Any relaxed heads co-washing daily?


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
I've decided to do daily co-washes, I love it because I have an excuse to do something to my hair.... Oh, and my hair loves it too :lol: Any other relexed heads co-washing daily? If so, are you using any growth aids? I just started using MN and I'm not sure if washing daily is defeating the purpose of using it. I co-wash in the morning and put the MN mixture on my hair while it's still wet. So the MN is in my head for a whole day before I wash it out. What do you guys think?
I do!!!!!!:yep: Unfortunately, I'll have to stop when the weather changes :wallbash: I don't use any growth aids just a leave in, this stuff from profectiv and a little jojoba oil.
Girl, your hair is so pretty and thick! Is that a braidout in your siggy pic?
Awww, thank u. That's how it looks after a wash n go. My hair is relaxed, but my hair is still curly and it looks even better after a touch up.
I do on occasions. I have been doing it a lot here lately and it sure has helped my hair to be more moisturized.
:meme: I do, I love daily co-washing and so does my hair, it feels so soft and moisturized afterwards.:yep:
Awww, thank u. That's how it looks after a wash n go. My hair is relaxed, but my hair is still curly and it looks even better after a touch up.

What I don't understand is that my hair JUST started to curl after my last relaxer. I went from natural to relaxed last november, I just got a touch up about 2 weeks ago, and my hair curls. :huh: And its the ends that does the most curling.

But I do cowash daily, but only a week after my salon visit. Life is so much easier because I'm too lazy to actually style my hair :look:
What I don't understand is that my hair JUST started to curl after my last relaxer. I went from natural to relaxed last november, I just got a touch up about 2 weeks ago, and my hair curls. :huh: And its the ends that does the most curling.

But I do cowash daily, but only a week after my salon visit. Life is so much easier because I'm too lazy to actually style my hair :look:

I'm a lazy bones too. I hate styling my hair, I'm not very good at it :ohwell: I love co-washing because I have super soft, moisturized hair and all I have to do is pin it up and fuhget about it :grin:
Could daily co-washes help a person who works frequently and sweats a lot?

Sometimes it takes my hair forever to dry, especially when it's pined up... is it healthy to have wet hair all the time? Just wondering out loud...
Could daily co-washes help a person who works frequently and sweats a lot?

Sometimes it takes my hair forever to dry, especially when it's pined up... is it healthy to have wet hair all the time? Just wondering out loud...

I workout and sweat all the time, co-washing helps my head and hair feel fresh and clean every day. My hair takes a long time to dry too, but I figure as long as it's wet/damp, it's moisturized so there shouldn't be a problem *shrug* I haven't had any troubles, just soft and moisturized hair :)
3-4X/week or more. I don't do it everyday, but I don't think it will cause a problem. You just want to make sure you don't but any extra stress or pressure on your hair while it's wet. :yep: When I use growth aids it's typically at night before bed. I wash it out in the morning (if it's a cowash day) and reapply again at bedtime.
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Awww, thank u. That's how it looks after a wash n go. My hair is relaxed, but my hair is still curly and it looks even better after a touch up.

OK, I'm natural but when I go back to relaxer's I want your look. How did you do it?
I cowash anywhere from everyday a week to one day a week. I workout and sweat a lot so that's why I started cowashing and I love it. I think my hair does, too. When I cowash I usually do one of the styles in my no heat album of my fotki. I also may rock the donut bun. My favorite style to do after a cowash is the bantu knot set.
OK, I'm natural but when I go back to relaxer's I want your look. How did you do it?

I add the conditioner of my choice, right now I'm using Tressemme smooth and silky with about 10 drops of EVOO added to the bottle

1. Thoroughly wet hair and apply conditioner
2. Place shower cap and rinse last before getting out of shower
3. Mix together, in hand, leave in of your choice (salerm 21) and profectiv mega moisturizer in a bottle. Add to hair and scrunch while your applying
4. Lastly add a light oil of your choice and scrunch
***Most important*** DO NOT touch hair until 50% dry

I hope it makes sense :spinning:
I workout and sweat all the time, co-washing helps my head and hair feel fresh and clean every day. My hair takes a long time to dry too, but I figure as long as it's wet/damp, it's moisturized so there shouldn't be a problem *shrug* I haven't had any troubles, just soft and moisturized hair :)
Oh that's mega cool. I just bought some $.79 VO5 strawberries and cream. I figure I can add a little EVOO or Safflower oil or some selected oil and a tad bit of vegetable glycerin in there for a little extra added moisture touch during the colder months.

This is excellent information.
I dont co-wash daily..but I do wash every other day. I usually wear my phony donut daily--my braidouts were too much manipulation for my fine hair.
I do and it works really well for me. I wash and dc on Wednesdays and Sundays and co-wash on the other days. My hair loves it; my scalp loves it. I think it is one of the reasons I have no breakage. My big sis recommended it, and it works. I also put a combination of camellia and castor oil on my ends after the leave - in. It's all about having good hair.

Besides being lazy, I wear my hair up everyday, so the cowash is not a problem for my "style."
Oh that's mega cool. I just bought some $.79 VO5 strawberries and cream. I figure I can add a little EVOO or Safflower oil or some selected oil and a tad bit of vegetable glycerin in there for a little extra added moisture touch during the colder months.

This is excellent information.

I :love: this stuff! It's so moisturizing, the smell is yummy, and it's super cheap, too. You can't beat that! Even though it's a staple, I'm thinking about trying Suave Humectants. These conditioners are so cheap, I just wanna try em all :grin:
I cowash anywhere from everyday a week to one day a week. I workout and sweat a lot so that's why I started cowashing and I love it. I think my hair does, too. When I cowash I usually do one of the styles in my no heat album of my fotki. I also may rock the donut bun. My favorite style to do after a cowash is the bantu knot set.

Oh yeeeaahhh I meant to tell you a little while ago. Sorry I forgot :giggle: I love they way your bantu sets come out. And your twistouts are lovely too.
I wish i could---but my hair gets rough and tangly from using conditoners like vo5 & sauve
And then it needs quite a bit of moisturizer while its wet so it wont dry all parched & poofy.

I would have to rebuy my stuff every week
I may go back to cowashing daily, especially if restart my exercise regimen. I can't stand having a sweaty head. Bleccch! It's starting to get colder outside and it seriously robs my hair of moisture. If I go back to daily cowashing, then I will either rock a wash-n-go or a bun on the daily.
I've been cowashing more often and I love the way it makes my hair feel! I'm pretty sure that as my hair gets longer, I will be doing it more often.
i pretty much co-wash daily. it's the easy way for me to get curl definition again otherwise they end looking very dry and frizzy!
Bumping for more responses.

I'm thinking on re-starting my exercise program and it looks like I will have to try daily co-washing to keep my scalp clean.

Just hoping it doesn't take too much of a toll on my fine relaxed hair.