Any W shape come back stories?


Active Member
For those of us that have longer sides and a weak middle section in the back.. anyone overcome this and have some pics??

I am so depressed about my w shape that took place after overprocessing. I have been transitioning for awhile now so I hope my hair gets back to normal.I am so tempted to just cut over 5 inches of my hair just to even it up and be able to wear light colored tops again :) (Black hides my w shape thank goodness)
Yeah I get the W every now and again, but it is only because my hair grows differently. It always fills in on its on, so I dont worry about it,and just let it do its thing.

Last W I had was in March, it has since grown out evenly.

No pics though, but wearing twist outs and rollersets helped my hair look good when I wanted to wear it down.
I had this are in my fotki...i don't wanna post that embarrassment up on here. I kept my hair up...thats the only style i could do to keep my W from showing. Ewww...horrible memories.