Any NATURALS who PRIMARILY wear straight styles?


Well-Known Member
I have been thinking about going natural for a long time. At first, I couldn't decide between texlaxed and natural, but decided that natural might be better because I don't know if I'd be able to texlax successfully.

Although I do love my relaxed hair and it is healthy, I miss my natural hair. If I do decide to go natural, I know that I will want to wear straight styles.

Are there any ladies here who have relaxed hair but straighten on a regular basis? If so, what have been your results?
I primarily wear my hair straight, haven;t noticed any damage from doing so. However as the weather warms up and humidity sets in, I will probably wear it curly. It's a losing battle trying to keep natural hair straight in humid weather.
One of my close friends who is natural wears her hair straight virtually all year round. She goes and has it washed and set and flat ironed every two weeks. It looks gorgeous, and is extreeemely healthy!
Me three. I am transistioning but I definitely think I will be straightening mainly. I do agree with the humidity part...can't avoid it.
I'm also natural and wear my hair straight all the time. But just like JLove74 said, when it's humid I'll usually just wear it curly. I'll just wash my hair apply conditioner and brush it back into a ponytail and wear it like that for a few days. I would like to do that alot more during the summer to refrain from using alot of heat.
I would think it is hard to trasition from relaxed to natural when you hair is that long already, You would have to straighten every time you shampoo, or cut the relaxed hair and start over.
I have been 100% natural for 6 years. As long has you do not abuse the heat and deep condition at every wash, you should be fine. I suffered from extreme heat damage because of neglect. So I gave up heat all together for 6 months and then I added it back to my regimen slowly but surely. I went from blow drying and flat ironing once a week to once every 3 months, to once a month and now I am contemplating every 2 weeks.

Since I have been taking care of my hair, I have been able to retain all of my length and I actually have new growth (healthy roots vs. damaged ends). Prior to LHCF my hair stayed the same length for 3 years.
I primarily wear my hair straight, haven;t noticed any damage from doing so. However as the weather warms up and humidity sets in, I will probably wear it curly. It's a losing battle trying to keep natural hair straight in humid weather.[/quote]

Thanks Jlove!
I would think it is hard to trasition from relaxed to natural when you hair is that long already, You would have to straighten every time you shampoo, or cut the relaxed hair and start over.

Several ladies on the board (lauren450 comes to mind) have transitioned or are transitioning (allandra)with long hair. Longer hair does not mean you have to do the BC or constantly straighten. You can to wear styles that blend the two textures- braid outs, buns, roller sets, etc.
I've been natural for almost 13 years and I wear my hair straight most of the year. In the summer, I will wear it curly most of the season. I've never had any major issues with straightening it as a natural.

When I stopped relaxing my hair, I had a beautician who helped with the transition. She was a lifesaver! My advice to you is to find a hair professional who can help you with the mission you choose.

I say go for it!
Im natural 4a And i Wear my hair Straight All the time Except for last Month! one Day i came To School With My True Hair of 4a and people ask me why did i stop Getting perms!??? i couldnt stop laughing about that:lachen:
:lachen:But it made me feel good too:look:
Im natural 4a And i Wear my hair Straight All the time Except for last Month! one Day i came To School With My True Hair of 4a and people ask me why did i stop Getting perms!??? i couldnt stop laughing about that:lachen:
:lachen:But it made me feel good too:look:

You sound like you definitely got it down to a science...

I would like to be able to wear it straight during the summer, but I know it is a pipe dream...
Several ladies on the board (lauren450 comes to mind) have transitioned or are transitioning (allandra)with long hair. Longer hair does not mean you have to do the BC or constantly straighten. You can to wear styles that blend the two textures- braid outs, buns, roller sets, etc.

agreed! i started this transition at bsl and it's the same techniques being used now after i've cut up to apl
I would think it is hard to trasition from relaxed to natural when you hair is that long already, You would have to straighten every time you shampoo, or cut the relaxed hair and start over.

I think going natural for people with longer hair might be easier up to an extent because all your relaxed ends will stretch out the natural hair and make your new growth a little less noticeable. I have hair thats about 2-3 inches longer than shoulder length, and things like braid outs don't work for me because my hair i think isn't long enough to where the braid out looks nice and not like i had some braids and took them out recently lol.

But to answer your question I've been straightening my hair quite a bit and haven't noticed any damage yet to my natural hair (i'm on my 6th month of transitioning). I straighten my hair every 2 weeks, and it straightens pretty well (though straightening is time consuming, takes about 2 hours ). I deep condition my hair a lot though and make sure my hair is moisturized and i do protein treatments when needed. I just say don't over use heat, and since you've kept your relaxed hair healthy so successfully then transitioning shouldn't be that hard.
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I'm natural, I wear my hair straight all year round, with the exception of the last 3 months (just had a baby and did not have the time to straighten it after washing!).

I have very fine strands and I have not had any damage from wearing it straight 24/7, i've been doing it for about 4-5years now.
I'm natural, I wear my hair straight all year round, with the exception of the last 3 months (just had a baby and did not have the time to straighten it after washing!).

I have very fine strands and I have not had any damage from wearing it straight 24/7, i've been doing it for about 4-5years now.

Your hair is BEAUTIFUL! What's your reggie? Do you have a fotki?
Most of the black women that i've seen who have GORGEOUS heads of straight hair are naturals who press or flat iron. I went to elementary school with a girl who had gorgeous mid back length natural hair and she got it pressed every two weeks...when she didnt wear it straight it was two-strand twisted and worn a bit past shoulder girl by the way, coarse hair.

IMO natural pressers have the most desirable heads of straight looks so much more shiny, THICK, heavy, and healthy.

WARNING: Pressing FREQUENTLY AT HIGH HEAT WILL ravage your curl just will. If you are okay with this, cool. I know folks will come in here and say that their hair is doing just fine, which i wont disagree with LOL, but i guarantee if you compared their pre -pressed hair to their pressed hair over a long period of time there will be a difference in the look/feel of the hair.
I'm a natural who straightens 80% of the time and my natural curl pattern is in tact.:yep: My hair retains length and my ends are split-free!
I have the best of both worlds; I wear my hair straight one week; wear my hair in its natural state the next week, or do a blow out and go kinky-straight.
I have the length I desire and I don't have to worry about transitioning...I get to keep all of this hair.
I'm a natural who straightens 80% of the time and my natural curl pattern is in tact.:yep: My hair retains length and my ends are split-free!
I have the best of both worlds; I wear my hair straight one week; wear my hair in its natural state the next week, or do a blow out and go kinky-straight.
I have the length I desire and I don't have to worry about transitioning...I get to keep all of this hair.

Pinkskates, I've watched your hair straightening video and I really like your techniques, products, and results. I plan on straightening soon and an electric hot that sufficient or do your recommend strictly using the stove? I also wanted to know if you use flat irons?
Originally posted by lynndiallo
Pinkskates, I've watched your hair straightening video and I really like your techniques, products, and results. I plan on straightening soon and an electric hot that sufficient or do your recommend strictly using the stove? I also wanted to know if you use flat irons?

Thanks lynndiallo,
I've used the electric hot combs before and they are fine for straightening; I personally didn't like using it because the cord gets in my way when getting close to my roots.
My favorite is the stove and free hot comb, because I'm used to it and I have my pressing technique down to a science using this method.
Yes, I have 2 flat irons and once in a while I do use them; but after using my flat iron; I always need to use my baby hot comb to get my edges silky smooth.
Check out Pinkskate's tutorial she does this successfully (fotki)

ETA: Sorry hadn't read through you did get a response from Pinkskates