Any tips for hair care while on vacation in Mexico?


New Member
I am taking my first real vacation in several years, more than 5. We are going to Mexico. Any tips on how to care for my hair with all the swimming etc.

I was thinking of keeping it in a pony tail most of the time and my ends tucked under. But what would be a good product to put on it when i go in the ocean and in the pool. Also any special precautioins when i get out. Do I have to rinse right away.

Its to late to get braids or a weave and i was trying to avoind that $$ wise anyway.

Any helps, tips are greatly appreciated

Best case but maybe not cute/fun scenario would be to saturate hair with conditioner, put a plastic cap over that and a swim cap on top of that. You'll get a nice deep condish treatment in while the nice warm sun.:grin:

I'm sure you want to be carefree while on you break so:

Before going in the water you can just saturate your hair with water at least so there is less of a chance of chlorinated water to be absorbed in your hair.
And/or saturate your hair with a water based conditioner for the same reasons mentioned above.

Don't use too much oil on your hair, because you don't want an oil slick following you in the pool.:lol:

Whenever you get back to your room just shower and rinse out. You don't have to go out of your way, I never do when I'm on vacay.:grin:

Last but not least, don't worry too much about your hair, HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to Mexico also for our first vacation as a "married" couple.:blush: I was planning on putting a little condish in my hair b/f I went out into the pool. Not alot just enough to try and keep the chlorine from drying it out too much. Then I just was going to rinse afterwards and bun it or do a wash and go for my evening look. I also planned on getting alot of pretty scarves to wear for when I'm just not feeling my hair. I was contemplating braids also, but we're in a recession so I need to do some more saving.
HTH and enjoy your vacation!!