Any Naturals Who Flat Iron with Just Leave in, oil and no Heat protectant?


Well-Known Member
Ok its been like almost 3 years since I have been natural and used no heat at all in 3 years! I now have the flat iron itch but would like to know has any natural used leave in and oil to act as a heat protectant and moisturizer at the same time? My method of flat ironing is to skip the blow drying all together and moisturize with Jessicurl weekly deep treatment as my leave in and either JBCO or oyin burnt sugar to act as a moisturizer and heat protectant and twist into big twist let it air dry to about 95% dry brush out then flat iron. I posted in another thread how I did slightly flat iron late last year using almost the same method but instead of brushing out the twists I combed it out and 2 days after I flat ironed my hair my ends would break off in bits but I think that was due to the fact that they were dry so I wanted to attempt again next wash day. Hope to hear some feedback from yall.
I remember reading of some naturals using coconut oil as a heat protective product but the general consensus is use a product specifically designated as one.

Good luck with your flat iron attempt.
Thanks for the replys but I have just done a search and found couple a threads with this same bad ladies!