Any Transitioners *not* doing the BC?

I got a total of 3 (three) trims during my entire 2 years of transitioning. I would flat iron my hair then go to the salon for a trim. My hair really grew this way and I never had to go thru an awkward short phase. For anyone wondering about transitioning styles, I did a braidout once a week and left my hair alone.
I am definately NOT BC'ing. I am going to gradually trim off my relaxed ends just like I did the last time I transitioned. My hair is dense and thin enough to withstand both textures relaxed and natural. (This time I'm transitoning for good.) :D
I'm transitioning without doing the BC because I'm tired of cutting my hair short and waiting for it to grow back. I cut my hair short twice and I'm not doing it again.
Nope I'm not doing the BC. I've been transitioning since Sept 06. Its been hard to let my ends go i trim every once and a while, my last trimm was about 1 inch in april and i plan on trimming 1/2 every month from now on.
Its so hard to BC for me personally because my hair has never been this long and i would just hate to cut it all off
I'll only do the BC if I find a wig that will get me through the awkward stages. I have a big I'm not trying to go out like that, but my hair needs it. For now, I'm trimming as I grow.
I'm trying to avoid the BC. My last relaxer was March 3. Ideally, I'd like to transition for a year before chopping, so I'd have enough natural hair to comfortably wear "out". That said, I'm planning to trim a little of the relaxed ends every couple of months or so. I'm not sure how long this will last, though, because I'm already getting the urge to cut it all off and be done with it. But the big flat spot at the top of my skull needs more than 3 inches of natural hair to look right.:lol:
I love having hair past my shoulders, so I'm just going to deal with the two textures as long as I can. When I can stretch my newgrowth at least past my chin, I will most likely chop. I have no idea how I would deal with a TWA or short hair, so I wont! :)

The only thing I am worried about is breakage, which I am fighting off now that I am 2 months into transition.

Does anyone who is far in their transition (more than just a couple months like me) know whether or not breakage gets worse or better overtime?:ohwell:
My plan was to transition for two years. After 15 months I did my BC because I could no longer stand to look at those stringy relaxed ends. Even though my hair is not nearly as long as it was, I am very please I cut it.