Any Naturals use Joico K-PAK or the Sally'? How?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,

I recently picked up the Sally's generic version of Joico K-PAK, and I'm not certain how to use it. Any tips? Do you mix it with anything, or use it according to the package directions? Deep conditioner, rinse out? How long? With heat? Help!

ETA: The title should say "Or the Sally's version".
I guess maybe no naturals use it, then. I just get worried about protein, but I kind of feel like I need to add more in my regimen. And the fake K-Pak smells so good. :lick:
I have it, but I haven't used it. I do use heavy protein though, I use both Emergencee and the Aphogee 2-step treatment. With those, I make sure to follow the directions exactly, and always follow up with a deep conditioner, preferably with oil added. So if the directions say 10 minutes, I do 10 minutes, rinse, follow with a DC for 20 or 30 (20 for Nexxus, 30 for Aphogee). Then rinse and style. Oh, and I'm a 4a natural. HTH!
I use it. I have the K-Pak reconstructor, K-Pak Conditioner and Shampoo.

I would condition with a plastic cap after washing, rinse. Then follow up with a moisturizing conditioner under the dryer(Aubrey's HSR). I've been using Aphogee 2 min for this recently. It was my protein treatment product.

I only used the reconstructor after I took out some braids or weaves, since being natural. I followed up with a moisturizing deep under the dryer condish afterwards too.

I don't use the shampoo much anymore.

I didn't leave them on very long usually like 15mins or until my shower was over. LOL.