Any side effects to using Neosporin AF or Yeast Infection cream

Vicki in Oregon

New Member
Are there any internal side effects to using Neosporin AF or the yeast inf creams that contain the same active ingredient, the one that begins with an "M"? Always forget the spelling. Because some topicals can have systemic changes (ie Minoxidol causing hair growth on non scalp areas) and I just want to make sure nothing else will happen. Already I am upset knowing that MSM could potentially have caused my cup size to increase. Stuff like that I don’t need….not bigger hips, nor facial hair and any other hormonal issues. Any opinions appreciated, thanks!
I have not heard of any side effects and we have discussed this SO MUCH and there is SO MUCH research. You should do a search here and online to get more info for yourself.

I am all for growth aids if that is what a person wants. But, honestly, I think if there is any cause for personal fear of any method or supplement, then it is best not to use anything and just let your hair grow naturally w/o the use of creams or supplements.
I tried it out and I was getting really bad migraines. I posted it here and there were a couple of other ladies who experienced the same. I stopped using it because I was afraid this was causing some sort of brain damage. I have to say I did notice an increase in hair growth but I just could not take having migraines everyday because of this product. hth
Ellis said:
I tried it out and I was getting really bad migraines. I posted it here and there were a couple of other ladies who experienced the same. I stopped using it because I was afraid this was causing some sort of brain damage. I have to say I did notice an increase in hair growth but I just could not take having migraines everyday because of this product. hth

Hey Ellis,

You know, come to think of it, I was getting headaches at one point, as well. I have not used Neosporin AF in a while because it seemed to drying to my new growth and I did stop getting headaches. Interesting. I did not know others were feeling the same.

I have not used any growth aids in a few weeks, but I started using a non-drying anti-fungal cream by DermaDoctor w/o the headaches. I stopped using that only because I wanted to stretch my relaxer this time.

Anyway, that is very interesting!
I also did not notice the headaches were related to using the product until I noticed everytime I would wash my hair I would be fine but as soon as I would apply the mn, the next day I would wake up with a headache and feel really dizzy like if I am going up some stairs I felt that my head was spinning. I know MN works for sure but I really value my health more then having longer hair.
Maybe you're allergic to something in the mix. It happens. I wouldn't use it anymore if I were you.
DDtexlaxd said:
Maybe you're allergic to something in the mix. It happens. I wouldn't use it anymore if I were you.

I may be allergic to it, as well. But, I don't think it is the MN, it must be something else. I did not get those headaches using the Derma Doctor cream.
That's interesting. I've been using a mix for the past three weeks or so. Last night and this morning I started only putting the MN on my scalp and I had a headache for a good part of the day. It crossed my mind that it might be from using the MN but I didn't give it too much thought.
Has anyone continued using MN even after experiencing headaches? Does anyone know why this might be?
I agree wholeheartedly that ones health comes 1st which is why I asked the question when i began this thread. I've said this before and I'll say it again. I am desperate so that is why I am willing to try different things...assuming they wont harm me.

I am not a girl who is impatient and therefore cuts her hair before it grows out. I have had waist length hair since I was in highschool and now I am 30. I took care of my naturally curly hair well because I wanted it to not just be long but healthy, pretty, thick, shiny etc...I did not do this for over a decade because I thought some malicious hairdresser would burn tons of my hair off with bleach she put on my hair, completely unauthorized. When you took care of your care that long & next thing you know you have to cut a FOOT off your beautiful hair that people that was extensions because it looked so good, and it was the one thing you got compliments on, well....what can I say...a person becomes desperate. And like I said befoer, the health and thickness of my hair was harder for me to take than even losing length. I feel like now I am strarting from scratch! We are talking years and years worth of growth and at my 1/4 inch a month, I had to try something. One day you have 10 hair and the next day nothign remotely close. Not easy transition and so sudden :(

I will read what I can on here but if i ask a question that has been asked it is because I work 2 jobs to survive. Just an FYI. I am not lazy, just tired all the time.

As far as headaches. I have noticed headaches too since I began this stuff! I tried the NEosporin AF and more recently the yeast infection cream. I assumed it was my tmjd related headaches since those are chronic but lately they were worse than the average so nowi guess i maybe know why. And if something works I have to does it in fact work? It sounds good on the surface but for it to work it makes me worry what it does in the process that may affect other things. I am torn, I want to see some results so I have some hope. BUt this talk of brain damage on top of the head pain is a bit much! I hate not knowing.
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Today was the last day I used this. NO more. Could we have caused any permanent damage?!?!? I am totally paranoid I admit that in advance. And right now with the headaches I am experiencing my mind is racing, worried what can happen. Ugh. I can't wait to go back to my usual headaches. But add my chronic headaches i live with to waht is going on now and I can't handle the pain at all. So if there is alternative please do share.
I used it for about a month and I had terrible headaches but I did not link the two. I gave it up because although it sped up growth I just felt why bother? Just let my hair grow at it's own pace.

