Any Special New Year's Hair Plans?


Well-Known Member
Hey All!

What are you all doing to your hair for New Year's Eve / New Year's Day?

Are you wigging it up?
Poofing it out?
Sleeking it up?
Hiding it? :hide:

Pics / inspiration welcome!
I'm having a sleepover at my house- wine and cheese party...And my kitchentician is going to straighten it for my final length check of the year!!!!
I plan to let my hair down ( literally) and straighten it for the first time in several months. I've been in a bun or a ponytail daily, but want to try to look cute for a date with DH.
i'm not going out or anything...and i didnt plan on straightening till my BC anniversary in march, but i actually think im going to do a rollerset and possibly silk wrap just to have documentation of what my hair looks like at the very beginning of the year so i can compare it with the end of next year.
That's my wedding anniversary and I need some hair ideas. We are going to spend the weekend downtown Chicago in a nice hotel to celebrate our 13th year. I want wear my hair in a puff but I afraid of the weather drying my hair out. Any ideas ladies?
I'm going to BKT regularly in the new year.

Then, I'm going to keep my old school regimen and not try any new techniques, etc.

Hope to retain at least 5 inches in the new year!
I did a twist out for Christmas and is was really good, if we do anything or go anywhere I will probably do another twist out. If not I will just do an over night DC.
I'm going out to a lounge for NYE. I wanted to wear it straight (but my hair poofed up as soon as I stepped out of the plane for my Christmas vacation in Texas :rolleyes:) I'm still too afraid of heat damage to do a hard enough press to ensure I don't get reversion, so I think I am going to try my first natural twist-n-curl. I loved my results when I was transitioning but I'm nervous about how it'll turn out this time. I think I am going to do a trial run tomorrow night.
I can't decide whether to straignten it and wear it sleek or to go with a Big Bodacious FRO!! It's so cold here. Dunno what to do.
Straight because i am trimming Friday afternoon.. and I can't wait!!

I'd rather wear it natural.. but there won't be enough time.
That's my wedding anniversary and I need some hair ideas. We are going to spend the weekend downtown Chicago in a nice hotel to celebrate our 13th year. I want wear my hair in a puff but I afraid of the weather drying my hair out. Any ideas ladies?

Bumping for you. I'm not familiar with the weather there but hopefully some of the other ladies will chime in. :yep:
i just twisted my hair, so i just wear it in twists, or if i can make this wig work, i will wear that. i still have no dress or place to go.