Any New Year's hair resolutions?


Well-Known Member
My resolution is to stop using brushes on my edges, and pulling my hair too tight.

The game plan is to use my hands, holding products or scarves to get a sleek edge look. For not pulling the hair too tight, I will only wrap the ponytail holder around 2-3 times.

I will also do more cardiovascular exercise to get that scalp blood flow for extra growth.
Unfortunately i was bad in 2014 so its about the same as last year lol

Be consistent w my regimen, more m/s, and scalp massages for bloodflow
I will drink at least 3 bottles of water daily and I will eat 3 or more veggies a day. I will also take my one a day vitamin and Hsn vitamin faithfully.

I will not buy every new product or hair gadget that looks cool. I will stick with my monthly DB regimen and tie up my hair nightly.
Eat better, drink more water, keep my hands out of my hair, do more protective styles, find a regimen that works.
Workout 6x a week
Stop jumping on hair bandwagons and do what makes me happy for my hair alone
Embrace being more feminine and doll up more often
Workout 6x a week
Stop jumping on hair bandwagons and do what makes me happy for my hair alone
Embrace being more feminine and doll up more often

Yes at the bolded but I think my issue is my weight....I am not happy with my body so I dress accordingly.

I plan to workout at least 3 times per week and use my treadmill at least 3 times per week.

Continue on my natural hair journey, I am 8 months post and because I started with short hair and have been getting it trimmed regularly (I prefer short hair) I am almost completely natural. :yay:

Find the products, styles and regimes that work for me. I am still experiementing.

Curb my PJ'ism :grin:
- Enjoy my hair. It's rare that I feel "cute"
- End transition at natural APL
- Stick to regimen and products that work
- Embrace health over length
I'm not so good with resolutions but I'm going to try this time. I'll be 30 (I feel funny typing that lol) in 2015. So my resolutions are:1)Stay up on my trims
2) Find a good regimen for my relaxed hair 3) Get in to better shape 4) Progess in all areas in my life (mental, emotional, etc). 5) Last but certainly not least (and it's not really hair related) but get closer to God.
Really take care of Tina and give her what she needs. I think I'll be protective styling with wig, crochet braids, or some other Marley hair style for 6 weeks then wear my hair in some stretched style for 2 weeks. Dc and hot oil weekly. I measured and my hair grows a little over half in a month. To try to accelerate this (and for general health reasons) I'm going to try to drink at least half gallon water a day plus at least walk for 30 minutes and workout at least 2x a week.

I'm thinking also of using msm consistently plus drink de water instead of regular and protein powder. (All for other reasons but will help hair)
Stick with what works...
Keep ends healthy...
Watch my spending...

Happy Hair Growing!
My only resolutions are to refrain from buying anything that doesn't fit into my regimen and start my regular regimen on January 1st. I'm seriously tired of trying products and now that I have a regimen that I know works, I'm just going for consistency. Going to use up left overs from this year and get on the program.
Stick to my new hands off regimen
Continue to wear wigs every day
Continue to take vitamins
Drink more water
Well this year I want to try something I haven't done in a while. My first year I learned about hair care my hair grew sooo much! I was taking such great care of my strands and straightening every 2 weeks. These past two years I've been trying to hide my hair in protective styles like bunning and things of that nature. I'm growing beautifully but my strands are breaking just as fast! I wanna cry!! So this new year going back to straightening my hair. Bring on the heat! :)
I just cut off 7 in of hair to even it up. I had breakage along the sides and the back of my hair. I had to cut it even from bra-strap length to neck length ouch !

But the up side is now my hair feels super thick and healthy now that a lot of the split / thin ends are gone.

With all of that said, my new years resolutions for my hair are to:
1) religiously trim my ends every 3 months
2) deep condition
3) buy a steamer)
4) continue to transition
5) moisturize as needed !
*Use higher quality hair products
*Go back to a modified curly girl method
*Stop trimming. I trim my hair waay too often.
-Continue protective styling as this has worked so well for me with health and growth
-DC more often
-Keep hair moisturized
-Treat my hair in between protective styling i.e. protein treatments, trim if needed, frequent scalp massages
-Pay more attention to my hair and do what it tells me to
+ Make more of my own deep conditioners.
+ Continue to deep condition weekly.
+ Use more stretched styles so I can enjoy my hair more (still trying to figure out if i can reasonably let my curlformers air dry).
+ Massage my scalp 3 - 4 times per week
+ Workout 5 days a week
I need to focus on my ends as it was the most troublesome aspect of my hair in 2014.
- Keep it simple because my hair prefers that
- Keep ends healthy through trimming and low manipulation
- Utilize set it and forget it styles
My style & hair goals:

Vitamins, work out, chlorella and spirulina, increase water intake order crea clip from crea, no salon trims, buy a Pibbs, DCs and maybe some growth aids (use up stash).

January - 3 weeks braided flat twists
February- 2 weeks natural twists
February- 2 weeks buns
March- Crochet braids
April- Roller set and length check

May- Braided flat twisted style
June-2 weeks natural twists
June- begin Marley twists
July-Marley extensions?
August- Roller set and length check

October- Curly spiral curl fro
November- ???
December- Roller set and length check- up do bun?

Once I break it out by month, I realize one year goes by quick!!!!
This. Plus, I will only repurchase things I run out of that work.

I am not trying anything new in 2015, other than what's already in my stash.

i need to quit repurchasing crap that i know doesnt work. like eco styler, aloe vera juice (big one, i buy this every year and i know it doesnt work), aussie moist conditioners, the list goes on. i need to buy only what i know works. save me money, time, and hair.
1. Continue my transition
2. Use my new steamer twice weekly with DCs.
3. No new product buys
4. Stick to my regimen
5. Take a multivitamin
6. Workout 5 days a week.
-get my water intake back to 100 oz a day.
-take my vitamins daily
-Regular workouts
-Stop cutting when I should trim
-Hide my hair more often
-finally rollerset my hair with the rollersetting supplies I bought years ago
1. Continue being consistent with my regimen.
2. Use up my stash and eliminate senseless spending.
3. Grow my hair to mid-back length this year.
4. Only relax 3 times in 2015.
My style & hair goals:

Vitamins, work out, chlorella and spirulina, increase water intake order crea clip from crea, no salon trims, buy a Pibbs, DCs and maybe some growth aids (use up stash).

January - 3 weeks braided flat twists
February- 2 weeks natural twists
February- 2 weeks buns
March- Crochet braids
April- Roller set and length check

May- Braided flat twisted style
June-2 weeks natural twists
June- begin Marley twists
July-Marley extensions?
August- Roller set and length check

October- Curly spiral curl fro
November- ???
December- Roller set and length check- up do bun?

Once I break it out by month, I realize one year goes by quick!!!!

Fine 4s, I have never seen anyone breakdown their hair plans by the style and calendar weeks like this. Sounds like a wonderful plan. I have problems just getting to "weekly wash and deep condition." :look: