Any Naturals With Small Kinda Flat Foreheads?


Well-Known Member
Ok yes I admit this is one of the WTH type questions:lachen: but I am soooo serious! I am transitioning again (long term this time no BC) and looking for inspiration from other tiny headed naturals:lol: I looooove big round foreheads (wish I had one:cry4:) but I noticed that whenever I tried to rock a style a forehead blessed sistah had t would just not look cute on me:cry4: Anyways just looking for inspiration from other forehead deficient ladies like myself:lol:
Your forehead looks normal to me. I can picture you with about three natural styles without thinking "eww". What's wrong with a small head?
You ladies have pretty foreheads to me:yep: I dunno it's not that's there's anything wrong with a small head, but my forehead kinda slopes like a cro magdon:lol: Wish it were round and not all weird around my brow line:ohwell:
Ok Dlewis you asked for it:nono:



See that weird horizontal dip in the middle? I dunno I think my momma dropped me on my head or something:nono: No roundness, no projection....kinda resembles my booty when I'm not lifting weights:lachen::nono:
:lachen: Girl, bye! I've never heard of that before. But I have a small, kind of flat forehead too. I've never thought that interfered with my styling options, though.
I'll echo everyone else and tell you that there's nothing wrong with your forehead. Shoot, my forehead is why I transitioned rather than do the big chop!
I have a small flat forehead. Really, a flat face in general.:ohwell: I'll attach pics so you can see.
I think your forehead is perfect for any hairstyle.

One pic is from a few months after my BC and the other is when my hair was a little longer. From that angle you can see how flat it really is.

When my hair was shorter, like really short, I would just wear twistouts or braidouts that were twisted or braided on dry hair because it would be longer. Now my hair overpowers my forehead. Wearing is down on the sides hides my flat angles, if that makes sense. :drunk:
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I have 3 fingers between my eyebrows and forehead, i dont think is small, but if you want i can post some pictures of my TWA
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I wish I had a smaller forehead!!!!!! I have a five head like Tyra Banks!!!!! LOL...your forehead looks fine to me. Look at the picture below its proof I have a huge forehead....I blame my mothers side of the family.
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lol, everytime this thread is bumped up it remind me how big my forehead is... lmao.... i think u have a cute small shaped head.