Since giving it up it took about 4 months for the headaches to go away completely. Also my hair growth slowed after I stopped. I used to get half an inch a month consistently.

During the monistat, my hair growth increased to 1.5 inches a month but when I stopped the hair growth slowed to 1/4 an inch per month.

That was in March and my hair growth is back to it's normal 1/2 inch a month growth now. This is my experience obviously your's might be better. Maybe you could do a trial and see how you go. I know you must be desperate to get your length back. I saw your before and after pics you posted after that disasterous salon trip and read the post so I know it must be difficult for you you to adjust right now.
I didn't experience ANY side effects. I dunno...maybe because I mixed both the MN and Neo with my Lenzi's Request. :confused:

I hope that all of you are feeling better now...headaches and migranes are no joke and no fun.:(
Thanks Brit. My headaches are out of control and I used just one tube of Neo and one time Monistat. I can’t stand these headaches and wonder when I will get back to my normal manageable head and neck pain. Naz I am so glad you did not experience this! Thanks for checking out my pics. But I still wonder if this stuff does damage, headaches or not. U still use it? Never will I use again. Did people say Visical worked? Was that the spelling? Does it have side effects other than being expensive? Anyone know how it works?

Have you tried MSM supplements. The powder is doing wonders for my hair, nails and skin. I stopped using growth aids about 2 or 3 weeks ago and even then I was only using the DermaDoctor MN cream once or twice a week fro about a month. (No headaches with this one, but like someone else said, I was feeling like "why bother") Anyway, I may still have some of the risidual effects of the Derma Doctor MN cream, but my hair is doing very well (BETTER ACTUALLY) w/o anything being applied to my scalp.

MSM has given me a nice steady growth rate and my new growth is softer.

When I did a search on this topic before I read nothing about headaches. So I am glad I asked but wish I knew before I started it because it happened to enough people that I would not have been willing to risk more headaches than I already deal with.

Honeydew I was taking 3,000 mg of MSM daily throughout the day for months with no change in growth rate so I stopped it. Especially since info came out about it causing hormonal fluctations that increases the cup size of some users. Something I do not want. :(
Vicki in Oregon said:

When I did a search on this topic before I read nothing about headaches. So I am glad I asked but wish I knew before I started it because it happened to enough people that I would not have been willing to risk more headaches than I already deal with.

Honeydew I was taking 3,000 mg of MSM daily throughout the day for months with no change in growth rate so I stopped it. Especially since info came out about it causing hormonal fluctations that increases the cup size of some users. Something I do not want. :(

Oh, yeah, you did mention that.

Vikki, if i were you I would just eat right, workout, give my hair the TLC it needs and let your body do its thing!!!

You could try some essential oil mixes with Jojoba oil, emu oil or something like that.
Brit, are you saying that when you stopped using this that your hair actually began growing slower than its usual rate!?!? OMG. Right now I just want the excrutiating headaches to stop. Honeydew I will continue using my essential oils to massage my scalp. They have not done anything all this time but will use them regardless.
Vicki in Oregon said:
Brit, are you saying that when you stopped using this that your hair actually began growing slower than its usual rate!?!? OMG. Right now I just want the excrutiating headaches to stop. Honeydew I will continue using my essential oils to massage my scalp. They have not done anything all this time but will use them regardless.

I don't think you should worry too much if you have stopped using the MN. I stopped a few weeks ago and I feel way better now. I don't get headaches or feel dizzy anymore. I am not an expert in hairgrowth but in the past what has helped me were vitamins. Hair energizer vitamins worked excellent for me and they were inexpensive. Naturemade B complex is another one that is good. Alot of the ladies here rave about nioxin so you may want to give that a try.
I get migraines w.o the MN but I didn't seem to have any when I used it. Same thing happened with headaches for me while others got headaches.
Vicki in Oregon said:
Brit, are you saying that when you stopped using this that your hair actually began growing slower than its usual rate!?!? OMG. Right now I just want the excrutiating headaches to stop. Honeydew I will continue using my essential oils to massage my scalp. They have not done anything all this time but will use them regardless.

I noticed that my hair did stop growing as fast for about 3 weeks after stopping using the MN but now it seems to be speeding up again.
HoneyDew said:
Slower growth did not happen to me after I stopped using it.

I didnt experience slower growth either.

Nor have I had any side effects, like headaches or what have you.
KiniKakes said:
I didnt experience slower growth either.

Nor have I had any side effects, like headaches or what have you.

