use heavy protein conditioning treatments. Clean diet lots of veggies and fresh fruit.