Any naturals that still relax front edges?

My hair lays down with gel, a pomade or H20 (depending on the weather).

I say if it makes you happy do it. However I do feel you are no longer natural once you do so. Maybe I'm crazy but its kind being " a little bit pregnant".

I think the same thing. In the end, it's your head, and you can do what you want to, but gel and a brush work well for me.:yep:

I think about relaxing all the time, but for me it's either all or none. At this point, I'm sticking with none.
I think you may be surprised at how nice your edges look once you are completely natural. When all of your hair is natural you won't need your edges to be as straight as you did when relaxed. If you baby your edges with good conditioners, moisturizers, oils and gentle handling you will probably be surprised at how nicely they lay down and how pretty they look. Now if after going completey natural and after babying your edges they still look too rough to you, do what you gotta do. But I suggest that you give your natural hair a chance. I rarely use gel on my hair, water, moisture, oil and a scarf is enough, but I know that everyone is different. If you do end of relaxing your edges, to me you would be mostly natural, but it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, what matters is that you and your hair are happy.

I agree!:drunk:
If you put those chemicals in your hair, you will no longer be natural. There is no half natural, 99.9% natural, none of it. It is all or nothing. It doesn't sound that you are really ready to committing to going natural. That would be too much going on in your hair and your edges may suffer for it. Why are you transitioning anyway if you are thinking about setting yourself back by relaxing your edges? I would think about this carefully, because it seems like you want a certain type of hair type that you don't know if you have or not. Don't work against the grain.
My hair lays down with gel, a pomade or H20 (depending on the weather).

I say if it makes you happy do it. However I do feel you are no longer natural once you do so. Maybe I'm crazy but its kind being " a little bit pregnant".

:lachen::lachen::lachen:Funny as hell but I agree!!
Natural = no relaxer in any form. Its not a judgment, just a definition. If you're seeking a certain look then by all means do what you'd like - after all its your own hair.
I have and still am considering this. I rarely if ever, wear my hair natural. I decided to go natural even though I prefer my hair straight, pressing, in my opinion is better for my hair than a relaxer. So I'd be willing to relax just my edges that I have clipped in the photo below. Its a very small amount I'm talking about..and when I say edges i mean only the sides of my hair. Not the front part under my bangs. :blush: That section I"m considering relaxings is rather long actually so maybe it'd be a little less than what i have clipped. Hopefully, my hair will start to lay down better before I am convinced I should do this b/c i would love to make my hair lay down on its own. I'm going to try some of the tricks you ladies mentioned in this post.

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I would not relax my edges because I want to remain natural. My edges lay down just fine when I want them to. My edges tend to be fragile, so I definitely would not want to relax them.
Half the reason I'm thinking of transitioning is to give my delicate edges a break from relaxing. For me, they are the most fragile areas of my hair, so I'm looking forward to not relaxing them, haha!

If your hair is strong enough, I don't see why it would be a problem. Do what works for you! :)