Any transitioners using the hot comb to straighten roots?


New Member
I tried the blow dry then flat iron way but the results were very unsatisfactory. I think my roots might be too thick and I'm too nervous to go over the hair more than twice. I know some people have said that the hot comb will destroy the relaxed hair but I don't understand WHY.

Anyone have success with the hot comb?
I haven't heard of any transitioners doing this but that doesn't mean they aren't doing it. I hope someone comes to answer your question.
I do.... well, my stylist does. I go to her every two weeks. After rinsing the conditioner out, she doesn't sit me under the dryer because I'll get too dry. I airdry until damp, then she blow dries me (with heat protectant of course). She then hot combs my roots and my edges ONLY (which are all natural) and then flat irons my relaxed strands.

For the first 3 months I was able to make it close to about 11 or 12 days until my roots were unbearable. Now at 4 months, I can only keep that salon look for about 5-6 days. I've now resorted to wearing curly styles.

She knows that I'm a do it yourselfer and asked if I'd ever tried to hot comb my own hair. I told her NO! She told me that I could do it and that she would teach me, in the future. I'm not sure if I even want to do that. I think I'd rather stick to flat-ironing.

I don't think it's the hot comb only that can destroy natural OR relaxed hair but also a flat iron. It's really the heat that is the factor. When I was relaxed, my hair was thin so I can't imaging using a hot comb for my relaxed hair, but that's just me.
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My stylist used the hot comb on my front hairline and crown when I was growing out my relaxer. He never went past the new growth and used a flat or curling iron to straighten the length of my hair. It used to last up to three weeks - even in the summer, but it's not humid here. HTH.
Thanks ladies. Bumping.

Anyone else. I don't get WHY the hot comb breaks off the relaxed hair. I mean, I understand the whole heat thing but it sounds like there's another reason. Is there?

Also, are you talking about the hot comb on the stove or the temp controlled one?