And the only times I had headaches is when I tried (for a short time) using a Monistat mix that had 4% in it. I did not get headaches when I used any other product that contained MN.

Maybe it was the 4% for me.
I talked to my mom this morning and asked her how'd she'd been feeling lately. She too complained of rather intense headaches.

ETA: She was using the 2% Neosporin AF.
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At the risk of sounding selfish, I do wish this info had come out a couple weeks ago before I started taking it. Certainly people had these problems before 2 weeks ago. Like I said, my normal headaches combined with what this thing is doing to me is so unbearable I can't focus at work and it is not reducing despite not using it anymore. I am so upset at myself for trying this. the head, neck, temples inner ear pain is terrible. I realize most don;'t have the neck pain and inner ear pressure but since I get that to a *degree* anyway, and for me they are all connected anyway, I have experienced the symptoms of this product differently and I hate it :( I cant help but worry about long term effects or any damage caused? Anyone know? in my mind I feel like, how can there be so much pain yet not associated with damaging effects? I hope I am wrong. I called the derm who is aware of my hair loss to ask about this but no response yet. I wish it would go away already.
Vicki in Oregon said:
At the risk of sounding selfish, I do wish this info had come out a couple weeks ago before I started taking it. Certainly people had these problems before 2 weeks ago. Like I said, my normal headaches combined with what this thing is doing to me is so unbearable I can't focus at work and it is not reducing despite not using it anymore. I am so upset at myself for trying this. the head, neck, temples inner ear pain is terrible. I realize most don;'t have the neck pain and inner ear pressure but since I get that to a *degree* anyway, and for me they are all connected anyway, I have experienced the symptoms of this product differently and I hate it :( I cant help but worry about long term effects or any damage caused? Anyone know? in my mind I feel like, how can there be so much pain yet not associated with damaging effects? I hope I am wrong. I called the derm who is aware of my hair loss to ask about this but no response yet. I wish it would go away already.

Well at least you made the right choice to contact the hair loss specialist.

My dermatologist gave me the okay to use Neo Af on my scalp and she is also the one that told me about the Derma Doctor anti fungal cream to use instead. The DermaDoctor site even suggests using it for people who get facial dandruff.

My doctor advised me that she could not give me much advice on the Monistat, though. So I tried it a few times and gave up on that one. I still have 5 applications of the 7-day Monistat left, because I feel more comfortable using the Derma Doctor antifungal cream.

I trust it and it does not dry out my hair. It is actually moisturizing.

I have not used it in a few weeks just because I want my relaxer to last longer this time, but I am not against it after talking with my doc about it.

I Hope your conversations with your doctor will put you at ease as I mine did.
Vicki in Oregon said:
At the risk of sounding selfish, I do wish this info had come out a couple weeks ago before I started taking it. Certainly people had these problems before 2 weeks ago. Like I said, my normal headaches combined with what this thing is doing to me is so unbearable I can't focus at work and it is not reducing despite not using it anymore. I am so upset at myself for trying this. the head, neck, temples inner ear pain is terrible. I realize most don;'t have the neck pain and inner ear pressure but since I get that to a *degree* anyway, and for me they are all connected anyway, I have experienced the symptoms of this product differently and I hate it :( I cant help but worry about long term effects or any damage caused? Anyone know? in my mind I feel like, how can there be so much pain yet not associated with damaging effects? I hope I am wrong. I called the derm who is aware of my hair loss to ask about this but no response yet. I wish it would go away already.

In all honesty, I don't think anyone associated their symptoms with the MN. When I asked my mom about if she'd been having any headaches, nausea or anything else unusual, she about dropped the phone. She said she'd had bad headaches but they've subsided this week. I asked her abut her usage this week: none. She gets headaches when she's very tired so she figured between work, meetings, church and bible studies she's just tired.

She didn't associate it, neither did I when she mentioned the headaches about a week ago.

I've not had any symptoms but because I'd been a user I decided to watch this thread. Now I'm glad I did.
So do I understand you ladies: HoneyDew and Kinikakes: That when you discontinued use of the "cream" that your growth remained at 1.5 inches or whichever faster growth rate you were getting with the cream. If so...maybe the cream jumpstarted your genetic rate after whatever encumberances were removed. If you did not relax, would you use it consistently, HoneyDew since you would not be concerned out the new growth coming in so fast? Thanks for replies. bonjour
I didn't get any headaches but I get a lot of growth. I applied it about 1 week ago after I washed my braids and haven't applied it since. I have about 1/4 inch of newgrowth. I will try to post pics tomorrow. I use the MN mixed with half jar of Nature's Blessings. I am probably just going to apply whenever I wash my hair and track my progress that way. Q