
Magical Mythical Princess
i usually deep condition during the day and then air dry in a bun.

i don't like to go to bed with my hair wet, but sometimes it the only option i have with family obligations, etc. i end up doing my hair in the evening.

i don't use heat, so how can i air dry overnight? and keep my hair stretched?

during the day i air dry in a bun and take it down when i get home. put it in two twists and keep it moving.....

i am afraid to sleep with a ponytail holder in my hair. does anyone do this without breakage?

or have any other nightime ideas?

if i sleep with my wet hair uncontained, i will have a dreaded up mess in the morning.:look:
I will sometimes do a French braid and then tuck the end of the braid in at the nape of my neck. In the morning I will put it in a bun.
I'll braid mine in 4 or 5 sections or if I'm really ambitious I'll partially dry it with a microfiber towel then do a cocoon set. I never sleep on loose, wet hair I'd wake up with one giant, crazy-looking dred loc. LOL
I always airdry overnight, I put all my products on, slick back in a bun pput on durag or silk scarf no problems.
You can always try putting your hair in a few braids or twists. :yep:
i do between five and eight ponytails and wet twist or sometimes braid depending on how well i detangle (less detangled/frizzier hair requires braiding). it takes a day to air dry if twisted, almost two days to air dry if braided... which means i only shampoo on weekends.

if i could french braid i would do that, but i cant... so... :lol:
I always airdry over night. I just put my hair in about 10 braids or 4 canerows and then put a scarf on. Sometimes it might be a little damp when I wake up depending on how late I do my last rinse.
I sleep in banded ponytails in my hair without breakage. It works because I don't do this very often, I usually airdry in celie braids. Twists don't give me enough tension at the roots to prevent matting/tangling.

3-5 banded ponytails will dry pretty quickly. If you have enough hair to bun, then the texture created by banding or braiding shouldn't be too much of a hassle in the morning.

After the second or third day, my hair is stretched pretty well and I can start rocking my "out" styles.

HTH! :)
I want to know this as well. I only airdry in braids or twists overnight to do something else to it in the morning. If I could airdry in a style that would be nice.....
When I'm bunning, I airdry in a ponytail with a scarf on overnight with no problems. I leave the ponytail in for 3 days as well :look:. I make sure my hair is very well moisturized and sealed and I soak the ponytail holder in oil to make it more slippery. I twist the hair in two twists in the ponytail, wrap a scarf around my edges, and let it dry overnight. As long as I make sure to wash mid-week and move the holder to a different area, I haven't had a problem at all.
I just stop air drying my hair in a bun. I found that it caused more knots and breakage. I now air dry in bantu knots,then put my hair in big twist after it dries. This has work wonders for me.I just got 3 inches cut off. So I'm actually testing out this theory to see if I can retain more length then normal.I want to see how fast I get the 3 inches back. I also spritz my hair with 50% hot spring water, 40% rose water and , 10% aloe vera juice then seal my hair with grape seed oil(ceremide). It's only been a month but I can tell that this will be a game changer for me.
I use a microfiber towel to get rid of most of the moisture then I twist my hair. I do 10-15 twists. It's mostly dry in the morning. If not, I use a blowdryer on the low setting as needed.
I air dry in about 12 bantu knots(twisted inside) once a week. Ideally I would love my hair to air dry during the day but it takes a full day air dry completely once washed and styled natural.
I wrap my hair in a t-shirt and my hair looks fab the next day!! This technique is very effective for me because I tend to put too much product on my hair when it's wet so wrapping my hair in a t-shirt helps taking any excess of product
I dry as much as I can with a tshirt. Then I apply my leave-ins, braid into 6-10 sections and air dry overnight.
I almost always airdry at night, relaxed or natural. Just braid the hair before hitting your pillow. I also sleep with my hair in a bun, but that's due to laziness - it's actually quite bad for my hair; I get lots of breakage in the front of my head (the first 1/2 inch of hairline along my forehead) if I do that with any regularity. Besides I spend most days with my hair in a bun so I figure it needs a break overnight - the constant tension is not good.
I slick my haïr back in a bun (using a super-size elastic band without metal made by goody; it looks like and might be a hand-band) and then create 2-4 braids/twists and pin them up to secure them. I baggy the ponytail only and then I use the scarf method to smooth down the front of my hair. In the morning, I remove baggy and wear hair as-is, unravel the braids/twists to have a braid-out bun or remove band to wear hair totally out in a braid out style.
I never airdry my hair loose, that would be murderous on my shrinkage and ends. When I do any air drying, it's in braids/twists.
Along with the others, I let my hair air dry in braids. I usually make 6-8. I never air dry my hair loose.
I wrap my hair in a t-shirt and my hair looks fab the next day!! This technique is very effective for me because I tend to put too much product on my hair when it's wet so wrapping my hair in a t-shirt helps taking any excess of product

pardon the dumb question, but wrap it how?

(if you mean like a beehive wrap, i can not comb my hair in a wrap around my head when wet...for me that would equal major breakage.)
I twist or braid mine and let it dry overnight. I haven't mastered buns yet so I can't give advice.

for you ladies who twist or braid ----- when you twist it, do you tie your hair down or use a bonnet? if you tie it down, do the braids hang loose outside of the scarf?

also, what do you use on the ends of the twists?
for you ladies who twist or braid ----- when you twist it, do you tie your hair down or use a bonnet? if you tie it down, do the braids hang loose outside of the scarf?

also, what do you use on the ends of the twists?

I don't use anything at the end of my twists. Just my moisturizer (Qhemet Biologics Burdock Root Creme) and some JBCO/EVCO is all I put in my hair after washing. I have 4A/B hair that holds itself, this might not work for type 3 hair though. I wear my Jiffy Pop bonnet or the one with the "tails" that wrap around your head. I tuck the twists/braids inside so it doesn't hang out.
plaits, braids, 2 strand twists.

i'd caution against bunning, esp if your hair is thick. i don't have thick hair but i did that for a while years ago and ended up with a (stinky) fungal infection on my scalp and had to put something like MN on my scalp to get rid of it. I have scalp eczema so my scalp is not healthy to begin with and couldn't handle the extended moisture.

make sure there's several parts and whatever you do is not super tight so there's plenty of airflow to the scalp. I'd also recommend using a satin pillow case and NOT covering with a cap as that will keep the air flow out and keep the scalp wet longer.

i know people get great results with baggying like this, but it's good to know the cons as well as the pros.

just my .02.