Any suggestions?


New Member
For the past few months, I've been trimming my hair 1/4 of an inch every month.

I'm an IDIOT.

My hair has grown about 4 inches since February.

So... in 8 months (I didn't do the trim this month) I cut off around 2 inches of my hair. I could have had even more length at this time. If I was to go on for a year, it'd have been 3 inches. :look: Why I didn't do this math before, I don't know.

At least I don't have spits

Now I'm thinking of taking 1/4 inch every 4 months and dusting (only cutting the splits out) my hair once a week.

The only thing is that I can't dust the back of my head alone. My hair is short, so I can't pull my hair from the back to see the ends.

I DON'T trust anyone to dust for me.

Is there anything that I can do? I can't think of anything except randomly sipping at hairs :eek: :shudders: :eek:
I would say, if you have damaged hair, then just get that cut off so you don't have to worry about it.

THEN, u can go for a good amount of time, even up to 6 months without having to trim at all. That way you already have your 3", depending on how fast your hair grows, and then after that, you can do 1/4" trims or dusts, every 2 months, in sections, as in just take a section of your hair and trim 1/4" so evidently, it looks like u didnt lose any length at all.

That's what I do. Before I started my hair journey, I went the salon and the lady asked if I wanted a trim and I said yes b/c i thought "might as well get rid of split ends now..." granted, she DID take off a LOT but I wasn't even 100% sure that the hair she cut was very healthy anyway, so whatever. From then on, which was March, to now, I dust every 6-8 weeks, and don't worry about it. Good luck :)
I don't have damged hair (thank God.. I spent a long time gradually cutting it off)

but, maybe because of diet or genteics or the texturizer or all three... because I take care of my hair TOO WELL... my hair definitely needs regular trims/dusting to stay healthy. I've tried not trimming (starting with hair that is nearly split free) for long periods of time with horrible results. This is the thing that made me trim 3 inches off all around in February.

I wouldn't call my hair damaged, because it looks healthy, doesn't break much, has good elasticity and porosity etc... just has a tendancy to split.

It's more of a maintanace thing, I want to keep on top of those splits so that they don't have a chance to get anywhere.

I also oil my ends and detangle carefully to help stop them... I wouldn't call them out of control splits... but I don't like them.

Just want to know how to get the back without doing a real trim... I want to dust the back. I may have to break down and let my brother, mother or b/f do it :(

They are the only people I even halfway trust to do this :lol: