Any naturals who blow dry weekly or every other and still sees growth?


New Member
just wondering who see's growth by getting there hair blown and curled or flat ironed weekly or every other week that does not have a relaxer!!!
My hair hates blow drying, my hair would die a slow death with all that heat. But some peoples hair handles heat better than others. How does your hair respond to heat?
For the last 4 months of 2007, I had my hair blow dried and flat ironed every 2 weeks by Balisi and my hair didn't suffer at all. In fact, it's growing faster than when I had a relaxer. I believe gentle handling, technique and products play a major role.
I blowdry every other week and I have not had a problem with growth. I have been natural for 2.5 years and my hair is past brastrap.
My hair hates blow drying, my hair would die a slow death with all that heat. But some peoples hair handles heat better than others. How does your hair respond to heat?
My hair responds soooo much better to blowdryer heat than it does with airdrying. My hair strands stick/matt together when I airdry no matter how much detangling I do.
Do any of you ladies use a great tourmaline blow dryer with a comb attachment?

trying to find one.
My hair hates blow drying, my hair would die a slow death with all that heat. But some peoples hair handles heat better than others. How does your hair respond to heat?

Yep, that's really the question. :yep: My hair HATES blowdrying. When I blow-dry, I end up with little broken hairs everywhere.

Now if I air-dry, then flat-iron, my hair is fine. Don't ask me why that is, because I have no clue. :ohwell:
Do any of you ladies use a great tourmaline blow dryer with a comb attachment?

trying to find one.
I have an ion 1875 watt ceramic styler dryer and I use it with a wide tooth comb attachment. I got it from Sally's after Christmas and it's great! I can't use a blowdryer without a comb attachment because my hair has super shrinkage.
I blow dry and press my hair every two weeks. I have no problem retaining length. I blow dry my hair without a comb attachment using the Ion 1875 Watt with Ionic Conditioning Airflow. I trimmed off an inch in Dec. 07 and that inch plus a little more is back already. My hair is now MBL. It's all about how your hair deals with heat, product usage and your hair styling technique skills.
Absolutely, my hair hasn't been this long since elementary school. I have been natural going on 6 years (july 2008). From experience and wearing it straight for the last 3.5 years, as long as you take care of it and do not abuse it with direct it, your hair should be fine. Stay away from the highest heat settings. And remember, hair can withstand 384 degrees of heat without being damaged.
Absolutely, my hair hasn't been this long since elementary school. I have been natural going on 6 years (july 2008). From experience and wearing it straight for the last 3.5 years, as long as you take care of it and do not abuse it with direct it, your hair should be fine. Stay away from the highest heat settings. And remember, hair can withstand 384 degrees of heat without being damaged.

stupid question, but is that F or C?
Absolutely, my hair hasn't been this long since elementary school. I have been natural going on 6 years (july 2008). From experience and wearing it straight for the last 3.5 years, as long as you take care of it and do not abuse it with direct it, your hair should be fine. Stay away from the highest heat settings. And remember, hair can withstand 384 degrees of heat without being damaged.

What sort of blow dryer do you use ?
My hair hates it! I have tried roller setting and my hair loved it. I retain so much moisture that way. Only thing is blowdrying gets my hair straighter.
I use a blowdryer every week without any problems. My hair is terrible when I air dry. It mattes together and takes over a day to dry, so I have to blowdry.
Interesting Post!!! I have been natural for going on 3 years and for the first couple of years I did not apply heat at all. I just twist or wore it in puffs. My hair stayed the same length until recently I've decided to blowdry and flat iron my hair one a month or every 6 weeks and my hair seem to somewhat love the heat. :perplexed
I'm considering blow-drying more often. My hair seems to thrive when I keep it in a more stretched out state.
I blowdry my hair every other week and I still see growth and retain length.

Pooh, when did you start straightening on a regular basis??

I blowdry every other week and I have not had a problem with growth. I have been natural for 2.5 years and my hair is past brastrap.

Absolutely, my hair hasn't been this long since elementary school. I have been natural going on 6 years (july 2008). From experience and wearing it straight for the last 3.5 years, as long as you take care of it and do not abuse it with direct it, your hair should be fine. Stay away from the highest heat settings. And remember, hair can withstand 384 degrees of heat without being damaged.

So, you ladies have been straightening on a regular basis, for a long time, and you haven't lost your natural hair texture??
For the last 4 months of 2007, I had my hair blow dried and flat ironed every 2 weeks by Balisi and my hair didn't suffer at all. In fact, it's growing faster than when I had a relaxer. I believe gentle handling, technique and products play a major role.

I 2nd that!:yep: I do see some shedding from time-to-time, but it doesn't seem to stop it from growing.
I blowdry my hair every other week and YES, I've seen progress. I do think my hair would benefit if I could cut the blowdrying out. But I have superrrr thick hair and my hair is a mess when I airdry. I use a dryer with a comb attachment. I've dryed the flat brush and nozzle attachment technique (I hear its much better for your hair) but my hair was like "uhhhhhh NO, go ahead and put that comb attachment back on please". HAHA.... What matters most is how you handle your hair (keeping it moisturized, conditioned, and heat protected)! I think that's why I've seen progress.
I don't use heat quite that often but I can't just airdry. I have to airdry and lightly flat iron or blowdry, if I don't my hair is a mess. I use direct heat once very 3-4 weeks. Actually when I stopped using heat altogether I had more problems with tangling and knots.