Any techniques or vitamins for thicker hair and thicker ends?


Well-Known Member
Not to offend anyone. I don't care how long my hair or anyone hair is, but I am not the biggest fan of hair that is dull, brittle, or see through. No matter the length. I believe hair looks healthy when it's full and thick whether short or long, Recently, I went to two hairstylist to get my hair straighten for a event. One of them did a horrible job, so I decide to go another stylist. Now, my natural hair ends are mess up. :nono: Luckily, I was able to get my ends to revert back by doing a egg yolk treatment for 20 mins, but my ends are kind of thin.

I just wanted to know if there are any hair care techniques, products, or vitamins to make hair fuller again?

Thank you
The ONE tried and true thing that made mine and my mom's hair thicker was/is Mineral Rich, liquid minerals. I plan to take this forever.
I have fine hair that I consider medium to low in density. What helps to keep my hair looking thick are:

1. not using relaxers
2. Finger detangling Only
3. Washing in sections
4. Using low manipulation hair styles
5. S&D getting rid of knots specifically as you find them
6. No long term PS with weaves and or braids extensions. Again with fine hair weaves and braid extensions can pull and weigh heavy on my hair strands and scalp causing more harm than good.
7. Taking VITAMINS for HAIR and overall HEALTH! I switch my vitamins up sometimes but I always take: A multi-vitamin for women, Iron supplement, and a Hair Skin and Nail Vitamin. Currently I'm also taking additional: biotin, MSM, Silica, and garlic supplements. It's winter so I do a little extra.
8. Condition your hair regularly and baby them ends!!! I baggie/GHE my twist nightly to be sure my ends are not drying out. When I baggie I just apply a little oil, or spray lightly with my moisturizer and seal with a light oil. This way moisture and product stays in the hair and off the scarf/pillow.
9. Be gentle
10. Eat right and drink lots of water!!
My ends are thick and I don't trim more than once a year. This is what helps me:
Luscious ends challenge
aloe vera juice to detangle and/or moisturize
protein at every wash (Nexxus Emergencee)
Sulfate free poo-Keracare detangling shampoo
I wash in sections
I always sleep in a scarf or bonnet
I only straighten my hair once a month at the most
Purvana hair, skin and nail vitamins
When my hair isn't straight I wear wigs
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Maybe in about three months with my mom. She couldn't even believe it. I don't know how long it was with me because I wasn't wearing my hair out. My mom was doing my hair at one point and she kept saying what have you been doing because your hair has never been this thick. Mom's hairstylist loved the change in mom's hair and started telling all of her customers about it.
Outside of healthy methods what really works for me is

Joico K pak
Haitian castor oil

Yeah I do a mixture of JBCO and Shea butter. I've seen m hair get thick!! lol But I also sear by my only vitamin , Viviscal. It works!! LOL
Thank you ladies, I am considering doing some of the techniques all of you had offer.

I heard things about Cassia making hair healthier, shiner, and plus thicker. I just purchase the powder along with JBCO. Also, I am considering trying Mineral Rich as well.
Since you can't make hair already on your head thicker, it's crucial that what you put into your body is beneficial to your hair growth. Foods or supplements that are B rich (Vitamin Bs, Biotin, etc) are great for hair health and keratin production. Topical things will help keep the hair that's already sprouted, but what you put into your body will help the hair that will grow in. Drink tons and tons of water. Worry less about 30 million steps that all do the same thing. Add some moisture, leave your hair alone and watch it grow.
Okay, I just want to say I did try the Cassie Powder; I did notice thickness when I used it. To add, it is not as messy as henna and I'm glad it does not stain anything. I got a lot of thickness and also shrinkage, but the shrinkage didn't bother me. My hair was shiner too.
THIS. Also, I also notice I needed more trims when I was wearing sew-ins. This also cause thinness for my hair in the past even with a prepare regimen and moisturizing products.

I have fine hair that I consider medium to low in density. What helps to keep my hair looking thick are:

1. not using relaxers
2. Finger detangling Only
3. Washing in sections
4. Using low manipulation hair styles
5. S&D getting rid of knots specifically as you find them
6. No long term PS with weaves and or braids extensions. Again with fine hair weaves and braid extensions can pull and weigh heavy on my hair strands and scalp causing more harm than good.
7. Taking VITAMINS for HAIR and overall HEALTH! I switch my vitamins up sometimes but I always take: A multi-vitamin for women, Iron supplement, and a Hair Skin and Nail Vitamin. Currently I'm also taking additional: biotin, MSM, Silica, and garlic supplements. It's winter so I do a little extra.
8. Condition your hair regularly and baby them ends!!! I baggie/GHE my twist nightly to be sure my ends are not drying out. When I baggie I just apply a little oil, or spray lightly with my moisturizer and seal with a light oil. This way moisture and product stays in the hair and off the scarf/pillow.
9. Be gentle
10. Eat right and drink lots of water!!
I have fine hair that I consider medium to low in density. What helps to keep my hair looking thick are:

1. not using relaxers
2. Finger detangling Only
3. Washing in sections
4. Using low manipulation hair styles
5. S&D getting rid of knots specifically as you find them
6. No long term PS with weaves and or braids extensions. Again with fine hair weaves and braid extensions can pull and weigh heavy on my hair strands and scalp causing more harm than good.
7. Taking VITAMINS for HAIR and overall HEALTH! I switch my vitamins up sometimes but I always take: A multi-vitamin for women, Iron supplement, and a Hair Skin and Nail Vitamin. Currently I'm also taking additional: biotin, MSM, Silica, and garlic supplements. It's winter so I do a little extra.
8. Condition your hair regularly and baby them ends!!! I baggie/GHE my twist nightly to be sure my ends are not drying out. When I baggie I just apply a little oil, or spray lightly with my moisturizer and seal with a light oil. This way moisture and product stays in the hair and off the scarf/pillow.
9. Be gentle
10. Eat right and drink lots of water!!

My hair has the same characteristics as charmtreese and ALL that she listed are a must for my hair. I'd add regular protein treatments to the list and if you have fine hair, I would suggest regular dusting or trims. Henna or cassia is excellent, I started doing regular henna treatments again and its working wonders for increasing the diameter of my strands. Strengthening your ends is key; protein, silica and removing the older, thinned (occurs naturally) will help keep those ends strong and healthy looking.

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