Any transitioning 3C's ever attempted at doing a fro?


New Member
Hi all...

I'm currently transitioning probably for a real long time coming up...its been a challenge the whole way through but i'm certainly trying!! lol ... i've recently been intrigued by the fact that altho I only have but so much new growth (3-4 inches...i've stopped caring about taking care of my hair for the past few months since my life has been on a downslide), the rest of my relaxed hair (were talking 14-16 inches give or take) hasnt been relaxed in almost a year now (if i'm doing the math correctly!)

I was wondering, because with my hair, the lack of having chemicals on it it tends to go back to a somewhat natural feeling state altho there is a VAST difference between the new growth and relaxed ends...I've been experiementing with shea butter and water lately and i've come to find if i do the below I get somewhat close to a DEFINED fro...and i was wondering if any other 3c's had tried/are trying/are interested in trying to make their hair a nice defined curly waved fro and what works/doesnt work for them!

Heres my "fro" reigmen that i do whenever i want full defined moisturized hair!:

1. Wash my hair with dr. bronners then comb the hair out into individual sections, applying shea to each section, and combing again then braiding each section (i do this piece by piece)

2. Once i'm finished, I unbraid the sections and I go wash my hair again with dr. bronners (may seem excessive and drying but i've gotten good results!!:grin: ) trying to rid it of as much shea as I can on the surface to avoid the greasies

3. Once i've washed it out I let it dry and use a pick and my hands to blow up the hair by taking my fingertips and fluffing from the roots/taking the pick and fluffing in various places.

4. It dries nice and defined! problem is that it gets to be too much trouble:ohwell: and washing and prep and its too much...does anyone do anything thats better? ps i'll get pics on here asap!!!;) any suggestions, ideas, or comments?
bump! any ladies out there ever tried this/wanted to try this lol or am i alone? hahahaha;)
I'm a transitioning 3b/c and have never tried it. I didn't think it could work! Maybe if I BCed and used a lot of styling products though...

I'm sure some 3cs must have tried it though... hope you get some replies :)
PerfectDoak said:
I'm a transitioning 3b/c and have never tried it. I didn't think it could work! Maybe if I BCed and used a lot of styling products though...

I'm sure some 3cs must have tried it though... hope you get some replies :)

actually, believe it or not, it can be done without a BC!! I think you've got to be 9 months- 1 year into the transition so you've had a bit of time to get some thicker roots, but if you use something like shea butter, its entirely possible!!!:grin: just shea butter and water and fluffing by hands continually its possible...maybe something to try one day? hmmmm...;) ;)

might be worth a try one day and would look absolutely beautiful with your color lol!! i'm just trying to find a way to cope with the two textures and realized one day i could do that and maybe that would look boyfriend loved it and instead of trying to push me to straighten my hair, he actually said he likes it like that..although the fro thing can't be a daily thing because your hair doesnt always benefit from oily moisture like that so i use a moisturizing cream and just put it up...
That's interesting, meia.
I'm over a year into my transition so I may try it using a method similar to yours sometime.
A long, long time ago when big afros were all the rage, I tried to comb my then virgin hair using my dad's pick. My hair just flopped back down - I remember being so disappointed. I was about 8 years-old and wasn't really aware of different hair textures.

Since then I've had a short cut with the nape shaved. It grew out curly but still didn't fro. :(
Hi, my stylist gave me a fro by blow drying my hair with a comb attachment. She then sprayed oil sheen on it. It took her a half an hr to do it. She also did it another way- she sprayed my hair with water, then combed out my curls. This hurt me like a son of a gun, but I'm tenderheaded.:D I don't know how it will look w/ your relaxed ends tho.:ohwell: I neveer combed out my hair and rocked a curly fro. You can try it both ways. HTH. I'm not sure of my hair type, but it curls up into corkscrew curls when wet, so I guess it's 3c.:confused: