Any YT'ers w/ vids growing out natural hair from BC?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies ,

I need your help. I have mostly APL hair , longer on the sides and back (BSB).

I took my hair out of twists w/ extensions last week. I had them in for 4 months. I've never had twists in that long but during the time I had them in I went to Cali. and when I got back I had to go into the hospital to have a medical procedure under general anesthesia.

I was having problems before the twists with very dry ends but I was pampering and trying to preserve them.

I've been steaming, henna'ing, DCing , I did trim them and I've been using the best prods.

After removing the twists my hair again is very dry. The ends are very brittle and crunchy and I'm just over it already. I think it may be a result of the anesthesia and my ends locking up with the extension hair.

I really want to chop it all off and start over again.

I would love to see others that have done this on YT. Can you all point me to some that you may remember.

I would really appreciate it.

Oh, I want it cut kinda like Halles' in my siggie but shorter , very close on the sides but maybe leaving 5-6 inches on the top so I can still twist and flat iron to give me more styling options.

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Thanks ladies for the replies.

I have checked out all the vids and they all made me fearless to go chop off all my hair.

I did it yesterday. I am scalp bald. I did leave about 4-5 inches on the top so I can twist it out . Think of Mel B's little girl but a little more together than that. Don't laugh!!

Now I just have to decide if I'm gonna keep shaping it up for a while or just let it grow back out.

I'm no help, my yt and blog don't have what you're looking for, but THANKS for starting this thread, now I have more blogs/yt to stalk!! Keep postin your blogs ppl!!