Any women out there still trying to figure what products work?

Great threads thanks!

I am texlaxed (about to go straight). Still struggling with a good blow dry product (trying redken satin wear and power tomorrow), dc (tried silicon mix over the weekend and like it so far...need a few uses to make up my mind), and just really knowing what my hair is going to like by the content of something. Based on recent experience I do think my hair likes cones and is protein sensitive.

It would be nice to get down to staples soon rather than later so that I can stop wasting $$$$ and time on stuff that doesn't work.

Special note: I truly love this forum. Yesterday I was in Ulta looking for a blow dry product and just felt overwhelmed so I pulled up my iPhone, searched the forum, and found some contenders. Sample or small bottles are what get purchased just in case they don't work.

So funny! I usually do research before I buy and even before I joined I always checked to see what the ladies of LHCF said!
I am natural and have found what works for me in regards to shampoos, conditioners, moisturizers, and oils but am still struggling to find a good deep conditioner because I am protein sensitive. Also, I have recently become interested in using stylers which is a whole new ball park of products to become familiar with.
I have found that moderate to heavy protein treatments are the devil and I hate the way my hair feels with gel in it. I'm interested in mousses, cream gels, curl creams and such that will give my hair a moderate hold and keep it from puffy up so a, style like a braidout, will last longer.

Do any of you ladies use the entire product line or do you mix and match? I used to mix and match until one day I stopped and started using whole lines and that made the difference.
Nope, I find that there will be some products that I really like from a particular line but then other that either don´t do anything or wreak havoc on my hair such as the Giovanni line -- I love the shampoos and conditioners from this line but will never again use the leave-in since it dried my hair out really bad. Mix and match is the way to go for me.